Paul Johnson time frame.

What gets CPJ fired or encouraged to resign?

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Helluva Engineer
If we want young, passing , recruiting, propmting, hc , experienced guy w nfl, p5, record - check out Josh Heupel.

He is a very fine person and a brilliant coach as per my son who worked w him while JH was at OU.

In Orlando the word is Heup it Up.

He is a go for it on 4th down guy and HAS THE CREDS TO RECRUIT A TOP 100 QB which is job one

Look him up on wiki. Big time awards as o u QB- but got their via smaller programs.

I love the option and will wait till post uga to decide but I love this guy
He would be a great hire and I know recruits would want to play in his offense, but his buyout is $10 million until after the 2020 bowl game. I don't think Tech is in a position to pay this along with PJ's buyout.
Who's to say next season or the following ones will be like this one? Why could they not be like 2014? Tech is never going to be able to compete for the same athletes as the factory schools. Sorry but that is reality regardless of who the coach is or the scheme being run.

2014 is a fluky outlier. Sorry, that's just the reality of it. 2010, 2015, 2017 and looks like 2018 are more the norm. This year has a very experienced OL and skill players and yet still looks like last year. Fact is, 4-5 stars just don't want to play in this offense.

As @Boaty1 proved elsewhere, the precipitous drop in recruiting only really occurred after CPJ's hire and has continued throughout his era here. A new coach can only go upwards.


Helluva Engineer
2014 is a fluky outlier. Sorry, that's just the reality of it. 2010, 2015, 2017 and looks like 2018 are more the norm. This year has a very experienced OL and skill players and yet still looks like last year. Fact is, 4-5 stars just don't want to play in this offense.

As @Boaty1 proved elsewhere, the precipitous drop in recruiting only really occurred after CPJ's hire and has continued throughout his era here. A new coach can only go upwards.

If 2014 is an outlier then so is 2015.

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If 2014 is an outlier then so is 2015.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But not 2010, 2017 nor 2018.

Losing 4 of 5 to equally-talented Duke isn't an outlier either but instead, a trend. Same with losses to lesser-talent PITT over the past 5 years.

Even CNW's defense is now showing improvement, ranked 6th in the nation with turnover creation in 2018. Yet the offense continues to crap the bed against equal-or-better teams.

Jury has returned its verdict, Yer Honor: The scheme hurts more than helps us at this point.


Helluva Engineer
I've found the official attendance for the Duke game was something north of 41,000. I don't know whether that's supposed to be actual butts in the seats or tickets sold, but it seemed quite more than I would have guessed were there from my own unscientific perusal of the crowd. At any rate, according to the AJC it's the lowest official attendance for a Homecoming game since 1994, after Bill Lewis had already been fired.
Just another sign its time for CPJ to go


Helluva Engineer
Gibson, GA
If Scott Frost gets fired by NU for going possibly 0-12 GT might get a bargain deal since Nebraska would owe him 26 million dollars
NU isn’t going to fire Scott Frost. He was probably the top coach available last year and they were lucky he played for Nebraska or they would’ve had no shot at him.


Ramblin' Wreck
Heupel was a garbage OC and inherited a great team at UCF. Remember he is the OC that got fired from Oklahoma after putting up a whopping 6 points in the citrus bowl. Look at how many times they scores <20 points last season at Mizzou including 3 points vs. Purdue. He is straight trash as an OC and Mizzou and Oklahoma fans absolutely hate him.


Jolly Good Fellow
We could Hire Saben and his complete staff and it would take 3 to 4 years to make to turn the program to a winner week in and week out and that's a stretch; There is no silver bullitt


Staff member
Maybe. But we didn't plan on getting Bobby Ross. He quit just as Curry was leaving. Presto! Major coach at the Flats. Never say never ...
Lenny Bias died, the UMd AA went into turmoil, and Ross got pushed out. It was a "shut up and do things the way we say, you have one day to agree to our terms" scenario. I know that freak occurrences happen every day, but that was a real freak occurrence that I don't expect to see anytime again soon. Bobby Ross coming free like that was a once in a lifetime thing.
I've also seen someone say that Randy Edsall turned us down (he withdrew from the coaching search when he was informed that he wasn't getting the job--that's not "turning the job down", he wanted the job).


