USF Postgame Discussion


Helluva Engineer
I firmly believe that USF is better than UNC, Duke, Pitt, UVA, and Bowling Green. That and we played pretty bad today. Just so disappointed. This loss hit me hard. Reminds me of Tennessee game last year.

Same here, i’ve been depressed like somebody killed my dog all afternoon and most of yall ain’t helping any


Georgia Tech Fan
We had a good D for years before he came here. Your excuse as to why Johnson can't produce a good D doesn't hold. Same with ST. They are challenges, not insurmountable mountains that prevent any kind of progress. What I want as head coach is an actual head coach. Not just an OC who is a HC because he doesn't want to answer to someone. As far as names, Willie Fritz would be a good choice that we could almost certainly get. Otherwise I'd rather take a chacne on a good assistant than continue to stagnate under Johnson. It's been 11 years. We aren't going forward with him at the helm. He just refuses to adapt.

No one seems to recall that Gailey's philosophy was that Defense wins championships. I personally heard him say several times that he would recruit to replace every defensive player, every year. If there was a player who could play on either side of the ball, defense would always get first pick. The end result was the Tenuta D and we all loved it for some where between 8 and 10 games a year. I'm sure that somewhere, there is still atight end open that we aren't covering. But our D got smoked a few times every year and we lost games that no one could figure out how we lost. Galley never got the offense figured out, never beat UGa and left.

CPJ recruits offense first and our offense is very good at least 8-10 times a year. It is exciting to watch and very effective with less than premier athletes running it. As badly as some complain about our recruiting, the level is consistent from year to year with essentially every coach we've had. 5 star players don't come to Tech; never have and never will. They have to go to class and study here. As CPJ said in a recent interview "school is real here". Does anyone think that any top 20 RB, QB, WR, DT, etc. wants that? Most are convincedthey are just passing through on the way to the pros. Look at the USF QB today, that's all he thinks he's doing. Those guys ain't coming to North Avenue.

As much as I hate it (you hate it, we all hate it), our best shot is doing something different with players that we can get to come here. CPJ does that and the hope is that CNW can too. Offense scores a legit 38 points (no defensive scores) and has a two score lead in the 4th, you shouldn't lose and you sure shouldn't give up 21 straight on 3 straight possessions.


Jolly Good Fellow
So now that I've spent the last hour or so goofing off with my son I have a more rational view. USF will be ranked after they beat Illinois next week. Barrett ran a lot better than I expect he didn't have break away speed, but he reminded me of some of the VT qbs that gave us fits in the run game, and was a better passer.

Our linebacker play is awful. They always seems a step too slow and when they do get to the QB or play they try to just throw himself at the play and don't wrap up. This has to improve. It doesn't matter what defense you scheme if you don't have talent at the linebacker position.

Need to regroup and win next week or the season will be in rough shape with Clemson coming to town.


Ramblin' Wreck
I hope BJS plays a LOT more next week. J Henderson too. Not going to call anyone out ... Although this is obvious ... But we need speed. Our line backers looked SOOOO slow out there .


Jolly Good Fellow
I agree. We are in absolutely no position to fire CPJ currently unless one (or more) donor(s) step up and foot the bill. If this year becomes a repeat of last year, enthusiasm for the program will continually decline and that'll have long-term effects. 9 wins and a Coastal title would remedy that, but right now it's looking like a tall order.

Lol I remember in April when people were praising PJ and were happy with his extension!! We literally rewarded him for going 5-6!!

Another thing, It’s just crazy/sad how much Uga has passed us in recent years.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
As much as I hate it (you hate it, we all hate it), our best shot is doing something different with players that we can get to come here. CPJ does that and the hope is that CNW can too. Offense scores a legit 38 points (no defensive scores) and has a two score lead in the 4th, you shouldn't lose and you sure shouldn't give up 21 straight on 3 straight possessions.

CCG brought in better talent overall than CPJ. He was 1 QB recruit and/or 1 decent OC hire away from getting to the next level. i do not want CCG...but I am convinced that our talent overall was better then than now. CPJ's team possess too much variation, have less overall talent on the field, seem to neglect ST's and consistently find a way to blow double digit leads. I have come to the conclusion that CPJ's system precludes us from recruiting talent on the D side. You can talk about the school, but our last coach had several players, including an entire DL (let that soak in) that had a cup of coffee in the league. I believe this experiment has run its course. And continue to hope that I am wrong in my conviction of this.

Yaller Jacket

Ramblin' Wreck
My take, both targeting calls were bogus imo.

special teams was ok.......... except on 2 plays, and those two plays really hurt us. Well, the bad punt as well.

On defense, guys need to brake down. I understand flying to the ball and if you miss the tackle others should be there, but at the same time, brake down and make a tackle. I’m about to get backlash for his probably, but CNW called a decent game, that’s right play calling on D wasn’t that bad. The issue was guys over pursuing/not braking down, and not keeping their assignments. Now, it’s a new defense so I’ll give the guys time to get better, but I still have to look at if the D staff had the guys prepared well. We had a ton of missed assignments imo and that can’t continue to happen. That imo was the biggest issue, we weren’t getting man handled or anything like that.

On offense, we will be perfectly fine. We had over 600 yards of offense and 38 points. I understand we had a fumble, but can we really blame a unit for putting up 38 points and over 600 yards? And it doesn’t matter who the QB was, they both played well and did their job. Oh, I almost forgot, TM showed he can pass the ball better than some thought. This game was better than any game I can remember from last year in that aspect.

Tech Wreck's thought here will help me sleep, that and about ten cold ones. I said earlier our defense was out athleted by the USF offense, but many, many times we came flying in to make the spectacular tackle and whiffed. Had we played for the sure tackle instead we'd have played a better defensive game. I know Woody wants them aggressive, but if he can dial it back a little in that situation, this defense may be okay.

As he said, there was much to like about the offense. Last week's main griping point -- Taquan's throwing -- looked a whole lot better.


Helluva Engineer
As much as I hate it (you hate it, we all hate it), our best shot is doing something different with players that we can get to come here. CPJ does that and the hope is that CNW can too. Offense scores a legit 38 points (no defensive scores) and has a two score lead in the 4th, you shouldn't lose and you sure shouldn't give up 21 straight on 3 straight possessions.

We've seen what CPJ does different. You know what it leads to? A 58% winning percentage overall and 57.5% in conference. Chan Gailey won 57.9% of his games overall and 58.3% overall. So tell me how does Johnson give us a better chance? I'm sorry but this idea that 10 years of ****y defense isn't on Johnson and just continuously hoping the new DC is the difference is naive. What is a career southern conference and sunbelt DC going to bring that Groh or Roof didn't? Does anyone really expect him to improve recruiting significantly? Is he somehow going to overcome the fact that our scout team can't come close to replicating several basic pieces other teams will have? Or is there really this belief that there is a magic defense scheme that will change things significantly, and it's this guy in particular that has found it?

We do need to do something different. But that doesn't mean going all in on just one side of the ball with a HC who is basically only an OC, is the way. We simply give up too much in other areas for what Johnson brings on offense, and what he brings has become not enough as we continue to be unable to win games where the other team scores 28 or more. We have a program built extremely heavily around the offense and we can't win shoot outs. Sorry, but it is time to do something different. Different from what we have been doing for 10 years now.


Helluva Engineer
What's your thoughts on cpj??

What is your angle, buddy? You’ve already outed yourself as a mutt fan but you say that you’re not. I am suspicious since you say “roof roof” instead of “woof woof”. Ted, is that you?

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