UNC 2024 Post Game


Helluva Engineer
So, perspective…we won on the road in the ACC. Happy about that.

But man, I’m not sure what our coaching staff was thinking during this game. We got a 10 point lead and they just acted like the game was over. They started lining up in prevent defense on 3rd and long, running the ball on every play, etc. These guys need to wake the hell up. This is not a CPJ team that can just run the ball for three yards a carry when everyone knows it’s coming. We need to keep our foot on the gas and score when we can, get pressure when we can, get turnovers when we can, etc. When we get better and start blowing teams out then we can start playing this way. Until then we are just risking losing games.


Helluva Engineer
No one is saying this. Mistakes are mistakes and need to be corrected. That’s what coaches are for. But to just pi$$ and moan all about mistakes, when: 1) We won the game, 2) We fought to the end and found a way to win, and 3) We amassed over 500 yards offense is just acting like a bunch of spoiled little brats.

Acknowledge that we made multiple mistakes ghat darn near cost us the game. Call for their correction (they must be). Stop calling for coaches to be fired, tossing players under the bus, and denigrating a 5-2 team (for the first time since 2014) who is looking good for a top half ACC finish and bowl.

That is what is being suggested.
I haven’t seen anyone call for coaches being fired or throwing players under the bus. I have an issue with the special teams coach after what I’ve seen this year. Otherwise clearly we are making some progress. People wanting to cry over the chat being negative after today are soft IMO.


Helluva Engineer
Honestly, he might be prepared. The coaches have called an offense all season where they seem afraid for King to throw ball. That game plan was just emphasized even more with our backup QB. We have to open the passing game more, regardless of who is under center.
It's almost like Key is stuck on establishing a power identity and has kept the rest of it under wraps (especially with King overthrowing so many of the long balls)


Helluva Engineer
I haven’t seen anyone call for coaches being fired or throwing players under the bus. I have an issue with the special teams coach after what I’ve seen this year. Otherwise clearly we are making some progress. People wanting to cry over the chat being negative after today are soft IMO.
That was probably more in the chat. We all get testy there in the heat of the game. I get that.

But a considered statement (or multiple such) after time to cool down and reflect just reveals childishness, IMPO. That is what I reacted to.


Helluva Engineer
I’m sorry to say this, but getting in a toilet bowl is no big feather these days.
Y’all remember when we couldn’t win more than 3 games a year?

Don’t get me wrong. There are a lot of bowls so qualifying for one isn’t as hard as it once was. I agree about that. But considering lots of people felt we could be a better team with a worse record than last year


Helluva Manager
Staff member
Marietta, GA
People like you are why I'm done with GT sports. It would be different if I lived in the Atlanta area but I don't. So this website and chat are my lifeline to GT football. The game chat is toxic so I gave that up last year. I don't have friends locally who are into GT sports so I always depended on this site and chat room to hang out with my tribe. It's not my tribe. I didn't even watch the game today. Glad we won, but god it's hard to be a GT fane because we have such ******* alumni. Peace.
Hang in there @CHE90
There are more on here that are not always toxic than that are.


Helluva Engineer
If Pyron can’t throw it well enough to be trusted I say go with Phillio. Hasn’t taken a snap this year so he won’t burn his redshirt. Unless he got some garbage time vs vmi
Or…King is banged up, but generally what we saw today and they just sat him down too early. Dude literally led us on a TD drive before they sat him. I think it was a bad coaching decision they were unwilling to go back on.


Ramblin' Wreck
Bonaire GA
Y’all remember when we couldn’t win more than 3 games a year?

Don’t get me wrong. There are a lot of bowls so qualifying for one isn’t as hard as it once was. I agree about that. But considering lots of people felt we could be a better team with a worse record than last year


Georgia Tech Fan
After cooling down a bit I want to walk back my previous statement of saying we didn't deserve to win. I meant to say we shouldn't have won that game with all the simple mistakes. I was steaming after the penalty on 3rd and 1 to ice the game. Good teams don't do that stuff. My PTSD from prior regimes was kicking in hard. Happy with how the defense has played all year. I had low expectations and they've been exceeded. I can't think of a game where they cost us the game. Happy to be 5-2 and want to beat the Domers in the worst way. Go Jackets!
You are 100% dead on the money!
I’ve watched 60 years of Tech Football. 43 of the 60 years we were fortunate to be able to buy season tickets. I think we all want them to play perfect football (which is impossible) and that leads us to nitpick every single play way too much. And yes, the PTSD of former regimes rears its ugly head 5-6 times per game.
That said, yes the O-Line killed it today and yes the defense kept us in the lead all day.
All I can say is It’s great to be a Yellow Jacket!


Helluva Engineer
Totally disagree. You and I watched a different ending.

WE busted a run in their D and OUR RB hauled it to the EZ. WE won that game.

You can pi$$ and moan all you want, but our team played to the last snap and made it happen.
To be fair, the coaches were playing for OT. Haynes made a big play that no one remotely expected. If the game went the way Key was planning we probably lose.


Helluva Engineer
That’s just something people say to feel good when you play like crap and luck into a win. We did not find a way to win. Let me say that again. We did not find a way to win. UNC found a way to lose.
This is just like the person who only speaks English thinking if they just say it again louder and more slowly it’ll magically translate.

GT did a lot of things wrong today. Brent even said WTTE that we did a lot of things to hurt ourselves and a lot of things to help ourselves and thankfully the side that did good did a bit more good then the side that did bad. I thought we made a lot of mistakes in coaching and in some bad penalties but we also ran the hell out of the ball today and won despite a clearly off day for our QB. We overcame ourselves more than UNC giving the game away. Nothing on the scoreboard or the stats say UNC gave away the game and neither did the eye test IMHO.

BTW you are welcome to say whatever nonsense you want about UNC giving us the game as many times as you like. Doesn’t make it true.