Spring Practice


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
You are saying that blue is or has been a PRIMARY color. Sorry, man, you are 100 % wrong. Blue has at best (and even that, not always) been a SECONDARY color. The only PRIMARY colors for Tech are White and Gold.
Read the article from 1891. That's the first year we had a football team. Doesn't say ANYTHING about blue being a secondary color. It says our colors were white, blue and gold.

As much as you don't want it to be so, you need to give this anti-blue thing a rest. It here, and it's here to stay. It's been part of our color scheme from inception, and all the bitching about it isn't going to change anything. The majority of fans like the blue, as evidenced by sales numbers. As much as you try to convince everyone, wearing blue and having blue accents is not anti-Tech.
Augusta, GA
Read the article from 1891. That's the first year we had a football team. Doesn't say ANYTHING about blue being a secondary color. It says our colors were white, blue and gold.

As much as you don't want it to be so, you need to give this anti-blue thing a rest. It here, and it's here to stay. It's been part of our color scheme from inception, and all the bitching about it isn't going to change anything. The majority of fans like the blue, as evidenced by sales numbers. As much as you try to convince everyone, wearing blue and having blue accents is not anti-Tech.
I don't care what was written 100+ years ago. Read today's official announcement; blue is a SECONDARY color. Sales of blue shirts don't mean squat when that's all that's available. From at least the early 60s until the early 80s, blue was not used at all. If blue had been a primary color, the song would be "Up with the Blue and Gold" or "Up with the White and Gold and Blue".


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I don't care what was written 100+ years ago. Read today's official announcement; blue is a SECONDARY color. Sales of blue shirts don't mean squat when that's all that's available. From at least the early 60s until the early 80s, blue was not used at all. If blue had been a primary color, the song would be "Up with the Blue and Gold" or "Up with the White and Gold and Blue".
Of course you don't care what was written during the first season of GT football. It destroys the basis for your constant rant.

Besides, don't be obtuse. Your comment was that blue was always a secondary color.
You are saying that blue is or has been a PRIMARY color. Sorry, man, you are 100 % wrong. Blue has at best (and even that, not always) been a SECONDARY color.
I think that article pretty much refutes your statement. I'll take a primary source from the era in which the colors were first decided over you repeating your opinion over and over. Just because you say it, doesn't make it so. I find it humorous that you continue to fight a losing argument in the face of overwhelming evidence.

As for merchandise, don't fool yourself. The retail stores will stock whatever sells. If the overwhelming option is blue, it's because that's what's being sold the most. If the white and gold options were continuously being sold out, the retailers would stock more of that merchandise. They don't care what Georgia Tech colors are; they're in business to sell shirts, shorts, pull-overs, hats, etc. They want to move as much merchandise as possible. The fact that most of what you see is blue is a direct relation to the fact that most people prefer blue.

As for the fight song, it was created in 1919, 28 years after the first football team took the field. By that time, blue had been transitioned to a secondary color. I've never argued that blue wasn't a secondary color today: it is, and I have not qualms admitting that.
Augusta, GA
Of course you don't care what was written during the first season of GT football. It destroys the basis for your constant rant.

Besides, don't be obtuse. Your comment was that blue was always a secondary color. I think that article pretty much refutes your statement. I'll take a primary source from the era in which the colors were first decided over you repeating your opinion over and over. Just because you say it, doesn't make it so. I find it humorous that you continue to fight a losing argument in the face of overwhelming evidence.

As for merchandise, don't fool yourself. The retail stores will stock whatever sells. If the overwhelming option is blue, it's because that's what's being sold the most. If the white and gold options were continuously being sold out, the retailers would stock more of that merchandise. They don't care what Georgia Tech colors are; they're in business to sell shirts, shorts, pull-overs, hats, etc. They want to move as much merchandise as possible. The fact that most of what you see is blue is a direct relation to the fact that most people prefer blue.

As for the fight song, it was created in 1919, 28 years after the first football team took the field. By that time, blue had been transitioned to a secondary color. I've never argued that blue wasn't a secondary color today: it is, and I have not qualms admitting that.
At the Tech book store, I cannot tell you the number of times I have been in there looking for something appropriately sized in gold, and yet, other than kids' apparel, there was none to be found. Either that means the gold all sold out (demand?) or it was never stocked to begin with. All the clerks could say is that they had nothing in gold. If they had had it and it had sold out, then why not replenish? If it didn't sell to begin with, then why was all the kids' stuff in gold? I have no problem with people buying and wearing blue, or grey, or green, or whatever on the streets, or wherever, but when it's game time, then it should all be gold and white. And if you can look at the blue uniforms the basketball teams and baseball teams wear and tell me they are representative to the world of Georgia Tech, then there is no hope for you. The unis the women wore in the WNIT finals two years ago were plain butt ugly.


