Joe Hamilton and Herschel Walker...


Ramblin' Wreck
Guys come on! I'm happy that it happen the way it did by all means. I hate UGA with a passion as much as anyone on this board but to say we shut down Gurley is ridiculous. We didn't shut down Chubb when you look at the overall scheme of things(120+ yards TD). Our defense couldn't handle a healthy Gurley. On a better note, it was the best game I've ever watched between the two schools. Everything play impacted he final results and that's exciting to watch.
Their kicker had more yards than Chubb in the second half. I would call that a shut down.


Georgia Tech Fan
yes ray rice in college was better than gurley. Ray Rice on a Rutgers team that sucked and everyone in the stadium knew he was getting the ball still put up incredible numbers. Put ray rice on the GA teams that Gurley played on and he would put up better numbers. See how that goes when you take a hypothetical and make an opinion it is just what it is an opinion not "FACT"


Jolly Good Fellow
We know he's the best running back to come through UGA since #34.
Garrison Hearst was a Heisman finalist. Maybe before your time but Gurley was not head and shoulders better than Hearst as a RB. Gurley's kick returning might give him the edge over Hearst as an all-around player, though.

Growing up watching UGA football, Hearst was my favorite player. I got to watch him in HS in Lincoln County, as well.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
I am going to attempt to change gears here a bit and not argue the difference Gurley would have made last year. No matter who was in that game, GT was going to refuse to lose!
Simply put, UGa every year seems to have a superior running back and a some very good backs behind them in waiting. Many of them surely could have been nearly as good as Herschel in stats anyway, but they all seem to have a curious self destruct button.
I would say since Herschel, they have had 6-8 RBs with serious big time potential. They get hurt, steal something, break the rules, go pro before they reach their potential, get a case of the pouts because of the new "Next Herschel" etc.
Gurley was a damn fine RB. He was devastating, but he made as much impact on their overall program as any one of 10 backs that they have had in recent decades.
Nobody wastes talent like the Dawgs in the last 3 decades. It's not that they haven't been good, but you give some of today's coaches the talent that they have had over the last 30 years -and you might be looking at 3-4 MNC's.
Good point. Even casual observation causes one to wonder why uga can consistently have recruiting classes that are ranked higher than the team's performance year after year. The only other team I can think of similar in that regard is Miami, and, even though their recruiting classes are not nearly as good, their fall from grace is just as far when one looks at where their recruiting classes are ranked and where their teams finish their final ranking at the end of a each season.


Jolly Good Fellow
Except that their 2 fumbles were the result of hustle plays or hard hits made by our D. Their 99 yd fumble return was a result of bad officiating. Not sure I would sum those three plays up with "The ball bounced funny for both teams."

But other than that I agree.

Nothing is ever 100% skill or 100% luck. That's why it's so hard to go undefeated, you can be better than 13 opponents but if they all have a 10% or 15% chance for the upset, bad luck & statistical laws catch up to you. To win every game you need to be good enough to overcome that.

It seems beyond dispute that COFH '14 was a dramatic game w/ a lot of surprise breaks going either way. My point is that when an OL takes over the game as Tech's did, GT wins 8/9 out of 10 times regardless of the breaks.


Jolly Good Fellow
North Port, FL
All this talk about Gurley had me scratching my head. The way I remember 2013 was that we had shut Gurley down for most of the game until our lack of depth on the DL wore us down in the 4th Qtr and we simply could not stop him in OT.

So I went back to the 2013 play-by-play. Sure enough, through 3 quarters Gurley had 11 carries for 36 yards (3.27 ypc). Fourth quarter he had 6 carries for 42 yards (7.00 ypc), and he had the ball for all 4 OT plays accounting for all 50 yards (12.50 ypc). So basically opposite of Chubb - Chubb had big 1st Qtr and was limited final 3, Gurley was limited first 3 but had big 4th & OT.

Chubb was a different back after that goal line fumble. Not sure if it was physical or mental on his part or if it was our DL controlling their OL. Regardless, you have to give Roof and the D players credit for doing a good job making life difficult for him and holding him in check.


I think Terrell Davis and Hearst had better careers for the mutts and were better backs. Girly was in the same class with those guys however. That position has been good to the butt sniffers.

We have not been bereft of elite players ourselves. Joe shoulda won the Heisman and did make the Hall. Calvin may be the best to ever play WR. He would have been in the running for the Hiesman if he had been on a better team. Baybay was in the same class crazily...and came right on Calvin's heels. Dwyer was an elite back, especially when in top shape.

Luckily we don't get hung up on labeling each new star as a prior star's shadow...or potential clone. We only do that with coaches....looking for the next Dodd.


Jolly Good Fellow
I think Terrell Davis and Hearst had better careers for the mutts and were better backs. Girly was in the same class with those guys however. That position has been good to the butt sniffers.
Davis didn't do much as a Dwag. Transferred in, had one decent season (less than 1000 yards) and then spent most of his final season hurt. Heck of a pro career, though.