GT is a conservative place so some of Collins antics wont be popular with everyone. Both Collins and Stansbury have said this overtly. And we see it here already.
I do think it very likely Collins would be a blast to play for. And I also want to see what if anything he and T-Stan can do together to make Tech football more significant in the ATL. Like Dabo he may be goofy, salesmanish, at times hard to stomach, etc, and folks will say it doesnt represent the institute well. But if via recruiting and brand building he builds a financially successful, winning program, graduates his kids, builds the total person, etc....that's building excellence, which is what GT is really about.
I respect and have enjoyed the successes of the CPJ years, and we have moved on. I dont see why fans are bashing each other over him or the 3O. I also see no reason why fans are rushing to defend Collins...I dont see any major attacks, just some folks chaffing at the stuff Collins himself acknowledges he comes with, or taking a wait and see attitude.