Transfer Portal: Who's Coming and Going (2022 Roster)


Helluva Engineer
Losing a young guy in defense because we stuck with a system that doesn’t work is bad. What if the next guy could have used him. Oh well. It’s gonna be a long road ahead.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Best wishes to the kid. This certainly won't be our last transfer.

I would be willing to wager that a lot of schools will have several players enter the portal as well just like last year. I think it's great for the players but they need to know it is NOT a guarantee for future success. A lot of them don't get other offers or have to drop down a level or two to get on the field. maybe this kid truly is a great player but doesn't fit the system. That happens too,


Helluva Engineer
Man...I really liked Khaya Wright's HS film. Thought he would at least make a good rushing outside linebacker on blitz packages.

Most likely Thacker is out this offseason, so the scheme is probably going to change...unless CGC just wants a DC in title but he's going to remain the head chef. LOTS of our players could be in position limbo if the DC has a unique system that uses different skillsets.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Losing a young guy in defense because we stuck with a system that doesn’t work is bad. What if the next guy could have used him. Oh well. It’s gonna be a long road ahead.
Regardless of what happens in the offseason, if we move away from the alignment we've been recruiting kids for the past 3 years, I'm seriously going to be pissed. We're always rebuilding the defense because we change schemes every 3-4 years with DC's and always have kids that "don't fit the scheme."


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Man...I really liked Khaya Wright's HS film. Thought he would at least make a good rushing outside linebacker on blitz packages.

Most likely Thacker is out this offseason, so the scheme is probably going to change...unless CGC just wants a DC in title but he's going to remain the head chef. LOTS of our players could be in position limbo if the DC has a unique system that uses different skillsets.
This will be a deal-breaker for me.


Helluva Engineer
Man...I really liked Khaya Wright's HS film. Thought he would at least make a good rushing outside linebacker on blitz packages.

Most likely Thacker is out this offseason, so the scheme is probably going to change...unless CGC just wants a DC in title but he's going to remain the head chef. LOTS of our players could be in position limbo if the DC has a unique system that uses different skillsets.

I would be very surprised if the new DC runs a completely different scheme from what Collins is known for. I am not an X's and O's guy, so I don't know the pool of candidates who run a 4-2-5.

I don't think the scheme is an issue, but rather the way it is being taught and practiced.


Helluva Engineer
I would be very surprised if the new DC runs a completely different scheme from what Collins is known for. I am not an X's and O's guy, so I don't know the pool of candidates who run a 4-2-5.

I don't think the scheme is an issue, but rather the way it is being taught and practiced.

The problem with your scenario is most good DCs have their system and their own scheme. I would assume CGC wants to hire a good DC, right? Gonna be fun to listen to CGC's interview with potential DC candidates. "Hey buddy, I know you had an outstanding 3-3-5 defense at School X that was one of the top defenses in your conference, but I would like you to continue our 4-2-5 Effort Based system here that gave us a sterling product...."

Look at the DCs under CPJ: Wommack, Groh, Roof, Woody. All of them had different schemes. CPJ didn't dictate what scheme they could run.

This is on top of the fact that it's probably well known if CGC doesn't turn it around in 2022, he's out the door along with probably every coach on the staff. So you're basically telling a DC that he needs to change what made him successful in the first, while he's essentially coaching for his job the following season.

Now, I totally agree that coaching individual players and position groups has a lot to do with the success of the overall scheme. That is part and parcel with hiring a good DC, though, and part of hiring a good DC is running what made them successfull, not running something they're not well versed at. That's a recipe for failure.

Of course, CGC may pull a rabit out of a hat and find a DC that runs a similar "4-2-5 effort based" system. That would be akin to hiring only a head coach that has ties to GT and has relationships with coaches the AD has worked with. That's not going too well for us, is it?

Now formations are not the same thing as scheme. Not all 3-3-4 defenses, 4-4-3 defenses, 3-4-4 defenses, 4-2-5 defenses, etc. use the same scheme. Scheme and formations are not the same thing.

Right now, I'd take a 4-2-5 cheeseburger defense from Five Guys over our 4-2-5 "effort based" defense. At least I'll leave full, and not with an empty feeling of disgust. (Yes, that was a cheap shot at our defense)


Helluva Engineer
The problem with your scenario is most good DCs have their system and their own scheme. I would assume CGC wants to hire a good DC, right? Gonna be fun to listen to CGC's interview with potential DC candidates. "Hey buddy, I know you had an outstanding 3-3-5 defense at School X that was one of the top defenses in your conference, but I would like you to continue our 4-2-5 Effort Based system here that gave us a sterling product...."

Look at the DCs under CPJ: Wommack, Groh, Roof, Woody. All of them had different schemes. CPJ didn't dictate what scheme they could run.

This is on top of the fact that it's probably well known if CGC doesn't turn it around in 2022, he's out the door along with probably every coach on the staff. So you're basically telling a DC that he needs to change what made him successful in the first, while he's essentially coaching for his job the following season.

Now, I totally agree that coaching individual players and position groups has a lot to do with the success of the overall scheme. That is part and parcel with hiring a good DC, though, and part of hiring a good DC is running what made them successfull, not running something they're not well versed at. That's a recipe for failure.

Of course, CGC may pull a rabit out of a hat and find a DC that runs a similar "4-2-5 effort based" system. That would be akin to hiring only a head coach that has ties to GT and has relationships with coaches the AD has worked with. That's not going too well for us, is it?

Now formations are not the same thing as scheme. Not all 3-3-4 defenses, 4-4-3 defenses, 3-4-4 defenses, 4-2-5 defenses, etc. use the same scheme. Scheme and formations are not the same thing.

Right now, I'd take a 4-2-5 cheeseburger defense from Five Guys over our 4-2-5 "effort based" defense. At least I'll leave full, and not with an empty feeling of disgust. (Yes, that was a cheap shot at our defense)

My line of thinking is CGC is a defensive coach. Expecting him to hire a DC with philosophical differences is kind of akin to expecting CPJ to hire an OC to install a pro-style. If CGC is coaching for his career, as I expect he is, I would think, as a defensive coach, he is going to live or die with *his* system, not someone else's. So I expect him to hire someone who at least shares the basics of his defensive philosophy. I mean, there isn't an infinite number of ways to construct a defense, so I don't think it will be *that* hard to find.

I also think it would be a bad idea to totally change defensive schemes. He probably needs to make a bowl next year and can't afford to give the new DC 2 years to fully install a new system.

But, we'll see. It's definitely going to be interesting.
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