NFL Draft


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I don't watch all that much NFL, so take these thoughts for what they are worth.

Shaq getting drafted by the Pats is a fairly predicatble outcome and it speaks volumes for the young man. NE has notoriously positioned themselves as a "middle round draft team" when building their roster. Consistently, they have traded away top picks for multiple middle picks in an effort to improve numbers and spread their money out. It has been a great strategy when compared to teams who have done the opposite. BB has always looked to fill needs by drafting character and intelligence on equal terms with ability. He has always been willing to pass on the elite, but head case, guys demanding top money, in favor of smart team players at a lower price. That makes Shaq a great choice. When you go in round four to NE, YOU ARE A MAJOR PART OF THEIR PLANS. I couldn't be happier for Mason. NE will not be disappointed.

SF made a GREAT pick with Smelter. DeAndre has shown so consistently that he has the ability to get separation and present himself as a viable target after a play breaks down. Think back at how many of his catches were on the roll out or scramble long after the snap. That ability translates very well to what I perceive as SF's strength as an offense. NOBODY was able to cover Smelter one on one. If the option remains a staple in SF's game plan, he will get a good bit of that coverage. You have to make up for the optioned off player somehow with a guy from behind. Once again, another predictable outcome, and a perfect example of how OUR OFFENSE highlights the abilities of receivers, instead of the opposite.

I think both of these guys will go on to very productive and successful careers. I couldn't be happier for them.

Waller I am a little less sure about. He was probably targeted because of his body and measureables as a project player who could work out if things go right. Obviously, I am rooting for the kid and hope that he continues his ascent that started last year. You never know when the light bulb is going to go on for any player and he grows up. It appears to have done so for him last season. He might be a year or two behind his peers in that regard, but hey, at this level, you get to work on football and your body all year round without school as a competing interest. Just imagine Waller with 30 more solid pounds and a more refined approach.


Helluva Engineer
I wonder if Jeff Greene thinks about what might have been had he sucked it up? As I recall he was rated far above Waller when recruited and playing time.

Jeff Greene looked good in the receiving game his freshmen year. I thought he was by far the better of the two. His want to in the blocking phase needed working on.

Now he's paying his way to be a little used reserve at Ohio State. Yikes...


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Thanks for all the updates guys. I don't follow the NFL much but know (as was commented on above) that the match of the players capabilities to team's needs is the biggest factor in how good the draft was for any team.

I like the Lions (my son is the big fan) and was wondering if there was any link that independently and credibly rated how all the teams did at filling their needs in the draft? E.g., how good the draft was for each team.


Helluva Engineer
Syjnyn is going to a really good situation. They didn't draft any RBs this draft, and their leading rusher went to another team. They need RBs. On top of that, they have a dominating OL that scouts give credit to for getting Demarco Murray all those yards.

On top of that, Synjyn is going to add a high character guy that locker room. Lord knows they need that in bunches.


Jolly Good Fellow
I'm sure you all realize this, but I think it's pretty damn remarkable that every single one of our draft hopefuls signed with a team this year. I wonder if that had ever happened? 7 jackets to the pros is impressive. I know I'm stating the obvious, but that's what happens when you finish 8th in the country. Scouts start to actually pay attention. Happy for all of these guys. They deserve it.


Helluva Engineer
I'm sure you all realize this, but I think it's pretty damn remarkable that every single one of our draft hopefuls signed with a team this year. I wonder if that had ever happened? 7 jackets to the pros is impressive. I know I'm stating the obvious, but that's what happens when you finish 8th in the country. Scouts start to actually pay attention. Happy for all of these guys. They deserve it.
Help me out here. I have six: Waller, Smelter, Mason, Days, Laskey and Johnson. Who am I missing. (I would try the AJC website, but it ranges from just plain bad to awful, so much so that Mason was not listed -- that I could find -- this a.m.) I could keep up but we just have to stop having so many guys drafted.


Helluva Engineer
I'm sure you all realize this, but I think it's pretty damn remarkable that every single one of our draft hopefuls signed with a team this year. I wonder if that had ever happened? 7 jackets to the pros is impressive. I know I'm stating the obvious, but that's what happens when you finish 8th in the country. Scouts start to actually pay attention. Happy for all of these guys. They deserve it.
I would probably go the other way. Johnson himself has noted that "if you can play in the NFL, they will find you." Having those guys helps account for the record.


Helluva Engineer
Help me out here. I have six: Waller, Smelter, Mason, Days, Laskey and Johnson. Who am I missing. (I would try the AJC website, but it ranges from just plain bad to awful, so much so that Mason was not listed -- that I could find -- this a.m.) I could keep up but we just have to stop having so many guys drafted.

Quayshawn Nealy signed with the Seahawks


Staff member
19,002 - Round 6: Baltimore Ravens Select WR Darren Waller

Includes NFL network's video of Waller's selection + commentary.

Also liked this:
Ravens Director of College Scouting Joe Hortiz said he grilled Waller about the troubles while at the East-West Shrine Game.

“He’s made some mistakes when he was younger and he was honest and upfront about it,” Hortiz said. “He didn’t hide from it. He told us about his plan, how he’s dealing with it, how he’s continuing to deal with it. I came away impressed with how mature he came off.

“Sometimes you go into these conversations thinking you’re ready to walk away and use it as the final dagger. It was the opposite. I was really impressed with how he carried himself.”


Helluva Engineer
Bellichick's comments on Shaq starting at ~18:30 in this video:

Answers a question about his adjustment from GT to NFL. BB compliments Shaq's showing during Senior Bowl week and closes with a comment that every college player has to adjust.
Remember a story from his Navy days, when BB's dad was helping him out in some coaching capacity, and BB closed himself off in the film room for hours. Johnson asked his dad what he was doing and the reply was that, "He's trying to figure out how to defend it." Guy definitely needs more caffeine, though.


Helluva Engineer
17,898 - Round 6: Baltimore Ravens Select WR Darren Waller

Includes NFL network's video of Waller's selection + commentary.

Also liked this:

We saw towards the end of 2013 with Vad and after Smelter got hurt...if Waller is focused, he can be a dominant WR. Matchup nightmare with his combination of size and speed. The key for Waller is focus. Hopefully treating football like a job, and not having school to compete with his craft will fully unlock the potential CPJ has talked about since he stepped on campus.

Ravens made a good play. Spend a sixth round draft pick on a guy with a very high ceiling. If it doesn't work out, they didn't invest too much. If it does work out they look like geniuses. Ozzie Newsome is considered one of the best GMs in the NFL...and they have one of the best scouting departments. Speaks highly of what they think Waller can do for them.


Jolly Good Fellow
I would probably go the other way. Johnson himself has noted that "if you can play in the NFL, they will find you." Having those guys helps account for the record.

I would tend to agree but I feel like with a better record, guys like godhigh and Orwin would have gotten much better looks.


Helluva Engineer
What players do you think will get drafted next year and which round?? I think 3-4

Gotsis and DJ white are the obvious ones.

Gotsis's position on the next level is probably at SDE, but he has flexibility to play DT which gives him extra value.

DJ White needs to be a bit more consistent as he does let WRs get open...but he also has big play ability and is willing to come down into the box to make a tackle

Jamal Golden has a chance, but he also needs to show more consistency and better positioning. Really liked the improvement he made last year. Read the game a lot better from the safety position.

No obvious candidates on offense that I can think of.