Georgia State Post Game thread


Helluva Engineer
MtnWasp, I think your presumption that COFH, and especially the GT fanbase’s participation in it, affects player performance and outcomes in a negative way is off base. There is no evidence or reason to believe that is the case.

And GT athletes are GT students too. I would hope they all feel the same way the rest of us do about ugag, and I would assume extra personal motivation would help player performance, not hurt it. Why don’t you?

There are plenty of other real factors that explain the disparity in the current status of the rivalry.
There is a fuzzy line between motivation and desperation. Motivation benefits performance, desperation does not. I think that the GT community has pushed over the line to being clearly in the area of desperation.

Performance in sport has a lot to do with focus. Moments of optimal performance is frequently referred by athletes as being in a zone. The weird pressure the GT community puts on its coaches and athletes over these contests are a distraction, and therefore impairs focus. It is not evident in every contest, but it is evident in too many.

Intangibles are called that because they can't be measured. Doesn't mean there isn't evidence for those who look. You probably loved your mother but I doubt you have a data sheet and statistics to back it up. But I bet the evidence is there.


Helluva Engineer
Most of us are intellectually superior. I'm sure there's a handful of dumb GT alums out there just like you run into an occasional decent mutt fan every once in a while, nothing's absolute.

This is a reason we lack sidewalk fans. Lots of GT alumni look down their noses at non GT grads.
Root, I think it was (mostly) a joke, and a pretty dam funny one too.


Helluva Engineer
What you’re missing as a sidewalk fan is that it goes much deeper that just athletics. The hate for all things uga is universal, and there are reasons for it. GT has always been crapped in by the Board of Regents and the Legislature, which is replete with mouth-breathing mutts. They have always put us at a disadvantage. Therefore, the hate goes to our core. It’s. It destructive, it’s part of who we are.
I accept your statement as fact. And you clearly feel justified to feel the way you do.

If you know that it runs counter to your desired outcomes, and you re rationally superior to those who stand in your way .... Well, you know the rest!


Helluva Engineer
What you’re missing as a sidewalk fan is that it goes much deeper that just athletics. The hate for all things uga is universal, and there are reasons for it. GT has always been crapped in by the Board of Regents and the Legislature, which is replete with mouth-breathing mutts. They have always put us at a disadvantage. Therefore, the hate goes to our core. It’s. It destructive, it’s part of who we are.

Sorry for the double reply, but with regards to the bolded statement, that kind of thing is way too important to try to get pay-back in the arena of athletics. For instance, the BOR decision to add an engineering program at UGA or handcuffing GTs ability to expand it's degree offerings. Winning a game is no pay-back at all for that kind of thing.


Ramblin' Wreck

Been following Gt athletics closely since 1982.

If history is a chain linking Gt to losing, then I am all for breaking the chain.
When I was in school, I was dating a girl from uga.

We beat uga while I was dating her. She cried for days, which I found unhinged. Her and all of her sorority friends were totally distraught.

Then, a long while later, my fam and I went to a game in Athens. The BS hurled at my kids caused words with some of them. Same at a basketball game at the old Omni. In that case, the Tech license plate on the front of my car was stomped off, and my driver door was keyed.

I think this goes both ways.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
Sorry for the double reply, but with regards to the bolded statement, that kind of thing is way too important to try to get pay-back in the arena of athletics. For instance, the BOR decision to add an engineering program at UGA or handcuffing GTs ability to expand it's degree offerings. Winning a game is no pay-back at all for that kind of thing.
that was supposed to say "isn't destructive"

We are well aware of our neuroses. We've come to embrace them and to pass them along to the next generation, and the next, and the next.

I promise you uga rents no space in my head. Much easier since I live in Chicago and don't have to hear it day-in, day-out like I used to.


Helluva Engineer
When I was in school, I was dating a girl from uga.

We beat uga while I was dating her. She cried for days, which I found unhinged. Her and all of her sorority friends were totally distraught.

Then, a long while later, my fam and I went to a game in Athens. The BS hurled at my kids caused words with some of them. Same at a basketball game at the old Omni. In that case, the Tech license plate on the front of my car was stomped off, and my driver door was keyed.

I think this goes both ways.
A lot of immaturity described there. The die-hard fans live and die with their teams. And there is, sadly, no shortage of idiotic and rude people.

We've all had experiences that make us want to beat a team or program in a special way. I don't discount any of it.

But we never want to go so far as to get messed-up over it. They win a double victory if we do.

With regards to UGA, I think we, as a group, allowed them to mess us up.


Helluva Engineer
You know looking back on this game it actually feels a lot like Woodford in 2014. That was a game that had some strangeness. We were out of sorts on offense for alot of it we won because JT threw for 273 yards. And we took control in the second half.


Helluva Engineer
You know looking back on this game it actually feels a lot like Woodford in 2014. That was a game that had some strangeness. We were out of sorts on offense for alot of it we won because JT threw for 273 yards. And we took control in the second half.

Self replying because that should be Wofford..... damn Gemini get better.