Vandy Postgame


Helluva Engineer

DC Bee

Ramblin' Wreck
Springfield, VA
Dude was pushing the pile. Wasn't ever really a threat to get to the QB, but he was strong against the run, and collapsed the pocket and helped create gaps for our rushers. Just only a T-FR. Wait until he gets grown man strong. He's going to be All-ACC before his time is done.

Doing what a true NT is supposed to do. We are going to see more of him defending in short yardage situations to stuff the middle.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Big day for Lynch. I'm glad to see him get going. I'm not sure if it was obvious from the east or west stands, but it seemed like JT and DM were having a tough time with the mesh. There were 4 or 5 plays where I was worried the ball was on the ground. I'm not sure but I think DM took the ball a few times where JT was trying to pull it. Special teams was great today, including the punting unit. Stewart misjudged one and gave me a scare, but besides that it was pretty clean and well executed.

Gonna fire up the replay right now and get to work.


Ramblin' Wreck
Two other things. How in the world did we ever sign Adams? DTs that size never sign with us.

It's easy to take Justin for granted, but he is really playing some ball. With the improved protection his passing ability is much better this year. He's playing the TO point guard, he dishes just right or he keeps and makes a big gain. Total poise this year. If it isn't there, he throws it away, but always in a way that isn't grounding.


Helluva Engineer

I don't think there was a completed pass to a WR yesterday. Need to get them involved. For some reason the passing game still hasn't clicked dispite better pass protection.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
OK, my post game analysis is complete. Overall, a great day at the Flats. Here's my scorecard:

Play Great Field Position - Tech has +14 on Vandy, with an average starting position on the 35 yd line vs. Vandy's 21. A big factor in the kind of plays you can run.
Play Great Defense - Tech only gave up 1/1 Red Zone scoring opportunities compared to Vandy's 3/4. Tech defense forced poor playing calling by Vandy. Good job.
Make No Mistakes on Offense - Passing Efficiency a big improvement over prior week @ 183. No fumbles and only one INT late in the game.
Be Great in the Kicking Game - Excellent punting this week, pinning Vandy down deep in their backyard. Twice. Leads to great scoring opportunities by the Jackets.
Capitalize on Turnovers - a scratch on this. No major turnovers (ok, 1 INT) but we should look to try and strip the ball more. Still, not a bad day.

Overall, a significantly better performance all around. Nice job Jackets.


Staff member

I don't think there was a completed pass to a WR yesterday. Need to get them involved. For some reason the passing game still hasn't clicked dispite better pass protection.

Brad Stewart caught a 16 yard pass. We had 222 yards of passing offense yesterday (some was from forward pitches, but there was real passing offense). I don't think there was a problem with the wide receivers--I just think that Searcy and Lynch were flat out wide open and got a lot of the yards.

We could have thrown more though, but I'm not upset about it. We backed off after JeT went out.

I missed the play where we threw to the punter. What happened on that play?

Some observations:


-Our LBs are still a liability in pass defense. They're OK against the run, but look lost in space.

-Tre Jackson. Dude is a fireplug. Great seeing him make plays, and brought a lot of energy and passion to his job. Love it.

-JeT has a little more juice this year, though better blocking probably helps a lot.

-If you wonder why Mikell Lands-Davis is playing WR and not AB, focus on him. Dude is ruthless out there putting guys on their backsides.

-Simmons and Saint-Amour need more snaps. We could have a REALLY good DL later this year, and definitely one next year.


-The QB1 position next year is going to be a legit race. MJ has looked alright, but he hasn't closed the door on the 2017 race by any means. Lucas Johnson, Jay Jones, and Marshall definitely have the opportunity to say something about it.

-Say what you want about our defense, but they've given up only 34 points in 3 games.

This team is definitely a bowl team. Heck, we actually should be in the race for the Coastal. May not win it, but we'll be a legit player.

Linebackers--Thought Curry looked good in pass defense, and Tre Jackson really good.

JeT--recovered from injury might be part of it. Better blocking should be a factor. Blocking looked MUCH better this week.

I'm glad to see DL rotation going on. I love to see lots of guys getting snaps out there and playing well. The front 7 was MUCH more disruptive this week. This is the first week I thought the defense looked good, against a line that was supposed to be solid.

I'm more impressed by the 7 points this week than the two previous weeks. After the first quarter, the defense looked a lot better this week.

In the first quarter, the only thing stopping the offense was penalties. Once we got past that, we rolled.
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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
What I found most encouraging was that the TEAM kept playing after those penalties. I seem to recall previous years they just seemed to give up when faced with those problems.


Ramblin' Wreck

I don't think there was a completed pass to a WR yesterday. Need to get them involved. For some reason the passing game still hasn't clicked dispite better pass protection.
That continues to worry me. I do like the fact that we are hitting the A backs on 4 verts but worry about not having anyone who can take the top off. CPJ is the world's best at being able to compensate though.


Ramblin' Wreck
If someone's already mentioned this then sorry for a repost but remember on college Gameday when the bold predictions was that Vandy would throw for 2 TDs of 40 yards or more and hold us to under 100 yards rushing?

They had their stats right but just the wrong teams.


Helluva Engineer

I don't think there was a completed pass to a WR yesterday. Need to get them involved. For some reason the passing game still hasn't clicked dispite better pass protection.
Lack of separation. You're not nitpicking. Camp had a nice catch but he was out of bounds. I watched the Vandy safeties yesterday and they were charging hard at the snap. Somebody needs to step up. We only threw at Jeune once I think, and the guy didn't bite on the fake. On the plus side, JT looks very sharp with his throws.


Helluva Engineer
I think it's becoming clear that Mills is CPJs guy. He did have issues with the mesh yesterday where it looked like JT made the correct read but Mills was trying to keep it. That's why I hated seeing him miss the Mercer game. He needs those reps. But he's a tough guy to bring down.


Helluva Engineer
I still don't understand our LB rotation and play
Vic got a lot of snaps yesterday, so I wonder if PJ is 100%. I saw our D Line guys fighting off blocks and making plays so I credit those guys for stopping the run yesterday. Agree that the LBs aren't making big plays, with yesterday's exception being Tre'.


Helluva Engineer
Interestingly, of the 222 yards passing, 158 yards came from 2 plays. 81 yard TD pass to MM, and 77 yard pass to Lynch.

On both plays, CPJ told the QBs (JeT to Marshall, MJ to Lynch) that those passes would be open. Sure enough...


on Pastner Polo watch
I think our starters should be Lewis Alford/Vic and PJ....Curry played well vs Mercer but got destroyed this game. I saw him get pancakes 1 too many times yesterday


Helluva Engineer
Lack of separation. You're not nitpicking. Camp had a nice catch but he was out of bounds. I watched the Vandy safeties yesterday and they were charging hard at the snap. Somebody needs to step up. We only threw at Jeune once I think, and the guy didn't bite on the fake. On the plus side, JT looks very sharp with his throws.
Camp was not out of bounds, they called it a catch, but there was a penalty.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Linebackers--Thought Curry looked good in pass defense, and Tre Jackson really good.

I too was impressed with Jackson's play. Some guys are "gamers" who play better in live action. Or perhaps it's maybe showing out when the opponent has folded up the tents a bit. Not sure which it was but he was impressive and plays with high energy. Hope to see more of him going forward.