UNC 2024 Post Game


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
yeah, seems like we kicked a late FG to tie it, but I can't remember it all 100 years later. I do remember the long walk back to the car, and the numerous confrontations.
You may be remembering the late field goal in the rain against VPI to win 6-3. I was in California for my grandfather's funeral for the UNC game. That was the only game I missed all season, including the Citrus Bowl.


proud sidewalk fan
Me too. The Clay fumbled punt inside the 10 set them up for an easy touchdown. We moved the ball up and down the field all day but couldn't get touchdowns. Actually pretty lucky we tied. I think.they went 1-9-1 that year.
UNC went 6-4-1 that year. They did go 1-10 in ‘87 with a win over Tech though.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
Never understand this “you should be thrilled about everything because we won” notion. Same issue I have with guys getting upset about chat comments. We were up 10 with a chance to put the game away and we almost **** it away. Why do I need to be thrilled about that? I want our players to be put in better positions to win handily against a really bad UNC team. It’s not crazy to ask for the coaches to make some better decisions or to complain about some of what we saw today on special teams. You can be glad for the win and happy about the running game success AND be upset about other poor aspects of our team that keep popping up over and over.
To me, there's a difference between "we were sloppy today and have a bunch of work to do for next week" and "Man!, We suck! Every team we've played sucks! We live in a world of suck!!! Our offense sucks! Our defense sucks! Our players suck! Our coaching sucks!"


Helluva Engineer
Pretty disappointing I’m 3 pages into this thread and no one has mentioned us faking injuries all game. It was humiliating being there as a GT fan/alum and watching the program pull that. If UNC did that and we lost in the same fashion, it’d be the main topic on this board.

Edit: I’ve seen it mentioned a few times now. Haven’t seen CBK postgame yet but did anyone ask him about it?


Georgia Tech Fan
Mt. Pleasant, SC
Way too many negative comments on here. Yes, we were a bit inconsistent, but our players played their tails off and deserve credit. They handle adversity, yes, sometimes it's self-inflicted, but they handle it. They have grit, toughness, and character. They act like Tech teams should when things don't go their way, and they persevere. Credit to the players and the coaches! We also don't need to obsess about that former coach. We need to support our coaches and team not jaw about the other coaches. Some of the comments here remind me of how some were calling for Dodd to be fired when we were 7-2-1 waaaay back when I was a student....folks thought he was a bad coach if he didn't go 10-0! No, I'm not looking through rose-colored glasses, but I am optimistic about the future. Key, his staff, and the players are building the culture and competitiveness that Tech deserves. Go Jackets!


Helluva Engineer
Lol. Y’all are crazy. Won a road game against a very emotional conference opponent who’s been backed into a corner the last few weeks. See Alabama @ Vandy for an example of winning conference road games behind tough to do (remember the same Vandy team that lost to Georgia State?). Was it perfect? No. But we put up 40 points and 500 yards, the starting QB was hurt and the backup was playing in the 4th quarter with the game on the line.

We’re still not that far removed from being one of the worst teams in all of college football. We missed a bowl game 4 out of 5 seasons between 2017-2022 going 26-44 in that span, and 5 out of 7 from 2015-22. Haven’t played in a bowl in consecutive years for a full decade. Lost to USF, The Citadel, Temple, Northern Illinois, and Bowling Green. There are plenty of things to get better at, but damn. Just appreciate the fact we’ve got a winning record for a little bit. It’s still a program that has to learn how to win again. 5-2 is a good start, something Tech hasn’t seen since our best season in recent memory. Theres a lot of unwarranted pessimism here IMO


Helluva Engineer
Been a Tech fan for 50 years and a season ticket holder for 30. Glad to get the win. I have alway been proud of the war Tech teams carry themselves and play hard but fair. i was very disappointed and surprised with the obvious flopping on defense in the 4th quarter. Let’s leave that to the Ole Misses of the world.
If it’s legal and done throughout college football why self impose issues.


Georgia Tech Fan
Somebody forgot to tell our OL that because they blew a 5-yard wide hole in their DL.
You might want to rethink that, there were 3 UNC defenders within a couple feet of him. But, It appeared all 3 defenders thought Tech was killing the clock too.
Watching the replay of three 300 pound players doing absolutely nothing to stop Haynes is pretty hilarious and typical of a Collin’s defens!


Helluva Engineer
Honestly I think that is what we have hoped for and settled for in the past. I think our new president, AD and Coach dream bigger than we do. Current recruiting is a positive leading indicator of this. This was a game that other editions of GT teams would have found a way to lose.
Yeah, and it's a game we'll be winning in the future by 30 points. Our upward trajectory is intact.


21st Century Throwback Dad
North Shore, Chicago
Been a Tech fan for 50 years and a season ticket holder for 30. Glad to get the win. I have alway been proud of the war Tech teams carry themselves and play hard but fair. i was very disappointed and surprised with the obvious flopping on defense in the 4th quarter. Let’s leave that to the Ole Misses of the world.
It's not like we haven't done it before. Maybe in the past it wasn't as blatant, but we did it even when CPJ was here.


Georgia Tech Fan
Mt. Pleasant, SC
Lol. Y’all are crazy. Won a road game against a very emotional conference opponent who’s been backed into a corner the last few weeks. See Alabama @ Vandy for an example of winning conference road games behind tough to do (remember the same Vandy team that lost to Georgia State?). Was it perfect? No. But we put up 40 points and 500 yards, the starting QB was hurt and the backup was playing in the 4th quarter with the game on the line.

We’re still not that far removed from being one of the worst teams in all of college football. We missed a bowl game 4 out of 5 seasons between 2017-2022 going 26-44 in that span, and 5 out of 7 from 2015-22. Haven’t played in a bowl in consecutive years for a full decade. Lost to USF, The Citadel, Temple, Northern Illinois, and Bowling Green. There are plenty of things to get better at, but damn. Just appreciate the fact we’ve got a winning record for a little bit. It’s still a program that has to learn how to win again. 5-2 is a good start, something Tech hasn’t seen since our best season in recent memory. Theres a lot of unwarranted pessimism here IMO
Amen, well said!