Transfer Portal: Who's Coming and Going (2022 Roster)


Ramblin' Wreck
I am sure it is just me, but it makes me nuts when folks use "apart" when they mean "a part"
There are a lot of interesting spellings/word choices in that statement. I feel like if I were going to put something like this out into the world, I'd at least read it back literally 1 time to remove extra words and fix missing letters.


when it’s not true. what has jamious done for us aside from enter the portal twice in two months?

he was hurt last season so that sucks for him but according to our rivals site he is leaving because we brought in hall who if anything is more of a return specialist. in jamious’ case this is like the definition of running from competition. best of luck to the kid and hope the door doesn’t hit you on the way out

historically RB has actually been a strength and like i said we have players that look pretty good on the roster

so far the only guy that left with truly irreplaceable production AND athletic profile is gibbs if were being honest
I'm so tired of fans and players being so damn sensitive. Jamious is leaving, and the facts are he didnt live up to expectations. Whether that's coaching or his own personal development, doesn't matter. He's not choosing Tech. People in the know say this move is due to the players we've added to the position, if thats true, were better without him. I dont want anyone on this team afraid of competition. This team is TOO DAMN SOFT as is our coach. Culture shift is needed...BAD! Hope were seeing the early days of that shift!


Helluva Engineer
It would be delusional to try and spin this any other way than a sinking ship. Putting a positive light on this is like dressing up a prize hog for the beauty contest. I agree wholeheartedly with NE that the coaching these guys have gotten has been sub-par.

My experience working with guys that remind me of Collins is that those people who are initially enamored with his personality are quickly turned off when he is put in a position of pressure. Now, I realize since I don't personally know Collins, this is just a theory.

I also would not be surprised if some of the coaches that left for other jobs have or are saying things to some of these guys about the "uncertainty" that we keep seeing in these transfer entries' posts.
At this point I'm looking at this as neutrally as I can. By that I mean I'm trying to look at each change as just data points and not associate optimism or pessimism with any of them.

Transfers out:
  • Gibbs - no question this one hurts. I believe he's one of the best backs we've seen at GT and you can't just replace that. On the other hand, how many games did we win with him here? Hey, it's entirely possible that without him the last couple of years we win even less games. Losing an impact player hurts, period.
  • Ivey - I am disappointed about this one because even though Ivey didn't necessarily set the world on fire here I think he had the potential to be a really good player so I think we will miss him. However, I do think there are some other guys on the roster that have a chance to step up.
  • Domineck, Walker, Griffin, Lockhart, Yates, Sanders - Good athletes that didn't really help us win more games. I wish they were all staying but I don't think any of them were going to be the difference between wins and losses this year. I do think losing their experienced depth could be an issue, though.
  • Huff, Ezzard, Wright, Camp, Amerson, Jaquon Griffin, Peery - Similar to the above list that I wish had stayed but I'm less concerned about losing them from a depth perspective
Transfers in:
  • Khari Gee, Ahmari Harvey - I like their potential. And at the moment that's what they represent, potential. They didn't spend enough time at ND and Auburn, respectively, for me to feel like they are sure bets neither did their time there indicate they wouldn't be positive additions to our roster
  • Tchio, Quick - we desperately need their depth on the OL. Will they be better here than at Clemson and Alabama? I hope so but at the very least I expect they might have to play given how many injuries we've sustained on the OL over the years. I don't know if they will be more than just guys who play.
  • Luke Benson - this one I'm kind of bullish on. We know our new OC is a big proponent of using the TE and Luke has some athletic ability there that we don't already have on the roster so he could be a wildcard. But that's more of a "who is your dark horse prediction to make an impact" kind of thing than an expectation.
  • Hassan Hall - we will need his return abilities to help fill the gap Gibbs left in that area. He has shown he's good there.
Bonus - Coaches:
  • Chip Long - I was never a big fan of Dave Patenaude so to me this is a positive. Not necessarily a reason to think we're going to win a lot more games, just that I think Long is a better coach than CDP
  • Chris Weinke - Once again I was not a big fan of DP and perhaps I was even less of a fan of his as a QB coach than as an OC. So again, to me this is a positive though not indicating to me a reason to believe more wins or more losses
  • Mike Daniels - this one is tough for me because I LOVED the hiring of Double Deuce. I was a gigantic fan of his at GT as a player, rooted for him in the NFL, watched as his coaching career began, and was thrilled he was here at GT both because I think he's a great coach or RBs and because of his enthusiasm for the school and how all of that translated into recruiting. With all that being said, everything I've read about Daniels is positive both about his coaching and recruiting. Not a positive or a negative because I'm just not sure how this one will work out.
  • Travares Tillman - I don't know how to look at this one. I like Travares but the MSU defensive backfield gave up a lot of yards last year. True they were up early in some games and other teams were forced to pass a lot which inflated the numbers. But I just don't know how to evaluate this hire other than I am glad to have a guy who coached under Mel Tucker because he is a good defensive coach and our defensive backfield was pretty bad the last couple of years so I'm hopeful this is a positive sign. But again, nothing to indicate reason for high or low expectations.
  • David Turner - similar to Choice I'm sad to see one of my favorite GT players leaving to coach elsewhere. On the other hand Turner has a pretty good resume so we'll have to see. Also our DL wasn't really lighting the world on fire so it's hard to see losing one of those coaches as a huge hit from that standpoint. I have heard that Marco was a terrific recruiter so we may lose out on that front but replacing his recruiting ability may be coming from other new hire sources like Tillman. So we shall see.
  • Jason Semore - neutral on this one. Hopefully it's a positive.


