Collins on Packer & Durham


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
at this point what in the world are we even talking about? this place just gets more ridiculous by the day
Happens every year about this time. Not much to talk about that is significantly important. So mountains out of mole hills.

I plan on starting a significant Uniform discussion in a few weeks (Blue shirts, pants and helmets) followed by how stupid it is that the backup QB is only the backup and should have been starting for Tech while he was still a senior in High School. Prove me wrong! (Oh so who is the backup?)


Happens every year about this time. Not much to talk about that is significantly important. So mountains out of mole hills.

I plan on starting a significant Uniform discussion in a few weeks (Blue shirts, pants and helmets) followed by how stupid it is that the backup QB is only the backup and should have been starting for Tech while he was still a senior in High School. Prove me wrong! (Oh so who is the backup?)
techs all time QB list

1. Joe Hamilton
2. The back up qb of any given team
3. Justin Thomas
4. Josh Nesbitt
5. Taylor bennett with calvin johnson


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
What did he ever do?
(Ducks, runs :D )
I think he might be our best ever. Hamilton edges him in the stats, though

I have debated this question with some of my GT buddies for over two decades. And we havenot settled this question amongst ourselves. I'm not sure who I would pick but it's like choosing between Pat Mahomes and Josh Allen. Or Brady vs Montana. You would be very happy if you lost a coin toss and got the "second" pick in either of these 3 debates.


Im a 3*
What's the old adage? Dress poorly, notice the clothes. Dress well, notice the person?

When I was a kid, I would hear some of the older locals refer to acquaintances, often adding a punchline. "Poor Mrs Johnson. She's 68 and still shops in the Junior Department. It's just inappropriate. She's trying to look young instead of elegant. It's sad. She's a caricature of what she should be."

I see that all the time. Older women still shopping in the Junior Department. I don't want to see any 68 year old's midriff.

Geoff is like that. He's trying to rock a bikini. Just dress like a coach.

How does a coach dress?


Helluva Engineer
How does a coach dress?
You know like I know that it's only because of his current record. When CGC starts winning games fans won't question his attire. And if they do it'll be lighthearted and in passing. Just look at this guy


Helluva Engineer
Listening to Collins is like eating shad, you try to savor what meat you can find while spitting out the bones.

The following explanation for some people’s discontent is not Collin’s bashing but rather my attempt to understand a dynamic at work among our fans. Collins has not shown clear professional competence yet. This is especially evident in his in-game coaching decisions, the seeming inability to coach players up and his often tone deaf remarks after devastating losses. People are searching for evidence that he might grow into his job. His frequent unprofessional dress is confirmation bias for too many at this point.

Most would agree that he is a good salesman for the program, understands social media, branding, and how to connect with 18 year olds. What causes conflict on this site, to me, is the argument about whether or not what goes with that
(1 meaningful win last season) is a bug or a feature. Everyone is looking for clues to answer this so even clothing becomes a big deal.
I really wish we could’ve had Collins promoting the program under PJ. People would think the option was newly invited and never seen before lol


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
But why do you care so much that he cares so much?

Round and round and round and round and round and round until the wins (hopefully) start coming.
Because it doesn't make sense to me unless it just any little thing at this point upsets your sensibilities. At that point, it's no longer rational, which I can understand. I didn't ask hostilely, it was a simple question.


Helluva Engineer
So we are equating making constant post about someone tapered jeans, hair, vest, etc to being the same as the team enter/exiting the stadium in their business attire?
You missed the point my guy. I don't really give a **** about either one. So I'd equate them in the sense that they don't matter when it comes to the on field product. I agree with you that I think the bitching and moaning about that stuff is silly. I also think the bitching and moaning about the bitching and moaning is even more silly. The team has been trash for three years now. People are going to vent about it and at times they're going to stretch to do it. It'll never go away but it's not even going to slow down until the team starts performing better on the field. You know that and I know that.

What I took issue with was the implication that those care about what another man's wearing was some kind of insult and less then men. That's bogus. There's an entire athlete culture built around exactly that. You played so you've sure as **** been closer to it then I have. Call it what you want but it's a fashion walk plain and simple. And a lot of "men" in the program seem to care about it.


Staff member
I love you man but you set this one on a tee and I just had to hit.
Most of the fans complaining about what a coach should wear, just miss the days of being able to cut off circulation to your nuts, stomach and shoulders at the same time.
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Man, my coaches used to go and order that stuff on purpose
Some coaches are out of the Pat Riley mold, but most of the coaches who wore coats and ties didn’t do it well. Andy Reid is not going on the cover of GQ, and most coaches aren’t dressed for success.
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