Tech fans are awful


Staff member
... can't be bothered to get up and make noise on 3rd down for our D.
This was a little surprising yesterday. Not exactly sure why but I'm chalking it up to the quality of the opponent and perhaps an extended hangover from the Irish trip (or whiskey).

Someone remind me how the sound guys at the stadium did on Saturday. I remember seeing a "GET LOUD" video of Pat Gamble on the big screen but there were no music or anything playing to go along with it.
Augusta, GA
I don't know if it was the heat, the opponent or something else, but the crowd on Saturday felt the most dead since the 10-7 G-W game in 2008.

FYI, this sidewalk fan will be there +1, cheering his butt off no matter has been the case for many, many years. Now that I live in Atlanta (after years in Tallahassee), all I need is a tailgating crew...
For me it was definitely the heat. I was nowhere near as loud and active as I usually am.


Helluva Engineer
I drive up from Florida for every home game. If the fans in front of me stand, then I stand. I've never heard anyone near me yell at someone to sit down. I make just as much noise sitting as I do standing. If this makes me an awful fan, then I guess it is what it is. Seems silly to blame the fans that attended the Mercer game for the atmosphere at BDS when so many seats are empty.
Augusta, GA
I drive up from Florida for every home game. If the fans in front of me stand, then I stand. I've never heard anyone near me yell at someone to sit down. I make just as much noise sitting as I do standing. If this makes me an awful fan, then I guess it is what it is. Seems silly to blame the fans that attended the Mercer game for the atmosphere at BDS when so many seats are empty.
The only time I have had a problem with people standing up in front of me was the FSU game last year when some FSU fans wanted to stand up the entire game. I don't mind fans, even opposing fans, standing up when the excitement is building, but the entire game? NO WAY. Fortunately they moved at half-time.

decatur jacket

Jolly Good Fellow
Decatur, GA
How can you call someone's thoughts about what they think is BS. That is a low rent comment. You must be low rent yourself? Politely and respectfully disagree, but to call it BS is actually BS. The thought that Paul is not somewhat responsible for this is a tunnel vision and might mean you are part of the problem also.

Not putting words in @Supersizethatorder-mutt 's mouth, but I believe the "BS" comment was in regards to the notion that PJ only cares for himself and not the Institute. The man has done just about everything we as fans and the Institute has asked of him. Play for ACC Championships and go to bigger bowls? Check. Increase graduation rate? Check. Recruit and develop high-character players that both fans and the Institute can be proud of? Check. He patiently waited for a contract extension during one of the best GT seasons in recent history while our one-foot-out-the-door AD was holding out on him. The only thing he hasn't done is play for a MNC. What else would you like for him to do?

It appears the OP ascertained PJ's self preservation attitude from the limited snippets from the media that sound snarky? Which media member does not deserve the snark? Bradley? Shultz? "The Kang?" Chernoff? Shapiro? Kincade? We have all ranted at one time or another how terrible these guys are. Bottom line is that PJ says what he means and does what he says. What is not to respect about that? As a counter example, Dan Quinn says a bunch of junk and the media was fawning over him. How is that working out for the Falcons?

No one is happy with the results of last season. The most die hard PJ fans in the world are not happy about the results of last season. This is a new season. We are 2-0! Let's be happy about that. The reality is that some fans do not like the offense we run. That's ok. My hope is, however, that these fans do not allow their own tunnel vision to cloud what we are accomplishing on and off the field.
Augusta, GA
Not putting words in @Supersizethatorder-mutt 's mouth, but I believe the "BS" comment was in regards to the notion that PJ only cares for himself and not the Institute. The man has done just about everything we as fans and the Institute has asked of him. Play for ACC Championships and go to bigger bowls? Check. Increase graduation rate? Check. Recruit and develop high-character players that both fans and the Institute can be proud of? Check. He patiently waited for a contract extension during one of the best GT seasons in recent history while our one-foot-out-the-door AD was holding out on him. The only thing he hasn't done is play for a MNC. What else would you like for him to do?

It appears the OP ascertained PJ's self preservation attitude from the limited snippets from the media that sound snarky? Which media member does not deserve the snark? Bradley? Shultz? "The Kang?" Chernoff? Shapiro? Kincade? We have all ranted at one time or another how terrible these guys are. Bottom line is that PJ says what he means and does what he says. What is not to respect about that? As a counter example, Dan Quinn says a bunch of junk and the media was fawning over him. How is that working out for the Falcons?