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Lenny Bias died, the UMd AA went into turmoil, and Ross got pushed out. It was a "shut up and do things the way we say, you have one day to agree to our terms" scenario. I know that freak occurrences happen every day, but that was a real freak occurrence that I don't expect to see anytime again soon. Bobby Ross coming free like that was a once in a lifetime thing.
I've also seen someone say that Randy Edsall turned us down (he withdrew from the coaching search when he was informed that he wasn't getting the job--that's not "turning the job down", he wanted the job).

What? Ross resigned because UM broke it's promises to him and after five years, said ..."I"m out here." Len Bias was a basketball player and Lefty Driesell probably should have resigned.


Staff member
What? Ross resigned because UM broke it's promises to him and after five years, said ..."I"m out here." Len Bias was a basketball player and Lefty Driesell probably should have resigned.
Yes, Lenny Bias was a basketball player, not a football player. There were already problems in the athletic department, and when he died, the wheels came off there. Bad went to worse. It affected everything there.

I was at Tech at the time, and there were tons of people talking about and watching what was happening four states away. It was bizarre.

FWIW, one of my buds was a Celtics fan. He knew a crazy amount about what was going on there, because Bias was supposed to be the next big thing in Boston.


Helluva Engineer
Lovely Ducktown,Tennessee
Yes, Lenny Bias was a basketball player, not a football player. There were already problems in the athletic department, and when he died, the wheels came off there. Bad went to worse. It affected everything there.

I was at Tech at the time, and there were tons of people talking about and watching what was happening four states away. It was bizarre.

FWIW, one of my buds was a Celtics fan. He knew a crazy amount about what was going on there, because Bias was supposed to be the next big thing in Boston.
Maryland's athletic department is a 30 year dumpster fire


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Yes, Lenny Bias was a basketball player, not a football player. There were already problems in the athletic department, and when he died, the wheels came off there. Bad went to worse. It affected everything there.

I was at Tech at the time, and there were tons of people talking about and watching what was happening four states away. It was bizarre.

FWIW, one of my buds was a Celtics fan. He knew a crazy amount about what was going on there, because Bias was supposed to be the next big thing in Boston.

I agree it was a mess. As I recall, Lenny died of an overdose of cocaine. In June. The AD quits, and Lefty quits. Ross quits in December. Home Rice grabs him.


Staff member
I agree it was a mess. As I recall, Lenny died of an overdose of cocaine. In June. The AD quits, and Lefty quits. Ross quits in December. Home Rice grabs him.

Weird thing is, at the time, you'd hear both that Tech lucked out with the hire of Ross, and that Ross was "tainted". After the team improved, you didn't hear the "tainted" comments an longer.


Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
Weird thing is, at the time, you'd hear both that Tech lucked out with the hire of Ross, and that Ross was "tainted". After the team improved, you didn't hear the "tainted" comments an longer.

I never heard that. I think he was a great fit at Tech. I think his son attended and got a CE degree.


Helluva Engineer
But not 2010, 2017 nor 2018.

Losing 4 of 5 to equally-talented Duke isn't an outlier either but instead, a trend. Same with losses to lesser-talent PITT over the past 5 years.

Even CNW's defense is now showing improvement, ranked 6th in the nation with turnover creation in 2018. Yet the offense continues to crap the bed against equal-or-better teams.

Jury has returned its verdict, Yer Honor: The scheme hurts more than helps us at this point.

Sorry, your honor, but apparently the jury is hung. I agree we have not been good enough the last 3 years and CPJ needs to be fired if we don't make a bowl. But, like tons of other fans that have reached a similar conclusion, I do not agree that this is because "the scheme" is the problem. This team simply isn't good enough regardless of the scheme we might try to run.

And before you jump in and say..."well the scheme is the reason we don't have good players..." I truly believe that this team would be pretty good if we were starting Mills, Marshall, and Benson at b-back and had Ratliff, Jay Jones, Matthew Jordan, and Lucas Johnson as QB options. Those are all guys we recruited and enrolled at Tech but, for one reason or another, are no longer available on the team. Some of that is ultimately on Johnson, but I don't think it is on "the scheme." Even with our terrible year and depleted roster, we are still top 25 in scoring offense and offensive efficiency.

