GT - Miss St Post game


We don't quite suck as much anymore.
Mt Juliet, TN
Mississippi State actually outgained us yardage wise. 605 total yards. Biggest difference in the game was our play in the red zone offensively and defensively. Also about 200 of their yards were from garbage time at end of both halves (That hail Mary counts as garbage time yards IMO since we basically played prevent).


Jolly Good Fellow
Offensive line dominated the second half. Those vaunted defensive tackles were on skates. We ran it right at them and there was nothing they could do about it.

You could tell that JT had his burst back tonight. These last three weeks have been good for him to get his body back in top shape. In my opinion he was the best athlete on the field. When he froze the corner or safety and then took off for the touchdown I couldn't believe it.

Waller had a great game and made some very big plays to keep their defense honest.

Days ran like a man possessed.

Defense gave up a lot of yards, but made big plays when it mattered.



Jolly Good Fellow
GPD I went through a serious illness within the last couple of years and, like others I know, it brought to me a realization about cherishing special times and special moments. My son texted me shortly after the game with his congratulations. Crying? Sure, for an awful lots if reasons :D No shame, just an absolute joy at being here to see what I saw tonight and this season!
Yes OldJacket, I think that's it... I start thinking about my Dad, him taking me to Tech games when I was a little boy, my Mom and her on special love of Tech...and now my daughter does the same thing.. Lots of emotional equity tied in with Tech Athletic events... NOTHING, including Thanksgiving Dinner, has that same level of effect on me.
Not necessarily proud of it, just telling the truth.


Helluva Engineer
Second biggest win of the season!
Roger that age at times shows up and I forget things but do not ,except for a pick remember us making any mistakes all night long.I told Wife we would win after MSU started dropping footballs and looking at each other...great win and the game at South Bend will be a biggie next year.Man did JT save us and probably PJ this year..what a year for a first time starter...........need to keep him under lock and key

worthco jacket

Georgia Tech Fan
Albany, Georgia
Are you kidding me?

What a performance by GT.

I said the OL would struggle...boy they dominated.

Justin Thomas what a game! His name is going to be in the limelight now.

11 wins...Orange Bowl Champs, ACC Coastal Champs, State Champs! unreal season!
Given the low expectations, and perceived lack of depth and talent in certain positions (even by an ever skeptical fan base), this has to rank has the best team since 1990. At the beginning of the year Coach Johnson made a comment that suggested this team might surprise people. At the time, his words which as I recall talked about team unity and how easy it was to coach them were derided as "coach speak". In hindsight, he was prescient and the critics, including me, were the ones that were clueless. This season is a testimony to the leadership of Shaq Mason on the offensive line, the determination of Erin Joe to overcome injuries, and the exceptional abilities of JT, Smelter, Laskey, Days, to move the football no matter what the obstacles. Think about this, how many of these young men fit the "prototype" of what pro scouts are looking for? Very few, maybe Smelter, possibly Shaq. How many of them would start at your typical football factory? A handful from both sides of the ball? Yet, here they are having beaten a former number one team in the nation, the neighborhood bully, two ACC teams loaded with the aforementioned pro talent (Clemson and Miami), a sweep of the much bemoaned "Big Four", and all this has been accomplished with a ahem "high school offense. If this does not make you proud to be a Yellow Jacket then there is no hope.


Jolly Good Fellow
Yes OldJacket, I think that's it... I start thinking about my Dad, him taking me to Tech games when I was a little boy, my Mom and her on special love of Tech...and now my daughter does the same thing.. Lots of emotional equity tied in with Tech Athletic events... NOTHING, including Thanksgiving Dinner, has that same level of effect on me.
Not necessarily proud of it, just telling the truth.
I couldn't have said that better myself. I was lucky to be able to spend 5 years of special memories with my son having season tickets with him (made me so proud to see him be such a huge jacket fan amongst all these nad lickers he grew up with). Thanksgiving doesn't hold a candle to these memories...... glad my wife don't read this board. I am working on making new memories with my 2 daughters now (5 and 8). It's gonna be a tough task but I'm working on it. Every time I hollered last night they would run in here and give high fives then immediately run back to the kitchen with mama to their easy bake oven :)


Helluva Engineer
Douglasville, Georgia
And kudos to the announcers for their praise and recognizing the adjustments. I may have to amend my opinion on JeSecie Palmer.
I like Palmer a lot. He really knows his stuff and doesn't sound completely ignorant about GT when he speaks of us. He may struggle with pronouncing a name or 2 but he didn't make many errors last night. I was proud of that.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Williamsburg Virginia
Great season,
I can't sleep...watching the highlights on ESPN...Hey Jesse...there is SEC speed then there is GT speed.
BTW...great game for Days...couldn't happen to a better guy.

Make that real speed versus SEC speed. See how TCU ran away from Ole Miss? If Alabama faces Oregon, Oregon will run away from Alabama. That is probably the fastest team in football (track speed at least) with all the track stars on the team. We have a bunch of track stars too. And watching the GT-Miami game, Miami has elite speed too. Just not as disciplined.

I think the SEC has emphasized size and strength for trench warfare over speed. Evolve or perish.


Jolly Good Fellow
Gas Pump #1
I've been watching Tech football since the 1950s. I've enjoyed great coaching, outstanding players, champions, and incredible victories. Now I've enjoyed the best night of sleep I've had in ages and can think with a relatively calm and cool head. So here is my heartfelt critique as a Tech fan:
