This is the problem with being a Tech sports fan. There seems to be a mentality from some, that demands we consider how hard things are academically. This is based in some imaginary world. You cannot argue that these kids are taking top of the line college courses yet they cant line up right on a football field ! Im sure it's tremendously hard to be a student athlete at Tech but fans are called fans b/c they are following and supportive of sports at the school, they aren't fans because the school is a center of higher education. Being competitive and understanding are two opposing thoughts. It would be easy to ignore mistakes if we had low expectations but the reason fans are ill and grumpy is because we expect more of the kids on the field. There is literally no excuse when it comes to simple things like lining up correctly or simply staying in your lane on KO coverage or blitzing the gap rather than running into the sack of 4 players and getting stuck. How about simply looking outside and seeing there are 3 WRs and 2 DB's in coverage ?
I condemn the volatile personal stuff but there are some things that a lot of us learned in high school that is driving us crazy watching scholarly players in college doing wrong repeatedly. If we were on a blog that was titled Tech Academics the argument that its hard to study and play football would be fair, but all of us are on a football blog, that is where football talk occurs.