As a whole though, I agree the team is not good enough. And THAT is on CPJ. Just stop trying to make everything a referendum on the scheme. It isn't.
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Helluva Engineer
Auburn, AL
s a whole though, I agree the team is not good enough. And THAT is on CPJ.

Reading some articles on Alabama a short while ago, the writers basically said, it was Nick Saban's attention to detail AND the fact he personally selected the staff and set the expectations ... that makes for a winning combo. I get the impression CPJ hires, but may not challenge his staff and is loyal to a fault. The head coach as CEO.
Sorry, your honor, but apparently the jury is hung. I agree we have not been good enough the last 3 years and CPJ needs to be fired if we don't make a bowl. But, like tons of other fans that have reached a similar conclusion, I do not agree that this is because "the scheme" is the problem. This team simply isn't good enough regardless of the scheme we might try to run.

And before you jump in and say..."well the scheme is the reason we don't have good players..." I truly believe that this team would be pretty good if we were starting Mills, Marshall, and Benson at b-back and had Ratliff, Jay Jones, Matthew Jordan, and Lucas Johnson as QB options. Those are all guys we recruited and enrolled at Tech but, for one reason or another, are no longer available on the team. Some of that is ultimately on Johnson, but I don't think it is on "the scheme." Even with our terrible year and depleted roster, we are still top 25 in scoring offense and offensive efficiency.

As a whole though, I agree the team is not good enough. And THAT is on CPJ. Just stop trying to make everything a referendum on the scheme. It isn't.

Objection, your honor. Defense is using conjecture rather than fact. Plus, he's willfully ignoring that almost all of our offensive output worth mentioning has come against the literally the #93 team in the country (Loserville, on the verge of firing their coach) and #126 team Bowling Green, who just DID fire their coach. Against the 2 good teams we've played, one of which has equal talent, the O has completely shat the bed!

Additionally, in the year 2018, this scheme and coach steadfastly refuse to instill any sort of "option", (pardon the pun, yer honor) for scoring quickly. We have no Hurry-up offense, we do not no-huddle, we don't have a shotgun, and we still run in plays from the sidelines even in the most-obvious situations that require urgency. As a result, when down more than a single TD in the 4th qtr, we are effectively beaten. I'd like to introduce the recent 4th qtr vs Duke as evidence, Yer Honor. Down 21 pts with the ball, we took over half the qtr to score a TD. At no point was any urgency shown. Any recruits watching this, esp. of the WR variety, had to be puzzled as to why we literally chose to not use a system that would've possibly allowed us to win the game, rather than the snail's pace offense we did use. Frankly your honor, it was embarrassing to watch.

The Scheme and its coach are indeed to blame. No one wants to play or watch an offense that runs the ball 70 times/game and the offense itself can no longer beat the Dukes and PITTs of the conference, much less the elite teams. Pointing to a once-in-5-year success rate is not the way to run a P5 program, as evidenced by the thousands of empty seats last Saturday at Homecoming.

That the Prosecution doesn't see change occurring until after the end of next year is also irrelevant, yer honor!

The prosecution rests.
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As a whole though, I agree the team is not good enough. And THAT is on CPJ. Just stop trying to make everything a referendum on the scheme. It isn't.

This is what I tried to get across to another poster in another thread. I made the case that Johnson and his program are the primary reason why students aren't going to games, and I was accused of blaming the scheme. I never mentioned the scheme. CPJ can run whatever scheme he wants if it results in a program that is consistently successful, or at least successful more often than not.


Ramblin' Wreck
Assistants cost money. For example Paul Johnson wanted to keep Coach Kelly as a DC but the boosters wouldn't pay. Groh was hired because UVA was paying most of his salary. Teddy was the only guy who got money and I think we know why. CPJ has two guys who are head coaches now, Kelly was a position coach and later DC at FSU and now ST/DB coach at UT, Cook was OC at Southern. He can pick talented guys, but part of it is having the $$$ to hire them from the boosters.
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