Coronavirus Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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Helluva Engineer
I guess we are just ignoring the "No politics" rule, huh?

I don't really think there's any way around politics regarding this thread, due to the nature of its content. The moderators, I'm guessing, recognize that it's a hybrid thread that doesn't squarely belong in either the politics section or the non-politics section. For my part, I've tried to tone it down. There's a lot of stuff I now leave unsaid, or try to say it in a way that doesn't focus on the politics of it. I say things that are regarded as political, but there's a lot left unsaid.


Helluva Engineer
South Forsyth
I don't really think there's any way around politics regarding this thread, due to the nature of its content. The moderators, I'm guessing, recognize that it's a hybrid thread that doesn't squarely belong in either the politics section or the non-politics section. For my part, I've tried to tone it down. There's a lot of stuff I now leave unsaid, or try to say it in a way that doesn't focus on the politics of it. I say things that are regarded as political, but there's a lot left unsaid.

You and others (with differing opinions) have done a good job toning it down. I for one appreciate it. The restraint is hard as well. I think it helps all of us to start breaking down some of the walls we have had up about the opinions we have for the other side. We really all do want what is best for this country.
Augusta, GA
> How quickly we forget
Elvis Was King, Ike Was President, & 116,000 Americans Died In A Pandemic
The year was 1957. Elvis’s new movie “Jailhouse Rock” was packing the theaters. The last episode of “I Love Lucy” aired on television. The show “West Side Story” held tryouts in Washington, D.C., and opened on Broadway in September. Ford’s new car the Edsel rolled off the assembly line. “In God We Trust” appeared on U.S. currency. The first Toys R Us store opened.
For staying calm and treating the terrible Asian flu of 1957 as a medical problem to address with medical intelligence, rather than as an excuse to unleash Medieval-style brutality, this first postwar generation deserves our respect and admiration.
View attachment 8292
We survived then, and we can survive now. All it takes is good common sense, and we don't need non-sensical demands from either side telling us what common sense is.
Augusta, GA
Although this former marine is obviously a conservative, and a Trump supporter, I don't see this as a political statement per se on his part, and I am hoping the mods don't see it as political either. To me it is good common sense, and most of what he says should ring true to all ---
Augusta, GA
Just when I think we have seen the bottom on here. I know (hope for your sake) that ur just having some fun, but I'd bet $10k right now this minute, that Fauci's IQ is an order of magnitude higher than yours.
Dr. Fauci may have a very high IQ, but he also has a very dark past ---

(There is a very long video about this, but I figured it was too long to post on here, so I chose the text version instead)


Helluva Engineer
Since we are looking at "opening up", it might be wise to look at the question comparatively. See:

Other countries appear to have done a much better job at "flattening the curve" then we have. (Well … we are doing better then Brazil.) In some cases the number of new cases has truly plummeted. On present evidence, I doubt that will be the case for us as the summer proceeds.

For the mods: I've noticed increasing problems with posting to this thread as it has gotten longer. That could be because of ISP problems at my end. Oth, it could be due to the length of the thread. The telltale sign of that is the sudden and incongruous appearance of the Blue Ball of Death while waiting for response at times. I use a Mac and seeing the Ball isn't happening with other threads here or with other URLs. Perhaps a new thread would be in order.

Of course, given the problems that sometime arise here, the slowdown may be a feature, not a bug …
Augusta, GA
Since we are looking at "opening up", it might be wise to look at the question comparatively. See:

Other countries appear to have done a much better job at "flattening the curve" then we have. (Well … we are doing better then Brazil.) In some cases the number of new cases has truly plummeted. On present evidence, I doubt that will be the case for us as the summer proceeds.

For the mods: I've noticed increasing problems with posting to this thread as it has gotten longer. That could be because of ISP problems at my end. Oth, it could be due to the length of the thread. The telltale sign of that is the sudden and incongruous appearance of the Blue Ball of Death while waiting for response at times. I use a Mac and seeing the Ball isn't happening with other threads here or with other URLs. Perhaps a new thread would be in order.

Of course, given the problems that sometime arise here, the slowdown may be a feature, not a bug …
I haven't encountered any problems posting.


Helluva Engineer
Although this former marine is obviously a conservative, and a Trump supporter, I don't see this as a political statement per se on his part, and I am hoping the mods don't see it as political either. To me it is good common sense, and most of what he says should ring true to all ---

Lets see. Calling us China. Arguing that Newsom is only doing what he is doing to prevent Trump from being reelected in 2020. References to Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe. Yep, I can't see how anyone could find this video to be political.

Deleted member 2897

Since we are looking at "opening up", it might be wise to look at the question comparatively. See:

Other countries appear to have done a much better job at "flattening the curve" then we have. (Well … we are doing better then Brazil.) In some cases the number of new cases has truly plummeted. On present evidence, I doubt that will be the case for us as the summer proceeds.

For the mods: I've noticed increasing problems with posting to this thread as it has gotten longer. That could be because of ISP problems at my end. Oth, it could be due to the length of the thread. The telltale sign of that is the sudden and incongruous appearance of the Blue Ball of Death while waiting for response at times. I use a Mac and seeing the Ball isn't happening with other threads here or with other URLs. Perhaps a new thread would be in order.