Helluva Engineer
I HOPE this is the case, but it’s just hope. We don’t know this, unfortunately. We’re all speculating and what you say above is the speculation I choose, too!

However (and correct me if I’m wrong), we’ve lost the most defensively. I’d love to believe “new coaches, new focus, new energy” but the defensive side of the ball has the least coaching turnover. You’d expect to see the dissenters on the other side of the ball if for the reasons above...

At any rate, I’m still going to maintain hope that any changes at this point are positive changes. Speculation again, but....
Coleman and Burton (GT guys) both left as defensive coaches. We have lost players from the positions they coached. Did the players leave because the coaches left or did they leave because the new position coaches let them know they needed to do something different to get playing time. No way to know.


Helluva Engineer
The, we didn't win much with these guys here so we won't miss them when they are gone notion seems pretty short sighted. We might as well get rid of everyone if that is the case and just build an entire team from the transfer portal every year until we magically win 9 games. What could go wrong? Personally I think coaching has been a much more substantial problem for us then our players. Especially the productive ones. Gibbs is going to win more games at Alabama next year than he would have in 4 years at GT. I guess that means he will be helping them win where as he apparently wasn't helping us win.


Helluva Engineer
The, we didn't win much with these guys here so we won't miss them when they are gone notion seems pretty short sighted. We might as well get rid of everyone if that is the case and just build an entire team from the transfer portal every year until we magically win 9 games. What could go wrong? Personally I think coaching has been a much more substantial problem for us then our players. Especially the productive ones. Gibbs is going to win more games at Alabama next year than he would have in 4 years at GT. I guess that means he will be helping them win where as he apparently wasn't helping us win.
Would you agree that last year we had enough good players to win more than three games? I certainly feel like we underachieved based on the collective players available. Translated: I think coaching was a bigger problem last year than players.

So when I look at most of the guys leaving and coming I mostly feel like bigger success this coming season is more dependent on the coaches doing a better job. So when I say that we didn’t win a lot of games with the guys who left it doesn’t mean they aren’t good players we might miss (for sure we will miss Gibbs and I think we will at least miss the experienced depth of some of the other guys) it means I am looking more at the changes in coaching to be the difference in wins and losses. Not that those kids leaving aren’t any good.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
Would you agree that last year we had enough good players to win more than three games? I certainly feel like we underachieved based on the collective players available. Translated: I think coaching was a bigger problem last year than players.

So when I look at most of the guys leaving and coming I mostly feel like bigger success this coming season is more dependent on the coaches doing a better job. So when I say that we didn’t win a lot of games with the guys who left it doesn’t mean they aren’t good players we might miss (for sure we will miss Gibbs and I think we will at least miss the experienced depth of some of the other guys) it means I am looking more at the changes in coaching to be the difference in wins and losses. Not that those kids leaving aren’t any good.
One view of this is that we under-achieved due to poor coaching, and better coaches might have won several of the close games we lost. The opposite view is that we over-achieved much of the season due to good coaching and the 0-100 at the end of the season actually reflected the true strength of our team. I am not sure which is more likely.


Helluva Engineer
Would you agree that last year we had enough good players to win more than three games? I certainly feel like we underachieved based on the collective players available. Translated: I think coaching was a bigger problem last year than players.

So when I look at most of the guys leaving and coming I mostly feel like bigger success this coming season is more dependent on the coaches doing a better job. So when I say that we didn’t win a lot of games with the guys who left it doesn’t mean they aren’t good players we might miss (for sure we will miss Gibbs and I think we will at least miss the experienced depth of some of the other guys) it means I am looking more at the changes in coaching to be the difference in wins and losses. Not that those kids leaving aren’t any good.
I certainly agree that coaching is what we've been missing more than talent.
But whatever our record turns out to be this season, it probably would have been better with the players we've lost than without them.
Several of the players we're losing had significant playing time and all would have been a year older and a year more experienced.


Helluva Engineer
One view of this is that we under-achieved due to poor coaching, and better coaches might have won several of the close games we lost. The opposite view is that we over-achieved much of the season due to good coaching and the 0-100 at the end of the season actually reflected the true strength of our team. I am not sure which is more likely.
The former, hands down IMO.


