Here's a COVID thread for you

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Savannah, GA
If by chance a substantial number of people started to get really sick and/or die from one or more of the vaccines given emergency authorization, do you really believe that the FDA would agree that they have officially approved those vaccines?

IOW - FDA still has Plausible Deniability.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Nobody is arguing any different. We’re just explaining they will eventually have regular approval, but don’t yet.
I agree with this. My whole point was that both are "FDA approvals." Hence why I said it was all semantics. But it's all good. I think we're all in agreement with what has and will happen; it's just a difference of opinion on language.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
If by chance a substantial number of people started to get really sick and/or die from one or more of the vaccines given emergency authorization, do you really believe that the FDA would agree that they have officially approved those vaccines?

IOW - FDA still has Plausible Deniability.
No. And I agree if that happens, the vaccinations will stop. But after 6 months with no ill affects I've heard about (beyond the few cases of reactions immediately after vaccination), I doubt that is going to happen. I will concede that it could and that would change everything. But I find it highly unlikely.


Jolly Good Fellow
I think you're wrong. I think they've finally gotten it right. Vaccinated people should have restrictions removed. That is what the science is saying. (or are you saying it's sad that it took this long?)
Some people will just be like this no matter what:
Do the thing!
Do the thing!
(they do the thing)
Why did you take so long?!

Deleted member 2897

Some people will just be like this no matter what:
Do the thing!
Do the thing!
(they do the thing)
Why did you take so long?!

Yup. The frustrating/silly part is that for several months they’ve even advertised that they have the data to support recommending the thing…but said the opposite.


If by chance a substantial number of people started to get really sick and/or die from one or more of the vaccines given emergency authorization, do you really believe that the FDA would agree that they have officially approved those vaccines?

IOW - FDA still has Plausible Deniability.
not only that but under EUA the manufacturers have NO liability and can not be sued.
big Pharma may like it that way.$$
IF they ever get approved, then standard liability laws would apply.


Ramblin' Wreck

Deleted member 2897

That really is funny, but why is "Everyone Else" still wearing a mask?

Vaccinated, outdoors, plenty of space - until just recently, the CDC told them they need to wear a mask. The CDC also ignores immunity from the disease when calculating herd immunity, which is a scientifically invalid way to do it…and so those poor people are just exhausted.


Helluva Engineer
I don't think this is true anymore with the latest announcement coming out of the CDC.
Some companies have dropped mask requirements for vaccinated customers. Most haven't. Some cities have mask mandates that override whatever the stores want to do anyways. What the CDC put out is a recommendation. It is going to take time before those recommendations are applied everywhere.

Deleted member 2897

Immunity levels aren't only based off of vaccine levels, so that's not a scientifically accurate way for those folks to look at it. For example, overall immunity levels in my state are estimated by health professionals to be almost 70%, despite less than half of the residents being vaccinated. Its really amazing how organizations like the CDC totally ignore such data. As we sit here today, the CDC expected a spike in numbers right now, yet numbers are all collapsing...little old people like us on here even knew better.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Because most places still require masks because vaccination levels in those areas aren't high enough to justify dropping the requirements.
I don't know the "why", but I will concur that everywhere around me are still requiring masks to enter. We have pretty high vaccination levels here north of Chicago, upwards of 70-80% of eligible adults.
Savannah, GA
Some companies have dropped mask requirements for vaccinated customers. Most haven't. Some cities have mask mandates that override whatever the stores want to do anyways. What the CDC put out is a recommendation. It is going to take time before those recommendations are applied everywhere.

If you're talking nationwide, maybe so. However, if you're trying to convince more people to take the vaccine, I think that representing vaccinated people still wearing a mask is probably not the best marketing ploy.

Deleted member 2897

CDC Director lied on national TV yesterday.

I’m delivering the science as the science is delivered to the medical journals. And it evolved,"

That is demonstrably false. And the CDC has even said so - vaccinated people have NEVER been shown over the last several months to have transmitted the virus. The CDC themselves posted studies months ago to this effect. Vaccination approvals were long ago based on effectiveness levels. Those effectiveness levels have never been in doubt, wavered, or changed.



Helluva Engineer
Are we seriously arguing about the accuracy of a satirical comic? I have never even considered the accuracy of such things.

And actually in the case of this comic, it isn't obvious to me which person is being made fun of. Is it the fat old guy who is holding everything up, or is it the weak guy who can't give up on controlling everyone else and wearing a mask even though is is vaccinated and more than 6' away from everyone else outdoors? I think maybe to comic artist was poking fun at everyone.
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