So we can't hire proven coaches per your first statement. Then should we hire somebody with the prayer that "maybe we run into something cheap who can't be any worse than what we have now?" Is that how you suggest we run a multimillion dollar business? We tried this approach with CPJ and DC's. How well did that work out for us? Do you think we are any better now in our hiring processes or have more football acumen in the building than when Paul was here? I don't care what people say about our former coach but I (and most others here) think he was a pretty bright individual. He was such a brilliant guy that his X's and O's covered up some of our systemic issues that
@slugboy referenced in his brilliant post above. But to roll the dice hoping to get lucky on a guy coaching at a community college somewhere isn't a strategy anymore than buying a lottery ticket is a substitute for financial planning. It may appease the mob but it can do more longterm harm than good. Remember CPJ' defenses and playing for all those different coordinators? How much did that contribute to the ongoing conversations about "simplifying" things for our players?
Would someone take the job? Sure, most people in the age range of 25-40 with wives, kids, mortgages, etc. making $125k would love to come here and make $400-$500k like Thacker and CDP. Even if only for a year or two. We would have probably done the same if given the chance.