Helluva Engineer
Read the article from 1891. That's the first year we had a football team. Doesn't say ANYTHING about blue being a secondary color. It says our colors were white, blue and gold.

Are you saying that everything written in the newspaper is accurate? Gold and white are the school colors, unless Clough told us all wrong.

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Jim Prather

Helluva Engineer
How about someone come up with an expected score for the game tonight? Then we can argue about which side won based on the over/under off the score...


I think the last time CPJ let his starting QB go live was in the Spring game when Milton chased and caught JeT from behind near the goal. The injury was minor but the play looked scary. After that CPJ seemed more protective of his QBs.
So how does it work with a non-live QB? flags or two hand touch? will that kinda cramp the option or just limit the QB from running


Ramblin' Wreck
Seattle, WA
So how does it work with a non-live QB? flags or two hand touch? will that kinda cramp the option or just limit the QB from running
Maybe that’s the idea. TaQuon often relied on his athleticism to make plays last year, which got less effective as the year went on. Since this policy effectively prevents him from making plays with his legs, it would encourage him to pitch whenever he thinks it can pick up yards.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
Are you saying that everything written in the newspaper is accurate? Gold and white are the school colors, unless Clough told us all wrong.

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LOL! Do a little research. I'm confident you'll find the truth. Everything I stated in this thread (and other threads) is backed by Institutional documents. I've provided that proof in other threads. I'm not going back to dig it all back out.

And yes, unlike today, in 1891 most non-political information published in newspapers was fact-checked prior to printing. As for Clough, well, some things are best left unsaid.
Augusta, GA
Read the article from 1891. That's the first year we had a football team. Doesn't say ANYTHING about blue being a secondary color. It says our colors were white, blue and gold.

As much as you don't want it to be so, you need to give this anti-blue thing a rest. It here, and it's here to stay. It's been part of our color scheme from inception, and all the bitching about it isn't going to change anything. The majority of fans like the blue, as evidenced by sales numbers. As much as you try to convince everyone, wearing blue and having blue accents is not anti-Tech.
I think you should read the article yourself. It clearly states CLASS colors, not SCHOOL colors. Everything I have read from that era refers to gold and white, with no mention of blue. As far as your (or someone's) objection to my claims about "Up with the White and Gold", pointing out that it was not written until the 20s, the "Ramblin' Wreck Song" was written long before that and clearly says, "....dress here in white and gold." The team was called the Yellow Jackets, not the blue (or any other color) Jackets prior to 1900, Heisman's teams were called the "Golden Tornado", and not the white tornado or blue tornado. Blue may have long been considered a secondary color, but secondary colors are just that....SECONDARY, and that does not mean SUBSTITUTE.

Meanwhile, I am off to Atlanta.


Helluva Engineer
North Shore, Chicago
I think you should read the article yourself. It clearly states CLASS colors, not SCHOOL colors. Everything I have read from that era refers to gold and white, with no mention of blue. As far as your (or someone's) objection to my claims about "Up with the White and Gold", pointing out that it was not written until the 20s, the "Ramblin' Wreck Song" was written long before that and clearly says, "....dress here in white and gold." The team was called the Yellow Jackets, not the blue (or any other color) Jackets prior to 1900, Heisman's teams were called the "Golden Tornado", and not the white tornado or blue tornado. Blue may have long been considered a secondary color, but secondary colors are just that....SECONDARY, and that does not mean SUBSTITUTE.

Meanwhile, I am off to Atlanta.
Your distinction between "class colors" and "school colors" is laughable. You just can't admit that, as much as you want it to be true, blue has always been part of our color scheme. We all know you don't like blue. You have every right and prerogative to not like blue. What you don't have the right to do is chastise the rest of us who like to wear blue. NO ONE made you the uniform/color police, so climb down off your high horse and stop bitching about people wearing blue or using blue in our color scheme(s). Blue is part of our school colors, and ALWAYS has been.

Further, your point about our name is irrelevant, as you pointed out, we're not the white jackets, white tornado, white engineers, or any other name we've gone by in the past, yet you willingly admit white is one of our primary colors.

Enjoy the game. Wish I could be there. Wish I could watch it.


Helluva Engineer
Your distinction between "class colors" and "school colors" is laughable. You just can't admit that, as much as you want it to be true, blue has always been part of our color scheme. We all know you don't like blue. You have every right and prerogative to not like blue. What you don't have the right to do is chastise the rest of us who like to wear blue. NO ONE made you the uniform/color police, so climb down off your high horse and stop bitching about people wearing blue or using blue in our color scheme(s). Blue is part of our school colors, and ALWAYS has been.

Further, your point about our name is irrelevant, as you pointed out, we're not the white jackets, white tornado, white engineers, or any other name we've gone by in the past, yet you willingly admit white is one of our primary colors.

Enjoy the game. Wish I could be there. Wish I could watch it.


Not the blue tornadoes...

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