Why do we stay with Russell Athletic?


Helluva Engineer
Flint Michigan
Hopefully Russell does the right thing and keeps the unis the exact same as last year for football. Those were the best we've had since CPJ has been here. Minus Dublin and the bowl game...


Jolly Good Fellow
There was talk of that but when MBob left the process started over with Stansbury. I guess there's still a chance but unlikely. It would have to happen in next couple of months for 2017 football to change.

This is what I was told as well. Process started over with Todd but in a positive way.


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
Timeline they are shooting for is May '18. Possible announcement end of '17.

And a note about other brands. It depends on the deal GT signs with UA. If it is a fully-encompassing contract there won't be any other brands on the campus.
But I am sure there will be other brands elsewhere.


Again, you aren't taking into consideration WHEN those deals for Clemson, Purdue, UGA, etc were made. We are in a bigger market than all of those programs and the RECENT deals are the ones that have been so huge. We may not get 5-7, but I would bet that it will be close...
Ok.... I will be excited to see our year new deal....Great news...


Helluva Engineer
Again, you aren't taking into consideration WHEN those deals for Clemson, Purdue, UGA, etc were made. We are in a bigger market than all of those programs and the RECENT deals are the ones that have been so huge. We may not get 5-7, but I would bet that it will be close...

Seriously, The Market.

How big is the market in Tuscaloosa, south bend, Norman versus, say, new Orleans, Boston?

The Market is not where a school is located, it is how many people are buying the goods. We could not even sell allotment of bowl tickets to a game just across border in Fla.

Hope we can get as much as RA pays, but not holding breath.


Helluva Engineer
Seriously, The Market.

How big is the market in Tuscaloosa, south bend, Norman versus, say, new Orleans, Boston?

The Market is not where a school is located, it is how many people are buying the goods. We could not even sell allotment of bowl tickets to a game just across border in Fla.

Hope we can get as much as RA pays, but not holding breath.

Agreed on the market.

Again, the monetary value will be seen in the relationship aspect along with the monetary aspect

Better recruits=Better play=wins=ticket sales and marketablility

Just look at crowd size 4 months into JPs first season. That's how fast it can turn around.


Helluva Engineer
Seriously, The Market.

How big is the market in Tuscaloosa, south bend, Norman versus, say, new Orleans, Boston?

The Market is not where a school is located, it is how many people are buying the goods. We could not even sell allotment of bowl tickets to a game just across border in Fla.

Hope we can get as much as RA pays, but not holding breath.

Market size matters some I would think for an apparel company marketing a team and their products. No it doesn't matter for historically great programs. They have fans everywhere, but when it comes to teams that have similar fam bases I would think being in Atlanta will help some. NC state got 6 mil a year from adidas recently. We have a similar sized fan base. No idea why we couldn't get 5 mil a year.


Helluva Engineer
Also one thing I've noticed about the money in these deals is that Nike doesn't give out big money to pretty much anyone. The big money deals are coming from adidas and UA who are trying to compete with Nike. Nike has probably 85% of the deals, so UA and Adidas are giving out bigger deals than Nike to get in the game it seems like? I hope we at least get 3-4 per year from UA or Adidas, and obviously it is all a win win because we would no longer be the team wearing RA.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Market size matters some I would think for an apparel company marketing a team and their products. No it doesn't matter for historically great programs. They have fans everywhere, but when it comes to teams that have similar fam bases I would think being in Atlanta will help some. NC state got 6 mil a year from adidas recently. We have a similar sized fan base. No idea why we couldn't get 5 mil a year.

you do know that NC ST has a much larger enrollment and alumni base than GT. Their undergrad enrollment is almost twice that of GT and overall enrollment is roughly 13K higher.


Helluva Engineer
you do know that NC ST has a much larger enrollment and alumni base than GT. Their undergrad enrollment is almost twice that of GT and overall enrollment is roughly 13K higher.

Just going off of what I could find about their apparel sales and their average attendance for football games. Couldn't find really up to date info but from what I found our sales weren't too far behind theirs. I understand we aren't a huge school, but in Atlanta and pairing that with a good football program and an improving basketball program (both with good history) I think we could reasonably expect a deal close to theirs.


The other thing people are missing, especially with UA is they only have one other acc team and ND. The acc is becoming the premier athletic conference and they want to get another acc team on board.
I agree with you that UA would want to sign us to a deal. The debate is for how much? Some think becuase Louisville is getting 7M a year, Georgia Tech will also get a 7M per year deal? Some think with RA already pulling from GT and going with WKU as their Flagship College team that we do not have levarage with Compainies liek Nike, UA, and Adidas and thus should assume to expect a 1.7M-2.5M deal from UA/NIKE/Adidas. (much like Rutgers signed two weeks ago and WSU signed in the past 12 months)

I have stated that I do not care who we sign with I just want the most money since GTAA has a donor problem (WE LACK DONOR FUNDS that other schools like UGA do not lack)

So here are the facts..

mid-late 2015 RA approaches (M.BOB, or Bobblehead, or Bigfoot) and pitches an extension at 5M per year, MBOB basically says NO, RA goes all in at WKU as their FBS Flagship team along with S. Miss and leaves GT.. We will not be with RA after current deal!