Of course, given the problems that sometime arise here, the slowdown may be a feature, not a bug …

I wish they would do those charts on a per capita basis. The slope looks pretty similar to other countries, but the scale on the chart makes it impossible to see. On the JH site, we look pretty similar to the UK. I also think its probably better to look at hospitalizations and deaths per capita at this point rather than positive tests. There's no way at 5% of the world's population that we're 35% of the COVID-19 cases. We've tested more than the rest of the world combined. At least with hospitalizations and deaths you have a higher likelihood of comparing apples to apples.
Augusta, GA
Lets see. Calling us China. Arguing that Newsom is only doing what he is doing to prevent Trump from being reelected in 2020. References to Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe. Yep, I can't see how anyone could find this video to be political.
Big deal. I doubt you would find anyone from either side making a totally agenda-free speech. But you are focusing on those two statements rather than focusing on what he was really emphasizing, which was the need to protect our Constitutional rights to free assembly and free speech.


Jolly Good Fellow
Lets see. Calling us China. Arguing that Newsom is only doing what he is doing to prevent Trump from being reelected in 2020. References to Creepy Sleepy Uncle Joe. Yep, I can't see how anyone could find this video to be political.
Pretty much any post about the protests should be in the political subforum, not here. This thread should be about the virus, the science, deaths, vaccines, treatments, etc.
Augusta, GA
Pretty much any post about the protests should be in the political subforum, not here. This thread should be about the virus, the science, deaths, vaccines, treatments, etc.
I don't see why public response to shutdown measures should be relegated to political threads, especially since about 95% of all discussion about the virus, the science, the deaths, the vaccines, and the treatments is purely subjective.


Helluva Engineer
I wish they would do those charts on a per capita basis. The slope looks pretty similar to other countries, but the scale on the chart makes it impossible to see. On the JH site, we look pretty similar to the UK. I also think its probably better to look at hospitalizations and deaths per capita at this point rather than positive tests. There's no way at 5% of the world's population that we're 35% of the COVID-19 cases. We've tested more than the rest of the world combined. At least with hospitalizations and deaths you have a higher likelihood of comparing apples to apples.
A quick look at the number of tests per million population would tell you that we are still far behind other countries, especially those that have beat the thing down. Further, the chart only compares us to European countries, a valid way to look at the trajectory of the comparative curves, provided you keep the difference in sizes of population in mind. Admittedly, a log scale of cases would have worked better, but then they'd have to explain it and lose 3/4ths of their readers.

On the number of cases: this is probably a function of a) the size of our population and b) the relative lack of infections (so far) in tropical and global South countries. There isn't much to report in Africa, for instance, despite 1.3B people. Signs there don't look good, but their share of all cases is still low.


Obviously the comment: I know ur just having some fun--went equally over your head. I'd still bet the 10k.
He probably does. I come in around 150 if I recall correctly so it’s not like he’s got to be Isaac Newton to have a higher IQ. Plenty of people walking around are much higher. IQ has nothing to do with judgment and he’s clearly lacking there.

If I was in the middle of a national media frenzy due to a pandemic & I was one of the government’s top spokespersons I can assure you I’d not be talking about how men can’t keep their trousers zippered up & how the risk of trolling the internet to canoodle with a variety of loose woman would be ok.


Helluva Engineer
I don't see why public response to shutdown measures should be relegated to political threads, especially since about 95% of all discussion about the virus, the science, the deaths, the vaccines, and the treatments is purely subjective.
Now, you know very well that this isn't true. Right now we are making the best of the numbers that we can, but it is obvious - to me, at least - who is using them insincerely to push an agenda and who is using scientific standards to draw conclusions. (If you are talking about personal opinions concerning scientific results, that's another story.) That's why I try to never quote news stories here and instead provide links to the actual studies, if possible, or to qualified critics if not. Imho, one way to cut down on the volume of cites to subjective opinion here would be for more os us to do that and quit with the Breitbart and co. cites. Sure, that would mean more looking at studies that we can't figure out completely; that happens with me a fair amount. It would also show us pretty clearly who was misrepresenting or misunderstanding the studies in question.

Btw, do you use a Mac? Maybe that's the source of the slowdown.


Helluva Engineer
You absolutely can live a quarantined life without risk of being infected - whether 100 people in your town are infected or 10,000. That’s actually the whole point in the first place.

South Carolina today set a new recent low for daily cases of 93. Charleston County (500,000 people) had 3 total cases today. Nearly a month straight of averaging less than 10 cases a day. Our positive test rate state wide is under 5%, exceeding CDC testing rate guidelines, and that’s after prescreening. So our real positive test rate is probably 1-2%. Our ICUs are running at 15% capacity. It’s going to take us years to clear the virus at this rate LOL. There’s no reason we should force a lot of our state into abject misery I order to protect our elderly folks, when what we would do to protect them would be the same either way.

Good luck running a nursing home without needing to expose the residents to nurses and employees of the nursing home. So, if you are going to completely isolate nursing home residents, you have to completely isolate those workers as well. Oh, and then also their families. Oh, and also any of the people that visit any of the stores that those people have to go to for essential supplies like groceries and drug stores etc. You get the point. Until we can effectively test and track (or get the infected population low enough like it may be in rural areas like you speak of, but isn't in a HUGE majority of the country), you cannot physically just isolate only those most vulnerable.


Helluva Engineer

I know there is more to these numbers but the irony in the large percentage and the graphic at the bottom is hard to miss.
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