Petition: Use Gold as a Primary Color


Helluva Engineer
Hartselle, AL (originally Rome, GA)
Thanks. He probably won't like it, but I just tweeted him asking him what's happened to the White and Gold?

I have already made my feeling known to him about this as well, but my guess is that he is not losing any sleep over it. It really is frustrating that we cannot have our primary colors be our primary colors.


Helluva Engineer
It won't take thousands if some of the BIG donors get on board. I know that guy that owns the yacht docked at Hilton Head does not like blue. He needs to step up and make his opinion known, if he hasn't already.

Maybe he could offer to buy our uniforms for us, maybe like the one in my avatar?
I'd buy them myself, but one season would wipe me out...


Helluva Engineer
I don't know how I could have spread the word anymore than I did --- I posted in FB and emailed about 50 of my Tech friends. I saw the original post by @crut the day he first posted it and signed the petition immediately.
I have a Twitter account, but I seldom use it. How do I sign up to follow him?
I talked to wife.
She says go to your home page.
At bottom is a a bird house icon
Next to it to the right is a search icon
Click on search
Then in txt bar type coach Collins.
Good luck
Got to get to 34,000


Helluva Engineer
Hey all, this was mentioned very deep within the color debate thread, but I wanted to give it its own thread to provide it more exposure. There is a petition urging the Georgia Tech Athletics Association (GTAA) and Adidas to use Tech Gold as a primary color, and as a consequence, stop using navy as a primary color. The petition does not oppose the use of navy as an occasional alternate color or as a frequent accent/tertiary color, but there is clearly a branding issue going on within GTAA right now that needs to be addressed. The goals of the petition are to:
1) Get Georgia Tech athletics teams wearing more gold and white, and less navy and grey
2) Make more gold (and white) apparel accessible to fans to match with the initiative GTAA promotes regarding wearing gold to sporting events (except when wearing white to white-outs)
3) Be more uniform in social media posts and other promotions/signage to avoid posts like this that look more like they came from another school than GT.

If you agree and would like Georgia Tech to stick to its main school colors, please sign the petition here! With minimal effort the petition is getting close to 100 signers, so it seems this is a fairly common concern among GT faithful. Let's let GTAA known this is a simple issue that needs to be addressed in growing and improving the GT brand moving forward. Also, feel free to share this petition anywhere you'd like!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This thread is not for debating topics regarding Gold, Navy, etc. If you would like to take part in that conversation, the thread for that is here. This thread is specifically to promote and discuss a petition about communicating a perceived issue to GTAA.

To me it depends on color of gold.--not that almost GREEN tint like on Bball floor.