Per the Ajc: CPJ working through contract extension through 2022


Helluva Engineer
The article also suggests that they have reached a agreement in principle. CPJ and his attorney are awaiting a draft of the contract but feel good about getting things completed in short order.


Ramblin' Wreck
Roof was extended and given a raise 2 months before he was "fired" so this doesn't really mean anything to me.


Helluva Engineer
I already know the few people on here that will "enjoy" this news.

My afternoon productivity just went out the door.
I understand what you mean the GT football news has derailed me for the past several days while we awaited Woody's official hiring statement and then trying to guess who fills out the Defensive staff and 10th coach. I am also certain that some on here will rant and rave about accepting average to below average recruiting, win/loss records, poor assistant coaches, and bad swagger in front of the camera/press. I however am more hopeful that things are on the uptick and we will see real progress in recruiting with added staff, updated facilities, and adding Woody! Please also remember that the press isn't shy about pulling quotes from message boards and using them in articles when trying to get a read on the fan base pulse (so not everything typed in here just stays in here). Please take this into consideration prior to rehashing your perspectives on where you perceive that GT football or coaches have failed to produce the results that it would have if "you and your buddies" were in charge. Also remember that GT is hosting several signed football athletes and some that are considering coming to GT this weekend. I encourage you to rip off the rear view mirror and hoist a glass full of your beverage of choice in recognition of all the positive things that are happening within the GT Football staff, facilities, and recruiting resources. In conclusion thanks for all the valuable exchanges on this sight that provide positive discourse between respectful participants that have the best interests of GT at the forefront of their mind! GO JACKETS let's make 2018 the best one yet!


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
You have to have a contract long enough for the kids you're recruiting to feel you'll be there when they graduate or you're dead in water recruiting.

We thought that about BG too. Turns out our then-AD was a dolt and screwed everything up. Hope our new guy isn't a raging idiot.


Ramblin' Wreck
Atlanta, GA
Roof was extended and given a raise 2 months before he was "fired" so this doesn't really mean anything to me.

Roof was not fired. He left on his own to take a different job where he’d be appreciated...probably because he saw the writing on the wall [message boards] that the fanbase wanted him gone. Similar to O’Leary btw.