Ramblin' Wreck
Highland Village, TX
The former, hands down IMO.
We can legitimately say we should have won the Miami game - they tried to gift it to us. We played competitive enough where we could have squeaked out an upset in Clemson. But... we also should have lost the Duke game. Our record pretty accurately reflects how we performed - if we were any better than our record it was by no more than 1 game.


Helluva Engineer
I certainly agree that coaching is what we've been missing more than talent.
But whatever our record turns out to be this season, it probably would have been better with the players we've lost than without them.
Several of the players we're losing had significant playing time and all would have been a year older and a year more experienced.
Why do you assume this? I don't know that to be true nor do I know it to be false. Another year more experienced doesn't necessarily translate into "better." Ivey is the one guy, other than Gibbs, of all the ones who are leaving that I really think what you say is true. The others? Maybe yes and maybe no. That's my point. I don't know one way or the other and nobody has really said anything that makes the case either way.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I'm just not seeing it as definitively as you seem to.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Oriental, NC
Why do you assume this? I don't know that to be true nor do I know it to be false. Another year more experienced doesn't necessarily translate into "better." Ivey is the one guy, other than Gibbs, of all the ones who are leaving that I really think what you say is true. The others? Maybe yes and maybe no. That's my point. I don't know one way or the other and nobody has really said anything that makes the case either way.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I'm just not seeing it as definitively as you seem to.
One thing is certain right now. Of the GT players in the portal, only Gibbs and Ivey have a landing spot. I feel certain there will be a couple more, but we are not losing losing a ton of people other teams are clamoring for. The thing that bothers me is the possibility there is some toxicity in the program and guys close to their degree cannot tolerate it until they graduate. If I were about to be a rising senior, in good standing academically, with little chance of a pro career, I would hang with whatever crap to finish and GTH out.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
i felt similar in 2015. obviously that year sucks and this year may end the same. if you remember in 2015 like half the offense got season ending injuries at ND it felt like. it cleared the way for some freshman to play and in 2016 we had a solid team.

i know people don’t want spins and optimism and i don’t blame them for that at all but some young guys will get a chance to show their worth and play asap. and who knows maybe fresh blood and young, hungry guys is what we need. if an nfl team went 3-9 3 years in a row i’m sure the gm would turn that roster over like this haha
Like oriental I hope you are right.

I just have 2 thoughts, the first I’ve shared before. These kids got zero coaching. For a new staff to come in and “clear out the dead wood” based on film is a little arrogant. Very few kids come out of high school ready to play at a college level. Descriptions of practice do not inspire me to believe they are any more prepared now than they were when they arrived. I would prefer they got evaluated after some meaningful coaching.

Secondly, it’s really disheartening to hear that we may be going back to year zero. I guess that is recognition that the Collins plan never got off the ground but I groan to think we are back to saying winning football is another 3 years away. Ugh.


Like oriental I hope you are right.

I just have 2 thoughts, the first I’ve shared before. These kids got zero coaching. For a new staff to come in and “clear out the dead wood” based on film is a little arrogant. Very few kids come out of high school ready to play at a college level. Descriptions of practice do not inspire me to believe they are any more prepared now than they were when they arrived. I would prefer they got evaluated after some meaningful coaching.

Secondly, it’s really disheartening to hear that we may be going back to year zero. I guess that is recognition that the Collins plan never got off the ground but I groan to think we are back to saying winning football is another 3 years away. Ugh.
agree with your first point. either we are scouting poorly to begin with, or we’re bad at development (which i would say is the issue).

unfortunately at this point a lot of these guys are what they are in some positions. i play in a lot of dynasty fantasy football leagues where you draft rookies. i keep up with the draft a lot and historically WR, RBs and edge rushers kinda are what they are in a lot of cases. guys suddenly becoming great is not very common. QB is the one position where things may suddenly click and there’s a huge uptick in production.

also i’m not sure we have to be 3 years away to win. it’s within the range of outcomes that this team is decent this season. we don’t know who comes in or leaves from our school or opponents in the next 6 months. as we have seen with how hectic the coaching carousel and transfer portal is, college football can change really fast.


Helluva Engineer
One thing is certain right now. Of the GT players in the portal, only Gibbs and Ivey have a landing spot. I feel certain there will be a couple more, but we are not losing losing a ton of people other teams are clamoring for. The thing that bothers me is the possibility there is some toxicity in the program and guys close to their degree cannot tolerate it until they graduate. If I were about to be a rising senior, in good standing academically, with little chance of a pro career, I would hang with whatever crap to finish and GTH out.
If only short a semester then skip spring practice and keep scholarship to finish. Transfer in the summer. Only way it makes sense. Otherwise a lot of energy to graduate somewhere else with lower academic standing. May not really matter to some of these kids though.