Man, this QB race is going to be intriguing isn't it. Probably the most intriguing QB race I can remember since replacing Joe Ham. It's almost a little precarious to have 4 guys who all could actually win the spot. If you only had 2, or more separation, then you could focus all of the coaching effort a little more around the one or two. It's also precarious because if you've got a younger guy with more upside but who isn't quite ahead of the older guy yet but could be with a half-season under his belt, it's hard to make that call. Do you go with the guy who gives you the best chance to win the first 6 games or the guy who is more of a liability in the first 6 games but ultimately gives you the best chance to win the last 6 games? Whoever you go with tends to become entrenched as the starter. And, we're talking at least 2 years worth or 4 if it's a younger guy. And, the offense is going to definitely look different depending on which guy. Glad we have Coach Johnson who has seen it all.