No one is happy with the results of last season. The most die hard PJ fans in the world are not happy about the results of last season. This is a new season. We are 2-0! Let's be happy about that. The reality is that some fans do not like the offense we run. That's ok. My hope is, however, that these fans do not allow their own tunnel vision to cloud what we are accomplishing on and off the field.
AMEN, brother, and you can put words in my mouth anytime, when they are like that. :)


Georgia Tech Fan
Lawrenceville Ga
Here are a few observations, A lot of Tech season ticket holders are older. We were kidding this past weekend and looking around I'm 57 and I was one of the youngest people around me. Older people don't go crazy no mater what is going on.
Saturday was just damn hot! I was sweating and all I cared about was I sure wish the real fall would hurry up and get here. As for wearing gold, Someone hit the nail on the head, My wife loves the jackets but she refuses to wear gold. She said its ugly on her and she will not wear it. She will wear White, blue, Grey, Black, but no gold. She will not do it. this week she will wear white! Since the team prefers to wear white why don't we just all wear white every game and then on a special day wear ????? I also prefer white because it is not as hot for these hot days.
CPJ is doing everything he can and I'm supporting him and the team 100% he has done everything we have asked of him. Lets put it this way, When we fired Coach Galey if someone would have told us that we would go to the ACC Championship game 3 time and play in two Orange Bowls and graduation rate would improve and we would Win as well would we not all have said Heck yea? OH and we also beat the bull puppies twice both times in Athens. ( I was there both times) I"ll be there again this year.
Now for the topic of fans, Like it or not, but out of 10 people living in GA 9 of them are Georgia fans. Georgia had become the Cool team to like. It's the cool school to go to. Most HS students who graduate from a Georgia school could not even get into TECH, Plus We don't offer that many degrees so most don't want to come here. Every kid wants to go to Georgia and if they cant get in they go to a smaller school hoping to get the grades up and one day go there. If we started winning like they have and they started loosing like we did during the 70's 80's and most of the 90's and early 2000"s there fans would be like ours. When you have had almost 40 years of poor football teams why would you support that team. People what to support a winner. It's not until CPJ that tech has even really been competitive with the better teams it plays. At least now we have a chance.
this is a long post to just say Drop the Gold and shut up and just win Baby and the rest will take care of it's self
Augusta, GA
Here are a few observations, A lot of Tech season ticket holders are older. We were kidding this past weekend and looking around I'm 57 and I was one of the youngest people around me. Older people don't go crazy no mater what is going on.
Saturday was just damn hot! I was sweating and all I cared about was I sure wish the real fall would hurry up and get here. As for wearing gold, Someone hit the nail on the head, My wife loves the jackets but she refuses to wear gold. She said its ugly on her and she will not wear it. She will wear White, blue, Grey, Black, but no gold. She will not do it. this week she will wear white! Since the team prefers to wear white why don't we just all wear white every game and then on a special day wear ????? I also prefer white because it is not as hot for these hot days.
CPJ is doing everything he can and I'm supporting him and the team 100% he has done everything we have asked of him. Lets put it this way, When we fired Coach Galey if someone would have told us that we would go to the ACC Championship game 3 time and play in two Orange Bowls and graduation rate would improve and we would Win as well would we not all have said Heck yea? OH and we also beat the bull puppies twice both times in Athens. ( I was there both times) I"ll be there again this year.
Now for the topic of fans, Like it or not, but out of 10 people living in GA 9 of them are Georgia fans. Georgia had become the Cool team to like. It's the cool school to go to. Most HS students who graduate from a Georgia school could not even get into TECH, Plus We don't offer that many degrees so most don't want to come here. Every kid wants to go to Georgia and if they cant get in they go to a smaller school hoping to get the grades up and one day go there. If we started winning like they have and they started loosing like we did during the 70's 80's and most of the 90's and early 2000"s there fans would be like ours. When you have had almost 40 years of poor football teams why would you support that team. People what to support a winner. It's not until CPJ that tech has even really been competitive with the better teams it plays. At least now we have a chance.
this is a long post to just say Drop the Gold and shut up and just win Baby and the rest will take care of it's self
I am 72 years old, and I would be willing to bet that I am as loud and rowdy as any fan in his or her twenties. And I have been going to Tech games for nearly 50 years and have worn a gold or yellow shirt and cap to every game except the white-out games. So don't tell me that older fans can't get excited too. I am not married, so I can't really relate to the fact that your wife won't wear gold. But ask her this one day: if y'all were Clemson fans, would she wear that ugly orange that their fans wear? If she didn't she would be in a VERY SMALL MINORITY, because both male and female Clemson fans proudly wear that color, no matter what they might think it looks like on them. I can't argue with your wife, but fans who say they don't like wearing gold, or it doesn't look good on them just don't get the point. It's about showing your support by wearing the school colors, no matter what they are or what they look like; it's not a fashion show. When the Irish newspaper article on the game referred to the "wall of gold," in describing our fans in Dublin after the winning TD, I just wanted to shout, "HELL, YEAH !!!" There was a lot more gold in the stands Saturday than I ever remember seeing in the past, and, contrary to what some have said, it DID stand out. I hope the whole stadium is decked out in gold this Saturday for the Gold Out. What a message that will give to the TV audience !!! I hope I haven't personally offended you in posting this, but those are my thoughts on the matter. Otherwise, I agree with all else you said.


