Haha, I can top that.
Bosses call a guy's department into the 'big' office. This was '08 in the financial sector so everybody knows layoffs are comin'. The dept figures this is 'it'.
The guy, let's call him 10gk, is the youngest in the dept.
Sure enough, the bosses inform them they're all laid off. But 10gk's last day will be 30 days after the rest of you geezers. Matter o' fact, the rest of you go get your things. kg01, I mean, 10gk we need you to hang back a bit. Uh, sign some more paperwork.
(Everyone else leaves)
Ah we were just kiddin', 10kg, you're not really laid off. We just needed them to think we weren't just laying them off because they're all old.
True story.
I learned later there were some age discrimination lawsuit rumblings before that. I guess 10gk was some kind o' reverse guinea pig, sacrificial lamb.
10gk got outta dodge fast after that. Talk about faulty 'leadership'.