Per the Ajc: CPJ working through contract extension through 2022


Helluva Engineer
Nobody "hates" CPJ, but many question the timing, especially after 2 of last 3 seasons combined with push for more money.

God help us if the new unis look like the Rockford Peaches.

But there are no D problems - those were solved when we hired Groh, I mean Roof.

But word on the street is there will be big O changes.

Instead of "we missed too many assignments", it will be "a lot of assignments were missed by us".
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Staff member
Augusta, Georgia
Um. No. But damn i would love to know where you heard this.

He is the associate head coach and co-DC at NCSU. He still wants a shot at a HC job. I was told by a friend of mine who is a NCSU alum and donor that he has a good shot at the NCSU job if/when Doeren moves up. Can’t say I understand the fascination with him as a HC, but apparently Doeren wanted him on staff. AHC was a stipulation of the deal.


Georgia Tech Fan
I would imagine your age has a lot to do with how you feel about the extension. If you're under 30, then '15 & '17 are rock bottom (which makes me lol). If you're 40+, you remember the 1-10 debacle of '94 and some really bad stretches in the 80's. I personally like CPJ. Opposing fans may be happy about the extension, buy I promise you opposing DC's are not.

We're fortunate he runs a unique offense....given the success he's had here, if he ran a "normal" offense a factory would've poached him a long time ago.


Helluva Engineer
To those bashing CPJ and his inability to reel in 4 and 5 star recruits. Just keep this in mind. CPJ and GT actually make their kids go to class. Most, not all, but most 4 and 5 star kids use college as nothing more than a 3 to 4 year NFL audition. Do you think they want to attend a tough school or go to some school with BS classes and/or not even attend? GT and CPJ look for character, I think. Ugag and Bama just look for high rated kids. Doesn't matter if they have police records or dumb as a sack of rocks. Ugag, Bama and other football factories, pretty much.

Just my 2 pennies.
Fake News. ;)

AE 87

Helluva Engineer

Something tells me you gonna have to put your mod Batman suit on soon ...

After year of #MeToo, I would've thought that we wouldn't have men wryly suggesting a woman put on skin tight spandex. Just wrong.

On topic:
Contract is obviously just business as usual. It's saying nothing is changing with HC as of now.
So a few things of note for all of you who are ready to get rid of CPJ.
1. Since Bobby Dodd we have had only 9 seasons of nine wins or better. 5 under Carson,Curry, Ross, O'Leary. CPJ has had 4
2. Since Dodd we have only had 4 seasons of 10 wins or better. half of those belong to CPJ
3. For those that don't like our offense, guess what you wanted a Georgia Tech brand, well that is our brand. It comes up often and is very feared by many HC and DCs around the country. Saban wont play us.

I hope we get at least 4 more years out of CPJ, preferably 8, and then go get Jeff Monken and keep the train rolling.

The numbers in 1. and 2. are inflated by the extra games we are playing this past decade. Dodd, Ross, et al didn't play 12&13-game schedules.

I don't think anyone fears our offense anymore than CPJ fears playing Clemson or now the mutts. Div 1 coaches don't fear teams.
To those bashing CPJ and his inability to reel in 4 and 5 star recruits. Just keep this in mind. CPJ and GT actually make their kids go to class. Most, not all, but most 4 and 5 star kids use college as nothing more than a 3 to 4 year NFL audition. Do you think they want to attend a tough school or go to some school with BS classes and/or not even attend? GT and CPJ look for character, I think. Ugag and Bama just look for high rated kids. Doesn't matter if they have police records or dumb as a sack of rocks. Ugag, Bama and other football factories, pretty much.

Just my 2 pennies.

oh please. There are good character kids in all programs except the mutts. DeShaun Watson - the epitome of the type of athlete we can't recruit - is by all accounts one of the nicest "good guys" who's played college football. This high-horse attitude that GT players are somehow better people than most kids in other programs is elitist and asinine.

Frankly, I hope we get kids who can play football and win games.
Augusta, GA
The numbers in 1. and 2. are inflated by the extra games we are playing this past decade. Dodd, Ross, et al didn't play 12&13-game schedules.

I don't think anyone fears our offense anymore than CPJ fears playing Clemson or now the mutts. Div 1 coaches don't fear teams.
Since when does CPJ fear playing the mutts? Hell, he's beat them 2 out of the last 4 years. And there's nothing to say that we can't win in Athens again next year, if Woody is as good as advertised. I also don't think he fears Clemson. I think he respects them, but he is far from being afraid of them. Of course, then you close by contradicting yourself. Which is it? Div I coaches don't fear other teams, or CPJ (a Div I coach) DOES fear other teams? You can't have it both ways. And if you don't think other teams fear playing us, or at least don't want to play us because of our offense, then why do so many Div I teams refuse to play us (Bama, for instance)?

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
This thread reinforces my decision to avoid much time in the football forum for a while.

1) I respect those who admit an emotional displeasure with our O scheme, though I don't share it.

2) I disrespect those who suggest our O scheme has been the problem with our W-L. The data doesn't support that.

3) I have little patience for adults who act like their emotional reaction has the veritical weight of E=mc2.

4) Imo, our O underperformed much of last season. I think OL injuries/depth was the biggest problem.