Georgia Tech Fan
As I hear complaints about GT fans not attending games, I would suggest that it be taken into account that so many GT grads get jobs in places far and wide and not so near the ATL but they still love the Jackets. I've watched GT games at diehard GT alum parties while living on the west coast. I've met GT fans where I now live here in Big Ten territory who, like me, make the effort to get to GT games within reasonable distance (ND, VT, etc.). But folks, let's not look at attendance at BDS and be too hard on ourselves. We're not going to be UGA or UT in terms of attendance and GT fans have too much of an inferiority complex over that kind of thing.
(But I will add, Supersize, that the 'watching-the-game-in-a-Dublin-bar' story is pretty sad. I'll see you at the GT - Miami game in three weeks.)
This is definitely a huge factor. I only graduated a few months ago, but I can count on two hands the number of friends I have that still live in Georgia. So many of us get great jobs that require us to live elsewhere. I live in Seattle myself. I don't prioritize much over Tech football, but career is certainly one of those things. Sadly, the wisest career choice for me now meant living too far away from BDS to make many games.

In spite of that, I will be in Athens this Thanksgiving, and I will be giving those dawgs hell, win or lose. That has to count for something!

The only time I have had a problem with people standing up in front of me was the FSU game last year when some FSU fans wanted to stand up the entire game. I don't mind fans, even opposing fans, standing up when the excitement is building, but the entire game? NO WAY. Fortunately they moved at half-time.
I think the exception to this is the student section. While I was a student, I stood for the duration of every single game. Showed up before kickoff and left after horse, never sat, and yelled like hell when Tech was on defense. I think most able bodied students should be expected to do the same, personally.


Georgia Tech Fan
It was about 115 degrees in the sun, thats why I wasn't in full Clemson game mode. For god's sake it was Mercer. We shouldn't even schedule these idiotic games. Schedule a real opponent and fans come and they participate. Hottest game I ever went to except for at Tulane a couple years ago. There they had lots of ceiling fans and a Margarita deck to keep you cool at least.


I drive up from Florida for every home game. If the fans in front of me stand, then I stand. I've never heard anyone near me yell at someone to sit down. I make just as much noise sitting as I do standing. If this makes me an awful fan, then I guess it is what it is. Seems silly to blame the fans that attended the Mercer game for the atmosphere at BDS when so many seats are empty.

I tip my hat to you sir for driving up from Fl for games. That's a helluva commute and puts you in the super fan realm :). If you sit and yell on 3rd I won't complain.....but there is a very good reason to stand. It's visual confirmation for our players, on the field and sidelines, who activily try to wave the crowd up to cheer and make noise. That visual confirmation of support means a lot to those guys. (And you should actually be able to yell louder standing...allows the diaphragm to expand more ;)).


Helluva Engineer
My gf (Auburn alum) tells me every week that she feels like she's at the library at our games. I feel shaded every time she says this but I can't even be mad b/c it's sadly true.
If your girlfriend is from Auburn and says it's like a library, that means you're sitting amongst a bunch of people with crayons and coloring books. You need to move! (I kid, I kid).