Roof Out as DC


Helluva Engineer
That failed to happen way too many times this year. It failed because the offense got shut down by defenses that have seen this offense for 10 years now and nothing has changed with it. Dive blocking and no passing. Don't start the rant if we could only get a couple of stops crap. That logic has way too may holes shot through it. Did you watch any of the games this year?
Is 10 the magic number, because the O was pretty darn good in ‘16. Maybe just maybe a huge step down at qb and Bback, injuries on the OL, a huge upgrade in SoS and 4 monsoons had a little to do with it.


Helluva Engineer
7-6 in 2012
10 plus in 2011
Undefeated in 2010
10 plus wins in 2009
10 plus wins in 2008
How is that? So since 2008 TCU went two years not winning at a high level. Ok you got me.

That's not your original argument. You said "in year 10 we shouldn' be struggling on O" well I just showed you solid programs do indeed struggle even after 10 years. This was never a pissing contest between Tcu and tech


Not really, you have fr and sr on the the same roster that are all recruited at <insert favorite school> on offense to run the <insert favorite school's offense>. So at <insert favorite school > we are bringing in the same type players every year to fit our system, which only <insert another school with same offense> run. So we essentially have the same roster every year. Yes there is a talent difference between classes, but in every class the cream should rise. After <insert # years without a national championship > years we are still in 1st gear. All I heard in the early years is wait until <insert head coach's first name at favorite school > gets his players and then you'll see how good we'll be. How much longer is the waiting going to be?

Heard from fans from every school every year who didn't win the national championship.
That's not your original argument. You said "in year 10 we shouldn' be struggling on O" well I just showed you solid programs do indeed struggle even after 10 years. This was never a pissing contest between Tcu and tech
Did you really? YOU pulled TCU out of thin air. That burnt your entire argument.


Staff member
Normally, I don’t mind going off topic, but this is going way off topic

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Helluva Engineer
Complete bs on the uva game. The defense scored a td, and gave the ball to the offense at the uva 14 and set up another td. They also gave the ball to the offense at the 47 yard line for our first score. Another drive of ours started at the 43 and went nowhere. Another started at the uva 45 and went nowhere. The defense gave us plenty of good starting field position and we squandered it. The bad field position we did have was also mostly caused by inept offense. Our safety happened after our defense gave us a 3 and out following an int . Tgat safety led to a very short field where qe got another 3 and out which led to us having the ball at the 10 yard line. 6 3 and outs, 2 4 and outs, a defensive scores, and another turnover in the uva redzone.

The bad field position we had against uva was a result of the offense not defense. Our 4 worst field position starts came after 3 and outs and 1 4 and out. The problem was those 3 and outs came at mid field becaude of interceptions, sadeties, or just bad play by the offense.

UVA and Duke scored 40+ points. If our offense scores 28 points we should win. We should be able to put our D out there after several 3 and outs and expect them to get a turnover or force a punt. We have become too accustomed to having the offense carry the team.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, Georgia
UVA and Duke scored 40+ points. If our offense scores 28 points we should win. We should be able to put our D out there after several 3 and outs and expect them to get a turnover or force a punt. We have become too accustomed to having the offense carry the team.
Our offense only ran 6 plays in the 3rd quarter against Duke too, right? On one hand, two consecutive three and outs are definitely a reason to criticize the offense. On the other hand, you cannot really get in a rhythm when the opposite team is scoring at will on long drives (which is usually a key advantage of OUR offense). When Duke had one punt on 9 possessions, I have a hard time totally blaming the offense. Duke got into way too much of a groove on offense. We fell behind and had to rely on Marshall's passing ability.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
In what universe does giving up 40 points qualify as playing lights out?

The D didn't give up 40 points.

7 points came on a KO return. 2 points came on a safety. Of the remaining 31 points, the first FG was scored after a long KO return to the GT 34. GT held UVA to a FG on a short field. The second FG came after we kicked an on-sides kick and failed to recover. Again, a short field for UVA. ANother FG and a TD came on short fields due to GT turnovers. So, 25 points were scored because our O and ST failed. Only two of UVAs scoring drives went longer than 60 yards. All of the others were less than 40. 11 of 18 drives, not including end of game, were stopped cold by our D. Our D scored a Pick 6, and recovered a fumble. We held UVA to 4-17 on third down. Conversely, on 14 of 18 possessions, our Offense either punted it away or turned it over, and yet they get a pass and the D gets blamed.

This game was a microcosm of what's wrong with the way we view things. We treat CPJ and his O with kid gloves and blame the D for all the failures. Against uva, the D did exactly what the poster above said would guarantee wins: get a few stops in a row and let the Offense score. We got a lot of stops, but the offense didn't score, so we lost.

Now, I am a huge CPJ fan, and was only a moderate Roof fan. I just feel we aren't being very honest in our analysis this last year. Some of that is due to the prior year of ineptitude on D, and I get that, but to claim that our problem this year were mainly defensive in nature is dishonest. The D was improving, the offense, not so much.


Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
I don’t disagree that we need to be better on the offensive side of the ball, but my point is more around the defense getting off the field quickly. Duke and UVA were able to grind it out and put us in bad field position when we did get the ball back. I don’t think the defense got a 3 and out against Duke in the second half until the game was over.

UGA and Clemson were just better than us. You. Aren’t going to win those very often.

You need to look at the UVA tape again. We got off the field 11/18 times against them, and all but two of their scores traveled less than 40 yards because we gave them inanely short fields. Duke beat us plain and simple, but UVA was an O/ST collapse that caused that loss.
That's not your original argument. You said "in year 10 we shouldn' be struggling on O" well I just showed you solid programs do indeed struggle even after 10 years. This was never a pissing contest between Tcu and tech
No I said
Some of those years TCU was playing in a crap conference in the G5, correct?
Yes, just showing this clown more stats do he'd shut up. I didn't want to be accused of cherry picking #'s


Helluva Engineer
You need to look at the UVA tape again. We got off the field 11/18 times against them, and all but two of their scores traveled less than 40 yards because we gave them inanely short fields. Duke beat us plain and simple, but UVA was an O/ST collapse that caused that loss.

I will agree with you only on this game not Tennessee haha