Duke Postgame


Helluva Engineer
Let's all get along and talk football. We are all frustrated with the start of the season but we all support the Jackets. We are all going to disagree from time to time but we are still Jacket brothers!


Jolly Good Fellow
I think next week will be much better..... We will beat UNC and the dwags will lose to Bama ... Now that is a great football weekend right there! At least that's the way I am hoping it will play out.


Helluva Engineer
I feel like this has always been a trend though. Last year most wrote us off before the season started, started off ok, had a shaky game against Georgia Southern, but steadily improved throughout the season. This year we started out with a lot of momentum and hype, something we usually don't get, and something I almost feel hurt us. CPJ even said from the get go he didn't think we were that great.


Cry me a river. It's a sports message board. Not my workplace. You grow up thinking you're holier than thou by bossing people around on a MESSAGE BOARD. Get outta here with that crap.

It's pretty simple. Keep it PG13. If you can't I'll petition the mods to ban you and they can decide. That 4 letter c word you're so fond of has no place here IMO....and I don't mean the c word that ends in rap.


Jolly Good Fellow
I certainly hope Taquan is ok! We simply cannot afford any MORE running back losses. I saw Allen got dinged up - not sure how bad. By Thursday the AA will announce that they are both out and a third player that no one saw go down is out as well.
I'm glad CPJ signed a bunch of players - but we are going through them like crap through a goose.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
It's pretty simple. Keep it PG13. If you can't I'll petition the mods to ban you and they can decide. That 4 letter c word you're so fond of has no place here IMO....and I don't mean the c word that ends in rap.


Anyway, I'll throw in my 2cents, if it's worth that. I'm no expert, but I don't believe the guys claiming the expertise to say out-schemed are either. What plays work when you can't block?

CPJs been coaching a long time, and he said we practiced well. What happened? I don't know.

Our D looks better, but not yet great.
My wag at what we're facing:
Duke's D is good, probably comparable to ND and UVA. CU and vpi are probably better. FSU and d'oh U are probably not as good but better on O. In other words, I see 5 games that today's team would struggle to win.

We should play relaxed now without the pressure of ACC or cfp possible. I say we see a turnaround because of that. If not? Ouch.


Helluva Engineer
We have the look of a team that read a lot of press about how great they were gonna be. Coaches included. JMHO.

I disagree. If this were just the ND game I might buy it but not two weeks in a row. My speculation is the following. I think Johnson feared exactly what you described. In an effort to prevent that harped on the offense not being as good as they think. Now, when the offense has started struggling in games, they start to believe that and lose confidence in themselves. I don't think our poor performances offensively have been a result of overconfidence. I think it's been a product, at least partially, of losing confidence when things aren't going well.

If it were just reading press clippings I don't think our defense would be playing this well. Even when the defense struggled early on they regrouped and started playing better. The offense didn't. I don't think anyone was afraid of the defense getting big heads, because while they made big plays, they were not great last year. So nobody was trying to keep their ego in check.

Again, entirely conjecture, but that's my impression.

When it comes to coaches, I feel like Johnson, at least, has his own separate issues. But I think they're the same issues he's had since coming here, and sometimes they come back to bite us and some times they don't.

GT Chillin' It

Jolly Good Fellow
Learning curve is too big for a freshman to thrive in or offense. Which again falls on PJ for not balancing out the classes better. We will be in the same situation in 4 more years
Agree with this....but just think how good they will be in 3 ;)


Jolly Good Fellow

Anyway, I'll throw in my 2cents, if it's worth that. I'm no expert, but I don't believe the guys claiming the expertise to say out-schemed are either. What plays work when you can't block?

CPJs been coaching a long time, and he said we practiced well. What happened? I don't know.

Our D looks better, but not yet great.
My wag at what we're facing:
Duke's D is good, probably comparable to ND and UVA. CU and vpi are probably better. FSU and d'oh U are probably not as good but better on O. In other words, I see 5 games that today's team would struggle to win.

We should play relaxed now without the pressure of ACC or cfp possible. I say we see a turnaround because of that. If not? Ouch.[/QUOTE

I am one of those that thinks we got our schemed. I just cannot believe our guys forgot all the techniques that worked so well last year. I have not watched the film, but I saw Duke completely sell out to stop the run. They were always bringing 6 against our five lineman. The blitzed two on every pass play as well and single covered our receivers. This creates a situation where you have one more player rushing than blocking. It appeared to me that our line was struggling on WHO to block. This is a scheme issue. When we got out of the base to spread them out they shot the safety up to stop the option. This exactly what ND did last week. ND confused our blocking and play calling by using multiple sets. This is strictly scheme. They had the off side defensive end step up so it typically blew up the counter option. ND did this as well. The option's success depends on outnumbering the defense at the point of attack. Doesn't it appear we have been outnumbered the last two games?

We can beat this with short passes. We have these in our playbook. Does anybody remember the screen play we used several times with Dwyer. We have the short wherl route that we ran at ND. We have the short pass to the Abacks coming out quickly from our standard set. We have the smoke route. There are passing options that we did not use. I know Justin has brought another dimension with his speed his arm strength for the deep pass is just not that good. I know some will disagree with this.


Jolly Good Fellow
I know we lost to them last year too and had a great year but I feel a lot worse this year about the result. The fact that we lost to them two years in a row really stinks. I'd love for our program to get to a spot where we don't lose to schools like this in back-to-back years. I understand today's Duke is better than they were 10 years ago but still.....


Helluva Engineer
Does no one remember how much of a mess the team was last year at the beginning? Remember how shaky the D was at the beginning, team didn't have much character either. I have faith CPJ can get this worked out. Today just proved yet again that we arent ready to be with the big teams just yet. I think a lot of us had high hopes me included that we would come into the season to be that Top 25 team we were ranked. Obviously not.