Petition: Use Gold as a Primary Color

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia

I always thought that this combination looked pretty good with a dark blue not the French blue that we wore in this year's bowl game. Gold helmets with the classic interlocking GT with white pants. Classic look but that is as far as I care to go with blue. My understanding is that the uniform makers love blue because it is easy to get the color right on the uniforms consistently. Gold is much harder and as we have seen down through the years nobody is ever happy with the shade of gold. Too yellow, too dark, too mustard, too this too that but I prefer the gold jerseys myself even with all the problems. White and gold is good too when trimmed in black but it is hard to get a gold jersey that looks good with a gold helmet. Complicated business to be sure.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
You missed essentially every point I made, so I’m just going to drop it. You’re so caught up in designations of what is considered a primary color that it really doesn’t matter what anybody tells you. TStan could come out tomorrow and declare Tech’s new primary colors are like green and sky blue, but if the teams continued to wear white and gold, would it really matter? All I’m trying to tell you is it literally makes no difference what color(s) is considered primary, and more about how they’re used.

I know I’ve read comments from you saying that uGA wears white pants, when one of their “claims to fame” is that they’re the silver britches. If you don’t know what color pants the team you hate the most wears, what makes you think anybody outside of Tech fans know anything about white and gold being Tech’s PRIMARY colors. It doesn’t matter. Like I said, crimson and cream are Oklahoma’s PRIMARY colors, but unless somebody told you that fact for some reason (that’s how I found out) it doesn’t matter because they wear white and not cream.

All I’m trying to get to you is that aggressively debating the fact that white and gold are PRIMARY colors does nothing considering how many teams already wear white and gold. No, either white or gold is not considered a PRIMARY color for them, but if they wear white and gold consistently (like most teams that feature gold) its still considered part of their color scheme. White is probably in the media guide for every team in the country as a team color, so screaming that it’s not PRIMARY does nothing for your argument. Seriously man, put this to bed. White is not unique, and gold isn’t a bold enough color to rely on it solely. A tertiary or secondary color, whichever you want to call it (because I know designations matter so much to you) is necessary. I really hope you understand what I’m saying this time, and don’t come back and scream “wHiTE ANd goLd aRE pRImARy CoLOrS”

"Green and sky blue"? Sorry, I think Tulane has the market on that combination

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
I am 100% in favor of gold, but it needs to be an attractive gold. Our gold is so blase' it is hard to like and that is one reason blue comes into the picture. I recently bought a golf cart which I posted in another thread and the gold is absolutely eye catching. I have gotten tons of complements on it, including my mutt friends. The lady at the cart vendor told she loved the color and that she doesn't even like the color gold. And this idea about near impossible to match gold on clothing Vs hard substrates is BS. The painter matched the gold from a cloth logo perfectly with about 15 minutes of effort. The gold color on my cart is Karat Gold Effect (from a Maaco swatch)
And I agree with Super, black should be our trim color, not blue or navy blue. My cart has a black frame and the black sets off the gold and white perfectly. With some effort, we could develop some very attractive clothing and unis using this or a similar gold as our main color, along with white as our secondary color, and black trim. For special unis and for a variation, black could be used as our main color.
We do not need to let our players decide our unis if we are going to develop our brand. Our unis will be forever changing with every new group.
I know I am pi$$ing into the wind on this, but that never stops me from expressing my opinion.

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That shade of gold (there it is again) is somewhat similar to the gold jerseys used in Chan's time but seems a little more eye catching somehow, brighter maybe. When branding is an issue, consistency counts. Does Alabama agonize over the darker crimson of their uniforms vs the brighter red of UGA? Nope. It is distinctive and everybody identifies that uniform wit h the Tide. So what, if it is repetitive and tedious, the point is that crimson color contrasts nicely with the white pants and numbers. Same thing with Penn State's much derided dull blue and white uniforms. Dull? yep, but everyone knows it is Penn State. I think we could do the same with gold but not changing it to a flavor of the month deal.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
Has tech ever worn a black uni? Or had black on the uni? Besides the “Black watch” defense which was a special thing done just for that team.

I think people confuse the dark navy that we had on the old uni’s for black..
Coach Curry instituted the use of black jerseys during the 1980s. The Black Watch defenders wore a black stripe down the middle of the helmet with a black interlocking GT (I think) while everyone else on the team wore white GT with no stripe.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
As always, I think White & Gold should predominate our unis.

The only exception is a rule that would force us to do otherwise, such as the 90's unis. (And even then I am glad we wore G/B/W - bright and unique look.)

All that being said, I don't understand the angst over blue vs black as a third color.

To me just pick one GTAA. Stick with it. Most importantly - make sure ALL our teams use the same 3rd color. Branding.

And I think we actually can capitalize on the interlocking GT more than we do.

All this makes me wonder about Colorado and if they have these discussions. I believe their 2 colors are actually Silver and Gold! Yikes.

I don't know about Colorado but if you want to start trouble...go on a Clemson website and mention purple and then you will see some excitement. Florida went through this when Charley Pell made orange the predominate color on the Gator uniforms during the 1980s. The Head Ball Coach promptly switched back to a blue and white combo similar to what he wore in the 1960s when he won the Heisman.