I hope you are correct, but I fear you may not be. With a news media that seems to have abandoned all idea of reporting pure facts, and has migrated into propaganda worse than at any time in my living memory, I am far less certain than you are.
We have gone through a stretch where globalists have wrecked our middle class, sending all decent jobs for high school grads overseas and allowing factories to close. Now we are reaping the results of that with unrest in poor communities which frankly I don't blame them for...they have been betrayed by the elite establishments of both political parties who in their greed want to maintain the status quo. (NB, this has nothing to do with race, poor communities are all colors.) Yet, we see people continue to vote in the same types of people over and over again...rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. It is rather like our entire society has been brainwashed. Trump was elected by a bunch of folks who were sick of the political class in general (not by a bunch of redneck racists). Biden will be a return to the globalist policies that got us into trouble in the first place. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, we see things like a true justice system being discarded in our universities, we see a cancel culture that can actually get people fired, and perhaps even killed, we see late term abortions being accepted as the norm and most shocking of all, we see violence in our streets (the "fringe" as you call them) being embraced and defending by a major political party. (My point about gay marriage, which I also don't have any issues with, was simply to illustrate how much change has occurred and seems to be still occurring.)