Vandy Postgame


Staff member
Lack of separation. You're not nitpicking. Camp had a nice catch but he was out of bounds. I watched the Vandy safeties yesterday and they were charging hard at the snap. Somebody needs to step up. We only threw at Jeune once I think, and the guy didn't bite on the fake. On the plus side, JT looks very sharp with his throws.
I remember the play to Jeune. Shouldn't have faked it--the DB was yards off of Jeune and could have been hit for an 8 yard gain. The fake just gave time for Jeune to run to where the DB was.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Playing to one's potential is great. I might be concerned with the graduation success rate though. We aren't even in the Top 25. And before we jump into the debate over how hard Tech is ... Stanford is #1 at 99%. Not too shabby. I think we are somewhere in the mid-60's.


@I am a b 2
I'm not certain exactly to what you refer so I'm hesitant to reply. Gonna take a stab at it though.

If it's playing time primarily....well for starters, he is starting. Doing so on what I believe is our most talented Oline in decades maybe (young but talented as hell). So just starting is a compliment. There is a rotation though certainly. I think that has far more to do with the talent of Braun than any negative associated with SD. That rotation benefits both players IMO by keeping both fresh throughout the game. Both guys also have different skill sets which allows coaches a bit more variety in play calling.

I don't perceive any slights to SD through his playing time though. I think I've seen coaches stay with him more when things get tight and the pressure is on. Leads me to assume the coaches know, appreciate, and utilize the guy they perceive most capable of helping us currently in given game situations. Does this mean SD can't get beat out for starting job eventually? No. He needs to continue to improve just like everyone else on the Oline. If he does, and he has a track record here so I expect he will, he will probably continue as our starter.

If you refer to public comments made by coaches. The only negatives I can really recall were in regards to SD's size and conditioning. Things I think (from his own comments) SD takes to heart, agrees with, and has been busting his butt to improve on (he and others on the team as well).

I can tell you this.....I certainly appreciate him. He's one of my favorites out there. :)


Helluva Engineer
I remember the play to Jeune. Shouldn't have faked it--the DB was yards off of Jeune and could have been hit for an 8 yard gain. The fake just gave time for Jeune to run to where the DB was.

Yep that was on JT. He should have pulled the trigger and not hesitated.


Helluva Engineer
his own coaches won't show him love. smh what does he need to do to get a compliment, l

“I think Shamire has done a good job,” offensive line coach Mike Sewak said. “He seems to have tried to do a good job. His weight loss hasn’t been ideal, but his body (fat) percentage has gone down. I think it’s made him a little bit quicker.”

How good can Devine be?

“As good as he wants,” Sewak said.

There are a number of quotes in which Devine is referred to positively by coaches. He's a critical player in the offense:

“Shamire, he’s got to play,” Johnson said. “He’s got to be the guy.”

His importance is noted often. Coaches want the best for there players and best for the team. Everyone knows Devine has NFL written all over him but sometimes it doesn't seem to have the want to. No knock on him he's a great young man with a lot more going on than just football, but coach wants him to be DOMINATE. We all want Shamire to be Dominate and take over the line the way his potential projects he can.

Shamire is a starter for a P5 conference team. He making it, but I think we all know he can take it to another level. It might appear harsh or that they are being hard on him, but it's out of love and desire for him to be the best.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
“I think Shamire has done a good job,” offensive line coach Mike Sewak said. “He seems to have tried to do a good job. His weight loss hasn’t been ideal, but his body (fat) percentage has gone down. I think it’s made him a little bit quicker.”

How good can Devine be?

“As good as he wants,” Sewak said.

There are a number of quotes in which Devine is referred to positively by coaches. He's a critical player in the offense:

“Shamire, he’s got to play,” Johnson said. “He’s got to be the guy.”

His importance is noted often. Coaches want the best for there players and best for the team. Everyone knows Devine has NFL written all over him but sometimes it doesn't seem to have the want to. No knock on him he's a great young man with a lot more going on than just football, but coach wants him to be DOMINATE. We all want Shamire to be Dominate and take over the line the way his potential projects he can.

Shamire is a starter for a P5 conference team. He making it, but I think we all know he can take it to another level. It might appear harsh or that they are being hard on him, but it's out of love and desire for him to be the best.

This!!!! (*dominant)

Let me just add, the process of becoming great includes learning that good enough isn't good enough. It is really high praise when experts see in you more potential than you see in yourself.


Helluva Engineer
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Brandon Adams looked great !! Good looking NG stood up his man and held his ground.
PJ Davis is under-rated because of his size, he is virtually all over the field.

It seemed to me that the pass-rush really picked up in the 2nd half, what do you guys think ?
A. Vandy wore down
B. Vandy playing from behind
C. Defensive Scheme
D. Personnel Package
E. Other


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
I'll go back to the Five Fundamentals ... Vandy lost it from the git go with poor field position. They compounded their problem with poor play calling and as desperation set in, it only got worse. A perfect storm for them. And us to take advantage of.

I don't think Clemson will be in the poor play selection category. We will have to stop them.

Should be fun. And a great game. I'm looking forward to it.


Helluva Engineer
his own coaches won't show him love. smh what does he need to do to get a compliment, public support,loyalty ? from those he has been loyal to. ( coaches & fans) Ya'll have my son out here looking like a joke. I never thought going to such a prestige college would have been possible. Thank you GT for the opportunity. I have never seen shamire used so wrongly on the field, i have never have a coach not have a good word or three to say about him,shamire has never not did what a coach has told him to do,he has never not put in 100% effort,he has never had to crawl for a tackle, he has never been so down played on purpose by those so close to him. is this embarrassment to him as an athlete ,brutality to his body and head games to his to his development as a man ,worth such an education? an even swap aint no swindle. swarm help me understand what's happening. i am over patients and silence. not over praising shamire .there is no one man team. also not taking from all the other same hard working student athletes ,(the proudly recognized ones & unrecognized ones ) I am trying to be a positive part of this jacket family, but after every game ,press conference, talk show ,radio show i feel everything but a positive GT family feel? i haven't even seen the game yet. somebody please upload !
First and foremost, the fans on this forum love Shamire. I'm certain the coaches do too, they just want him to reach his full potential. My guess is they are a little frustrated with how to motivate Shamire, not all kids are motivated by the same things.

One thing I do know is that right guard is the most important position on the OL and likely the second most important position on the field after quarterback. Shamire is our starting right guard. There is nobody else the coaches want at that position than Shamire. We do have a talented back up getting snaps there, too, but that's understandable. The position takes a beating and the season is long. We're gonna need Shamire at full strength and health when we face the big boys, especially Uga later in the season. Him splitting reps is a very good thing, in my opinion. Also, it's never a bad thing to be pushed by competition. It's what brings out the best in all of us.


Helluva Engineer
It was on JT but not for that reason. That was a designed stop and go not the typical option route that WR usually run where they are reading man or zone
OK, so what's a wr to do when his route is a stop and go and the db is 7 yds off and backpedeling at the snap? And how is that on JT?


Helluva Engineer
It seemed to me that the pass-rush really picked up in the 2nd half, what do you guys think ?
A. Vandy wore down
B. Vandy playing from behind
C. Defensive Scheme
D. Personnel Package
E. Other
Mostly A & B IMO. We rotated DL early and often and our guys were fresh. And we got them in 2nd and long, 3rd and long. I did see some 3 DL looks I hadn't seen before. The first time we lined up that way we had to burn a timeout and CPJ was hot.