Leo B


Helluva Engineer
I'm talking in-game adjustments. I'm sure they'll keep practicing to try to improve on what they don't do well, but they're going to do what it takes to win on Saturday.
I think u were clear.

Imo, Listening to Key, then tiday hearing King on ACCN, and Singletary on post practice, the common tone is we need to capture our explosiveness. Singletary was answering question about him getting more running. He was joyful when describing how fakukner and wr had been watching pro gamet tapes were they use this as a a new wrinkle.

In 23 Louisville the 28 point 2nd quater is not what needs to be moderated. Its the 3 quarters when we scored 6 ponits that need to be consistent with our identity.

Also, i think in this game we are moving off any certainty the defense will be the solid difference maker ( UL has 2 each 6-9" DT to slow pass rush and qb that can pass). We will bring pressure and play close to los.

This may not work out in this game, but this is our identity that we will work to perfect by Uga. .


Helluva Engineer
@gtrower 's ypc is yards per carry, and matches the data here

That would put us at 19th in the former P5+ND. Pretty dang good, especially when you consider we've played more opponents and more P4/5 opponents than just about everyone.

I'm not sure where your rankings are from as they don't correlate to anything on that site that I can tell. I assume your ypc is per completion and ypa per attempt for passing - if so, I'm not sure how that would be a reflection on the OL performance.
Data's off the NCAA stats site but was looking at without the VMI slaughter. We should be better than all but a handful of the P whatevers (the old 1-AA crowd) plus 3/4 of the P4 crowd before we start declaring ourselves great. We might learn a good bit at Louisville, but then again we thought we learned a lot from Dublin. Turned out free shoes was more like ga st than ohio state.


Helluva Engineer
@gtrower 's ypc is yards per carry, and matches the data here

That would put us at 19th in the former P5+ND. Pretty dang good, especially when you consider we've played more opponents and more P4/5 opponents than just about everyone.

I'm not sure where your rankings are from as they don't correlate to anything on that site that I can tell. I assume your ypc is per completion and ypa per attempt for passing - if so, I'm not sure how that would be a reflection on the OL performance.
@yeti, you seem to want our OL to be seen as having performed great so far this season. The fact is, it hasn’t. Yes, they have kept King clean, and that’s very good, but a lot of that is his and CBF’s doing.

Even if they’re #19 for ypc in P4, that’s barely top 1/3. Looking game by game, it’s been up and down - more up than down, except for SU. Again, they’re overall good, but not great. That SU game was not good for 3.5 quarters.


Helluva Engineer
@yeti, you seem to want our OL to be seen as having performed great so far this season. The fact is, it hasn’t. Yes, they have kept King clean, and that’s very good, but a lot of that is his and CBF’s doing.

Even if they’re #19 for ypc in P4, that’s barely top 1/3. Looking game by game, it’s been up and down - more up than down, except for SU. Again, they’re overall good, but not great. That SU game was not good for 3.5 quarters.
I gave the OL a B when I rated them in my previous post. I think that should tell you how I see them.

"Barely top 1/3" is not a bad spot to be - if all of our units operated at that level I'd be ecstatic and we'd be a top 25 team. But sure sounds like you are trying to minimize their performance so far and also it ignores the other context that I provided of teams like Louisville who have not played a real opponent yet and have inflated numbers because of it. Let's check back at the end of the season and see where we are then? Maybe at the same time we can review our OL play from 2019- 2022 and see how far we've come.

We've hashed out the OL play against Syracuse multiple times already. The pass blocking was quite good and King almost always had plenty of time, and the stats bear that out. The run blocking was not as good, however we were very predictable on when we would run early on and Cuse was often able to sellout and bring extra guys to stop the run because of it. You are clearly convinced otherwise and likely not willing to go back and rewatch the game, iiwii.

And none of this has anything to do with the question I asked GT33 about what passing stats ypc and ypa have to do with the OL performance.


Helluva Engineer
We're 37th in ypc and 35th in ypa, 31st in scoring offense. There's 67 teams in P4 plus ND & xPac. We're decidedly average or you could argue slightly below. Great? No way.
We should probably wait for at least mid season to evaluate. Look at who teams have played. Louisville for example has played two nobody’s and is averaging 50 per game, I doubt they will stay at that level come conference play.