I guess I have the nerd mentality that Milwaukee pretty much denigrates, and I am neither proud of nor ashamed of that fact. I went to and got out of Tech in '66 with a BS in Phys and got out again in '67 with an MS in NE. I doubt very seriously that I could get in today, but my impression is that although it was easier to get in back in the 60s than it is today, it was probably harder to get out. That is just my IMPRESSION; I have no facts to back it up, but it just seems that it is not quite as hard there these days. Maybe that's because those who get in today are smarter than they were in the 60s. At any rate, in the 60's EVERYBODY went to the games. Now obviously, everybody didn't go, but I sure didn't know any students who didn't. And that's one of the thing that pisses me off today --- that student attendance is so pathetic. I simply don't buy the claim offered by some that they are too busy studying; I think that for whatever reason, they simply don't want to go. Frankly, I only personally know a few Tech alums, but those I know still support the team, and most of them go to the games, if not as season ticket holders, then whenever they can. But most of my Tech FAN friends either did not go there at all, or were unable to get out, and the majority of them also are either season ticket holders or go when they are able to. For the past two years I have brought a "kid" from my church with me to all the home games, and he has become a big and relatively knowledgeable fan simply because of the exposure he has had by coming with me. There is no way that he could even get into Tech today, much less make it there, but he has come to love the Jackets big time. So, even though I am probably a nerd by Milwaukee's standards, I am an enthusiastic nerd who, even at my age, gets as carried away at games as anyone else in the stadium, and I totally value and encourage the support of non-nerd non alums. If someone pulls for the Jackets, I really don't give a damn whether they went to Tech or not, and, as many have always said, we need a helluva lot more of them.