Spring Practice


Ramblin' Wreck
Who has actually said that where?

You could easily be right; the argument makes sense. The big natural experiment to see if you are begins at Death Valley directly. Hope you're right.

Except none of the CGC minions with admit that. When Clemson boat races us they'll say the cupboard was bare and not even realize they're contracting their "blame bad D on CPJ and his O" mantra.


Helluva Engineer
First, I greatly appreciate your willingness to take-on the question beyond making pot-shots, hand-waves at what "makes-sense", or other emotional appeals. You are right that having a blind-spot or ignorance could address some of the questions that I raised. Still, I think that CPJ repeating the same methodology with Woody after having the same/similar problem with three previous DCs continues to raise the other questions about ethics if that were the case, especially if it were as cut-and-dried as encouraging bend-don't-break while complaining about not being aggressive enough.

FWIW, all of my questions go toward answering your second paragraph and its questions. It is obviously not just so I know "who likes the previous staff and who doesn't" because that's irrelevant. It's so that I can understand the points which people are trying to make. It really is as simple as me trying to understand what others are trying to say. I know that the internet seems to be primed for irrational discourse. Those that seem to thrive are those who tell other people what they are trying to say and then attack them because this interpretation is evil.

So, I'm trying to buck this trend in online discourse by trying to push toward rational rather than simply emotional discourse. This thread exists because there are a significant number of people who continue to post challenges to the previous staff. As a fan of CPJ, I'm trying to understand their point. For example, I suspect that you would respond differently about your expression, "without caring about the coach being ignorant or lying," if you, and not CPJ, were the one whose integrity were being challenged. I suspect that you would want to understand what was actually being claimed about you (after you likely would react emotionally).

With this in mind, I think that three facts regarding that staff are pretty clear across the eleven years: (1) our offense was not popular stylistically but effective in scoring statistically against BCS-AQ/Pwr5, (2) our defense under-performed at the Pwr5 level, and (3) our team results were less than hoped-for--apart from the years where our O was lights-out. It was a constant source of discussion over the last 11 years why our D struggled, and that made sense. Since we now have a new coach who is bringing in a completely different culture, the question arises of why people want to continue to talk-down CPJ with new previously un-discussed claims about his role in our D.

So, let me try and explain. There are facts, and there are interpretation of facts. There are statements, and there are interpretations of statements. A mature test of any interpretation of facts or statements is how well this interpretation fits with other known facts and/or statements. An immature test is how well it fits with what I already believed or with what I hoped were true. Another immature response is to simply apply no test at all and just choose an interpretation based on who said it or where the majority opinions are located.

I'm trying to avoid immature responses by asking those who are making the new claims what their understanding of the situation is. We've had 11 years of CPJ taking ownership publicly for both sides of the ball while at the same time saying that his input is to encourage the D to be more aggressive, get more pressure on the passer, and for a few years "stop running a 2-gap DL." If he was actually telling the DC that he wanted them to be less aggressive, not worry about getting pressure on the QB, etc, then that would be big news and change my opinion of CPJ. So, I want those who are making the new claim to help me understand the new perspective in light of what we've heard for 11 years.

Thanks. If you have a link where I could hear that Wes Durham perspective, I'd like to hear it. With respect to the comments from a player who played for CPJ, I am assuming that you are talking about @Ibeeballin, and I am a fan of him as both a player and a contributor to this forum. I think his recent shots against CPJ (which he rejects as shots) differ from what he's posted previously, so I am trying to understand.

You completely misunderstand me. I'm not doubting him, I'm asking questions trying to understand him. I have set his comments about CPJ telling his DC's to play soft (paraphrase) next to CPJ"s public comments about wanting his D to be more aggressive. I am asking him to offer his understanding of how these comments are reconciled.

(assuming you meant "while" instead of "why")
As has been said, it's not an issue of whether it's silly. It's an issue of whether its ethical.

Am I right in understanding this comment as you saying that this is what CPJ was doing: He was calling-out his D to the media for not doing what he wanted when they were doing what he demanded from the DC?
Thank you for using paragraphs! Btw, I agree with your post.


Ramblin' Wreck
Yeah I'm worried about offense. I hate the shotgun spread garb that 95% of the nation runs.

I like I-form jumbo under center, weak and strong formations. Fullback on the field at all times along with one tight end and a lot of times two tight ends. I'm old school. Passing downs get in the gun with 3 wide and a TE or just go 4 wide. Pretty much Stanford style is what I love.

we might gravitate to that type of offense but doubtful in 2019, given the athletes we have on the team now. Gotta coach to what you have, not what you want (disclaimer: That's just a saying and not 'throwing shade' at any particular coach - past or present)


Helluva Engineer
Except none of the CGC minions with admit that. When Clemson boat races us they'll say the cupboard was bare and not even realize they're contracting their "blame bad D on CPJ and his O" mantra.
Can we agree on facts w out blaming.? They are what they are.
Inbelieve we were boat raced by Clemson and uga for last few years.
Here are the average numbers for last 2 or last 3 years.

For those years in quarters 1,2,3 Clemson and uga averaged 11 -12 points per quarter .
GT averaged about 2 points . The score was 35 -6 in first 3 quarters for those 6 games. (192 to 38).

In 4th quarter they averaged 1 point and we averaged about 8.
Clearly they called off the dogs in the 4th. Coach respect.

Here are the numbers
First 3 quarters - down 29!
The defense got boat raced 35 but the offense got stone walled for 6.

There are the August 29 numbers for you to use against the horrible minions. Keep building their gallows. But what if ........

I had trouble w your wording like " with admit" and " they are contracting" , but re read and got your intent.