

Helluva Engineer
Wouldnt rule out pt for JJ - he is evidently a phenomenal athlete - looks pretty ripped in this pic and article said he is doing very well in practice.


Good job by the two redshirt quarterbacks. Did anyone read the part about Dedrick? Very impressive. He is up to 225lbs and got mostly "Bs" this semester. OUTSTANDING!! So happy for this young man. It sounds like he has his priorities in order and has turned things around.


I honestly thought we'd end up with 6-7 wins. It was nice to see the offense roll, in JT's last year. The defense has moments of greatness and moments of face palms... (Often both in the same game). I think the defense has to get some better communication going. Roof needs to learn how to disguise a blitz. Finally, we need some better play at the DL and LB levels. Both were over matched in quite a few games.

I'll end with this. I truly do not think that Roof is the answer that GT has been looking for. I understand that he is an alumni and I understand a few folks love him. However; when it all comes down it, the FEI rankings, the losses contributed to bad play calling and poor coaching, will catch up. Pitt was a loss, due to bad coaching. NEVER should you allow a WR to run past you, in the circumstance that led to the loss. Bad coaching. NEVER should you run a blitz, while having the CB's playing 15 yards off, when they need 6 yards for a 1st down on the 3rd and 6. Yet, that happened more times, than I'd like to count. He may be a good recruiter, but he is a bad situational coach. Too many head scratches, this season. At least to me. Maybe it's my OCD... Either way.

Great season. Go Jackets... and I'll see you guys, next season.


Helluva Engineer
I think everyone starts even and we see who wins.. i.e. Mills & Marshall

Heck...no one ever thought Tevin would see the field. He ended up being our starter for over 2 years. We all thought Vad would be the second coming, and he only lasted a year as the starter before leaving.

Nothing ever goes according to the plan of fans. Should be a fun Spring to watch our QBs go at it.


Helluva Engineer
I didn't read through this thread but just looked at the title 9-3 and it amazes me that some people want to complain about CPJ after taking us to three 9 plus win season. How many times has that happened at GT? I hope we keep cpj for another 5-7 years and then I hope Ken Niumatalolo becomes our next coach, I've said this before but man would that be great.


Helluva Engineer
I didn't read through this thread but just looked at the title 9-3 and it amazes me that some people want to complain about CPJ after taking us to three 9 plus win season. How many times has that happened at GT? I hope we keep cpj for another 5-7 years and then I hope Ken Niumatalolo becomes our next coach, I've said this before but man would that be great.

I doubt Coach Ken ever leaves Navy. He's pretty much on his way to the Navy Sports Hall of Fame, and there's less pressure on him there as opposed to the obstacles he has to deal with here at GT with more competitive recruiting and lack of resources. He said last year, if he was going to leave Navy, it would have been to go to BYU (he's a Mormon). BYU wanted him to change some things with his offense, and that was off the table for him so he stayed at Navy.

More than likely, if GT wants to stay with this offense, we might go with with a defensive guy as HC (like Ted Roof) and hire someone like Bryan Cook or Ivin Jasper at Navy as OC. There's a lot of people who think Jasper has taken CPJ's offense and improved upon it.

I don't think Stansbury or GT is married to this offense. I definitely think Stansbury knows the value of CPJ's offense, but I think he's going to do what's best for GT and not box himself in with coaches that only run our offense.


Helluva Engineer
Fredericksburg, Virginia
I didn't read through this thread but just looked at the title 9-3 and it amazes me that some people want to complain about CPJ after taking us to three 9 plus win season. How many times has that happened at GT? I hope we keep cpj for another 5-7 years and then I hope Ken Niumatalolo becomes our next coach, I've said this before but man would that be great.
I didn't read the whole thread either... but like most threads, 92.784% (scientifically calculated) of the discussion is not about 9-4 or CPJ. Wait for it..........

......It's about colors. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Love you guys! ...not in that way... but in the way that I keep coming back to be part of the group. ;)
Augusta, GA
More than likely, if GT wants to stay with this offense, we might go with with a defensive guy as HC (like Ted Roof) and hire someone like Bryan Cook or Ivin Jasper at Navy as OC.
Defensive coaches SELDOM make good head coaches......Bud Carson, Kirby not-so-Smart, etc. I would definitely not want to see us go that route. But it's really a moot point IMO, because I hope CPJ stays at Tech until he retires.


Helluva Engineer
Defensive coaches SELDOM make good head coaches......Bud Carson, Kirby not-so-Smart, etc. I would definitely not want to see us go that route. But it's really a moot point IMO, because I hope CPJ stays at Tech until he retires.

Well, now that AI is progressing more and more, GT can just resurrect the ghost of Coach Dodd, give it CPJ's offense, and everyone should be happy!


Helluva Engineer
Had that Sport Illustrated picture up with gold pants and looks like black numbers on a white jersey. How could I have forgotten the Citrus Bowl blue jerseys? They were amazing.

I thought they looked pretty good in 2015 fashion too.