MBOB reaches out to UA about a deal and possible buyout of RA. UA informs MBOB that sales do not support high dollar deal with GT (What I do not know is specific amounts, meaning maybejust maybe UA offerred 3M or so and GTAA and MBOB did that math and it was not enough to buyout and make more than the current RA deal.

MBOB than reaches out to Adidas, who knows what was discussed, Nike offer has not changed (no idiea what that is, but it is lower than UGA current Nike offers, was told similiar to the one WSU signed)

However on this board folks are all in on some big huge deal.... the GTAA / RA relationship has ended, bottomline if we could have found someon to pay us 6M per year we could buyout the last year for little to nothing, however that has not happened, maybe it is in the works, or maybe not. Time will tell!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
I agree with you that UA would want to sign us to a deal. The debate is for how much? Some think becuase Louisville is getting 7M a year, Georgia Tech will also get a 7M per year deal? Some think with RA already pulling from GT and going with WKU as their Flagship College team that we do not have levarage with Compainies liek Nike, UA, and Adidas and thus should assume to expect a 1.7M-2.5M deal from UA/NIKE/Adidas. (much like Rutgers signed two weeks ago and WSU signed in the past 12 months)

I have stated that I do not care who we sign with I just want the most money since GTAA has a donor problem (WE LACK DONOR FUNDS that other schools like UGA do not lack)

So here are the facts..

mid-late 2015 RA approaches (M.BOB, or Bobblehead, or Bigfoot) and pitches an extension at 5M per year, MBOB basically says NO, RA goes all in at WKU as their FBS Flagship team along with S. Miss and leaves GT.. We will not be with RA after current deal!

MBOB reaches out to UA about a deal and possible buyout of RA. UA informs MBOB that sales do not support high dollar deal with GT (What I do not know is specific amounts, meaning maybejust maybe UA offerred 3M or so and GTAA and MBOB did that math and it was not enough to buyout and make more than the current RA deal.

MBOB than reaches out to Adidas, who knows what was discussed, Nike offer has not changed (no idiea what that is, but it is lower than UGA current Nike offers, was told similiar to the one WSU signed)

However on this board folks are all in on some big huge deal.... the GTAA / RA relationship has ended, bottomline if we could have found someon to pay us 6M per year we could buyout the last year for little to nothing, however that has not happened, maybe it is in the works, or maybe not. Time will tell!

What i had heard was that RA was not interested in doing a deal with GT because they are getting out of the P5 game. That would seem to tie into going to WKU.

FWIW, the basketball staff would be opposed to any RA deal regardless of the money amount because it is a big negative in basketball recruiting.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I agree with you that UA would want to sign us to a deal. The debate is for how much? Some think becuase Louisville is getting 7M a year, Georgia Tech will also get a 7M per year deal? Some think with RA already pulling from GT and going with WKU as their Flagship College team that we do not have levarage with Compainies liek Nike, UA, and Adidas and thus should assume to expect a 1.7M-2.5M deal from UA/NIKE/Adidas. (much like Rutgers signed two weeks ago and WSU signed in the past 12 months)

I have stated that I do not care who we sign with I just want the most money since GTAA has a donor problem (WE LACK DONOR FUNDS that other schools like UGA do not lack)

So here are the facts..

mid-late 2015 RA approaches (M.BOB, or Bobblehead, or Bigfoot) and pitches an extension at 5M per year, MBOB basically says NO, RA goes all in at WKU as their FBS Flagship team along with S. Miss and leaves GT.. We will not be with RA after current deal!

MBOB reaches out to UA about a deal and possible buyout of RA. UA informs MBOB that sales do not support high dollar deal with GT (What I do not know is specific amounts, meaning maybejust maybe UA offerred 3M or so and GTAA and MBOB did that math and it was not enough to buyout and make more than the current RA deal.

MBOB than reaches out to Adidas, who knows what was discussed, Nike offer has not changed (no idiea what that is, but it is lower than UGA current Nike offers, was told similiar to the one WSU signed)

However on this board folks are all in on some big huge deal.... the GTAA / RA relationship has ended, bottomline if we could have found someon to pay us 6M per year we could buyout the last year for little to nothing, however that has not happened, maybe it is in the works, or maybe not. Time will tell!
I think you've put your position out there quite emphatically.If you let it play out, you can come back and everyone will lament how right you were. Until then, just give it a rest.


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
FWIW, the basketball staff would be opposed to any RA deal regardless of the money amount because it is a big negative in basketball recruiting.

What, you don't think the staff is satisfied with signing all the big names from the RA circuit?



Jolly Good Fellow
The other thing people are missing, especially with UA is they only have one other acc team and ND. The acc is becoming the premier athletic conference and they want to get another acc team on board.

They have two UA schools in the ACC. Boston College is as well.