No lawyer or agent is actively shopping or soliciting new jobs for their client unless they were asked to do so by said client. If an agent or lawyer is actively trying to lose their license to practice, sure. It's one thing to field calls from schools, it's another to actively seek one out. Make no mistake, CPJ's agent was trying to get CPJ in the mix.
I don't buy the whole "leverage for negotiation" ploy one bit. First, if you're not willing to walk if you don't get what you want, then what good is "leverage"? So if TStan would have said "Paul, I hear what you're saying and I think you deserve it, but we just can't make the numbers work..." where is CPJ going? Second, you've got to be willing to take a job, and the job has to be available to you if you want leverage. So if UT would have called back and said, "We want you Paul, what do you want, we'll get it for you..." CPJ would have just said "Well, I just need you guys to pump up my contract at GT...just play along" you put UT in an awkward situation.
Also, all contracts of coaches at public schools are available via FOIA laws. Agents are well aware of what the market is for coaches.