Helluva Engineer
This thread reinforces my decision to avoid much time in the football forum for a while.

1) I respect those who admit an emotional displeasure with our O scheme, though I don't share it.

2) I disrespect those who suggest our O scheme has been the problem with our W-L. The data doesn't support that.

3) I have little patience for adults who act like their emotional reaction has the veritical weight of E=mc2.

4) Imo, our O underperformed much of last season. I think OL injuries/depth was the biggest problem.

a. Could you list the injuries by name, date, and position. The ga tech injury report is less accurate than the weights on the roster.
I know Lee was nicked up.. Braun and cooper damn near played every down. Marshall never stepped on field. I had opportunity to see Bryan and stick a couple of times at mid season and they seemed fine. Shamire seemed his regular old powerful self.
Perhaps the Morgan so were injured? They played a few plays.

B. Just some thoughts follow: The depth issue is in some way self made by the lack of rotation. I guess the theory is the backups can't play because the starters are so much better . The counter theory is the reason their bad is they don't play.

C. In the Virginia game we had 19 pass attempts and about 6 pass but scramble plays. Also during the heavy passing part of the game we did not run a lot of options . We did run some counter options with the guard pull.
Seems like we could let some of the back ups play in this parts of the game.
D. I was less than impressed with the ol run blocking in the last 5 games . We did look good on 2 drives in v t while Bryan was playing. i think they felt him to small for settle (4) Nt, but he cooper and Braun did well with him . Once they started passing they replaced him w the giant ol guy.

E. If normal our plan is to hope the upper class men are well and fit in 18 and we hope the backups are enjoying watching the game.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
This should not be a surprise. He was down to 3 yrs on his contract. GT was basically at an extend or fire decision point.
Anything less than 3 yrs on a contract would have been very detrimental to recruiting going forward.
A 2 yr extension basically means another decision will be coming in 2 yrs.


Helluva Engineer
This should not be a surprise. He was down to 3 yrs on his contract. GT was basically at an extend or fire decision point.
Anything less than 3 yrs on a contract would have been very detrimental to recruiting going forward.
A 2 yr extension basically means another decision will be coming in 2 yrs.

exactly, I mentioned a few months ago after this season he becomes a lame duck coach without some contract here you we can recruit for 2019


Helluva Engineer
This thread reinforces my decision to avoid much time in the football forum for a while.

1) I respect those who admit an emotional displeasure with our O scheme, though I don't share it.

2) I disrespect those who suggest our O scheme has been the problem with our W-L. The data doesn't support that.

3) I have little patience for adults who act like their emotional reaction has the veritical weight of E=mc2.

4) Imo, our O underperformed much of last season. I think OL injuries/depth was the biggest problem.

On your #4. IMO the O did start to struggle alot, but, I think a BIG piece of it was Marshall lost alot of mojo and confidence. He started playing second guessing himself alot and decisions started to wander a bit. I also think, a piece of why that was the case, is the OL continues to be an enigma for GT. The fact is TM started to try to do too much for sure...and was pressing.

With all that said we got a ton of bad bounces and breaks. That happens sometimes. I guess it made up for 2014 when we got a bunch of good breaks.


Helluva Engineer
This high-horse attitude that GT players are somehow better people than most kids in other programs is elitist and asinine.

I don’t think he said that GT athletes are “better people”. I think he was saying that CPJ makes them be student-athletes, not just athletes. I would also like to add that our athletes don’t seem to do embarrassing things off the field and out of the classroom that end up on tv, radio, or in the newspaper. With the exception of the Lance/Step weirdness, I can’t think of any really bad or embarrassing things to hit the news in recent memory. I think this favorable outcome is a result of school policies, athletics policies, CPJ’s policies, and recruitment of students who aren’t likely to break these policies.

And yes, I totally agree that there are good people on every team.

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Helluva Engineer
Not enough money to compete with Bama Auburn Florida Florida State Miami Tennessee Vanderbilt UGA Clemson and South Carolina surrounding us. Tech has to result to this offense to compete because every team I listed off recruits better than us.


Helluva Engineer
After last offseason, when we finished by beating UGAg in Athens and another SEC team in a bowl game, I got so used to rational intelligent football discussion, that I must've completely blocked out what I had to read through after 2015.

Now I remember...

(Here's to another offseason next year like the ones in 2008, 2009, 2011, 2014 and 2016)


Roof left because he still wants to be a head coach. At NCSU he is also titled as the associate HC. It became obvious it wasn’t going to happen here.

I think it became obvious he wasn’t working out as D
Okay, so two losing seasons in the last 4 and the third time in 10 years. You really think that's better?

How about this. Gailey in 6 years here was 44-32. Johnson, in the last 6 years, has been 42 - 35. But yeah. Can't imagine why people would be negative about Johnson. But hey, he won the ACC with Gailey's recruits way back when.

The ACC is passing us by and it's not because of facilities. It's because of head coaches.

Oh yeah? So you have been conducting exit interviews with recruits we didn’t land huh? You should share your data in brilliant insights into recruiting with Tstan.(y)


Not sure I'm crazy about the extension. Everyone jumped on roof this year but how about the offense 2 out of the last 3 years...also, tired of always hearing the "player missed his assignment"

If players never missed assignments there would hardly ever be big plays in football. True everywhere and at every level.