FSU Post game thread

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I loved how we played under Paul Johnson, and these games (and this post) make me feel the same way. There’s nothing like seeing a defense become defeated by a 15 play drive - it’s so demoralizing. Love how tough we are in the run game.
Quoting Coach Key: "Are you kidding me? Run the bawll" Alabama drawl. Love that guy.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
It’s beautiful, everyone picked against us, but we overcame! Welcome back football season, what a game to open the season!
Including me to my eternal shame. Oh ye of little faith. But in the back of my mind there was the gnawing doubt on my all too glib belief in FSU's supposedly superior talent. What if DJ reverts to form and just throws short passes? What if, Tech runs the ball, runs it some more, and limits FSU possessions Coach Johnson style? What if, FSU fools around and keeps Tech in the game until the fourth quarter? What if, people wise up and realize that betting big money on anything having to do with predicting what 18 to 22 year old young men are going to do in a football game is a fool's errand?


Ramblin' Wreck

I noticed this for the first time on the "checks receipts" post (which BTW was one of the greatest posts ever!). I love how the combined moves by McCollum and Haynes "blocked" two players without touching them!!!

I also feel obligated to point out how smart of a football move that was by McCollum! He realized that if he made contact it would have almost certainly been a block on the back penalty and if not that he probably would have been called for the newer rules on the blindside block. So instead of making contact, he goated them to the sideline and then pulled up to just be in the way so Haynes had a cutback lane.


Helluva Engineer
It is great to get a top-10 victory, the last being 2015 with the miracle of North Avenue win over FSU. Unfortunately, football was a 3-9 year (1-7 ACC). Those of us, who were at Tech in the coach Bud Carson/AD Bobby Dodd/Presidents Harrison, Hansen, and Pettit era (68-72) ups & downs seasons, learned to cope with roller coaster seasons. We have done that since.

Also unfortunate is that President Cabrera has to come back to Tech and get middle of a Federal Department of Justice lawsuit filed Aug 22 against the University System Board of Regents, Georgia Tech and it's affiliate GTRI (now GTRC), alleging Cybersecurity Violations, in addition to alleging Georgia Tech and GTRC submitted a false cybersecurity assessment score to DoD for the Georgia Tech campus. The submission of this score was a “condition of contract award” for Georgia Tech’s GTRC government (mostly DoD) $1.6 billion contracts.

Interesting post, but that second paragraph belongs in another thread. No need to undermine our post-victory celebration with unrelated problems.


Ramblin' Wreck
I’m humming the intro tune of Westworld while reading this stat


Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
FSU does not have the explosive receivers this year that they had last season. Or if they do they have not made it into the first team. Our DBs played a lot of man coverage yesterday. They held up very well. The defense will be interesting to watch as it faces different offenses going forward.
You are correct there is not a Peter Warwick in the bunch but they can get open.


Helluva Engineer
I have watch it 3 times on you tube.
Gets better each time.

Our players made plays.

The defense had an unbelievable improvement.

Tatum had some issues, but when he blitzed he gave qb fits. 15 who subbed in (true freshman) looked very good.

We played like a team that's could grow into a champion. 2-0 is only thing better than 1-0


Helluva Engineer
FSU will get better as the year progresses. They have talent and depth on both sides of the ball. They will go as far as DJ can take them. IIWII
I agree. Most good teams get better after the first game. Their QB threw for over 2600 yards last year and 21 TDs. I look for them to win 10 or 11 games. I think we are better than most prognosticators. Only time will tell.


Jolly Good Fellow
Highly enjoyable football game. Turned into a grind- it-out, slobber knocker kinda game which is not how GT-FSU games have traditionally gone, where they usually whip-up on us with big plays. To win the game like that was particularly SWEET.

I don't think I have ever experienced so much post-game media love as I saw last night. We had a beautiful game when we were the only game. I was fully expecting the media to launch into coverage of what went wrong with FSU. Instead we got our props, and LOTS of it.

What a golden branding opportunity this game turned out to be. Key's energy is likeable. King is likeable. The players ability to so quickly pick up the Irish Jig is impressive. The team beat the widely hated, self-entitled FSU program.

For a few days we are not only showing our chops on the field, but we are darlings as well. Huge opportunity that we are cashing. So Sweet.

Comments on losing Key are, I believe, misplaced. Remember, GT is not a poor school. We have just had leaders that were not too interested in athletics. That is not the case right now. Cabrera has shown an interest in using the athletics program to bolster the Institute's overall prestige. As long as Cabrera is President, I am not afraid of having Key poached.

Hawes will be big as an in-line TE, but Boyd looked awfully fast attacking the edge on his touch.

Key play of the game was Rutledge sneaking between two FSU players to recover the botched snap.

Singleton was SOOOOOO open on King's overthrow for an easy TD. They tried to cover him, but Singleton easily pulled away from the FSU corner and Safety.

Efford and Butler were Torpedoes out there. Love when the DL frees up linebackers to play like that.

Santucci, in distinction from the previous guy, fakes pre-snap blitzes from one spot, allowing the offense to audible, and then brings pressure from another spot. Where has that been? Our guys quickly started to play loose and fast.

The NFL seems to currently favor slot backs that look a lot like Jamal Haynes. Suspect he may end up in the NFL at some point.

The play by play guy seemed to vastly over-state the difference in size and speed between the teams. Their skill guys were big on offense, but I thought the teams were not that different in terms of size and speed. I think our level of physicality and tenacity surprised FSU a little bit. We just kept swinging. I think we were a bit more consistent in efficiency than they were. Tight game though. Good game.
Looked to me like Singleton pulled a double move on the CB - King threw it before his break and did not expect a double move. We’ll complete some of those this season.