NFL Draft


Helluva Engineer
When the 49ers went away from what made Kaepernick "Kaepernick"...running a little read option to keep the outside defenders honest, he struggled a lot with more complex and tighter coverages. That's not an opinion, that's what happened. There's a reason he spent the offseason working on his touch and accuracy.

I mean you can say that's what happened all you want but it's way more nuanced than that. The reason Kaepernick spent the offseason working on his touch and accuracy (also changed up his throwing mechanics) is because Kaepernick has always had issues with his touch and accuracy. His struggles there have been there since day one. They haven't been exacerbated by the lack of running they just stopped being masked. Also, the amount of zone read they ran in previous seasons is overstated. They didn't use it significantly less last year than the years prior. What was different was that Kaepernick didn't run when the yardage was there while dropping back to pass. That was probably something the coaches told him to do and no one can be sure why. But I don't think he wasn't the problem. Combine that with our O-line playing like trash, our only vertical threat having an awful year, and bad play calling/scheme and you get the 28th ranked offense.

Read this:

Notice in those gifs there is no pressure on him...he's missing throws NFL level QBs should make with that kind of time.

I follow that blog so I've read that before. I've also seen all those plays live. Like I said he's got stuff to work on. I never said he was part of the NFL elite. He could be but he's not there yet. Sometimes you get throws like that from him. It's why he's worked on what he did this offseason. And sometimes you get plays no one else can make. It tends to balance out over the course of the season. Are you trying to imply he's not NFL starter material? Because I'd strongly disagree. Other than that I can't argue that he doesn't need to really improve on what's written in there.

I'm not a 49ers fan, but I was a fan of what Harbaugh did with him earlier in Kaep's career. Not sure why they went away from it.

They really didn't change all that much other than telling him not to scramble. The defense covered up a lot of the offensive issues, and there were A LOT that were ignored due to the team's success, that were present for Harbaugh's entire tenure. They finally came to a head last year and were compounded by injuries. The narrative about abandoning tthe zone read isn't representative of what actually happened.

Let me also add...going to be interesting to see his development now that Jim "the QB whisperer" Harbaugh is no longer there. Kaepernick voiced how grateful he was for Harbaugh's tuteledge when JH left. That's another interesting angle to next Kaepernick plays without Harbaugh.

It's going to be very interesting. Although I think after watching him a few years Harbaugh's "QB whisperer" persona is a little overstated. Kaep's development really stalled the last year or so. His old QB coach is now the OC so that should help the transition a bit. And Harbaugh wasn't infallible. I've said it like six times so far but his offenses had major issues down to the schematic level no one talked about until they blew up in our face. Overall I think he'll be ok. He's been around the block a few times at this point. Whether he progresses or not we shall see. But even if he doesn't I'd say he's a solid NFL QB all things considered when you look at his contract and the state of the QB position around the league.

Anyway, sorry for the novel I could rant about this for hours. It's been beaten to death in 49er circles.


Helluva Engineer
You know who should happier than a pig in mud? Christian Philpott, Harland Howell, Brad Stewart, Ricky Jeune, Michael Summers, Antonio Messick.

Seriously, they picked the right school if they wanted a good chance at the next level. Other coaches can talk crap about not getting a ton of catches, and having to block...but there is no room to talk about not having a chance at the NFL playing WR in our offense. If you start for GT as a WR, odds are good you're going to the next level.

How crazy would this scenario have been 8 years ago when CPJ came here? The position everyone thought would be hurt the most ends up being the bell cow for players drafted.
I wonder if Jeff Greene thinks about what might have been had he sucked it up? As I recall he was rated far above Waller when recruited and playing time.


Jolly Good Fellow
I wrote it in another thread about Waller...what GT fans tend to overlook with Waller and his measurable is that there are other WRs with similar/same measurables that are more productive and more polished. Why pick a project when there's another player you can pick that you don't have to spend time developing that you would with Waller?

That said, I really hope he gets drafted because that's nothing but good for GT.
All these other tall receivers aren't almost 6'7" 230+ pounds running a 4.47 either I think he got drafted on potential her had some freaky numbers for a guy his size At the combine


Ramblin' Wreck
Moncks Corner, South Carolina
Not that he needs it, but Waller should send his first paycheck to Smelter to help cover his doctor bills. Without him getting hurt, I'm not sure Waller gets enough touches to get drafted.

Happy that all these guys are getting their chance. Make the most of it men.


Ramblin' Wreck
I am so happy for our UDFAs...they will be great ambassadors for Tech, our current players and new and future recruits to twart their undervalued status for the NFL.

I had not heard about one of my favorite players Isaiah Johnson...please help...the falcons could use his talents!


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
I am so happy for our UDFAs...they will be great ambassadors for Tech, our current players and new and future recruits to twart their undervalued status for the NFL.

I had not heard about one of my favorite players Isaiah Johnson...please help...the falcons could use his talents!

FA contract with the Lions