JHD eligible for 2015


Helluva Engineer
PJ did say, "I think he'll be fine." Seems like a positive indicator. To me, that indicates more than just "we don't know." Maybe I'm just &^@$%*& nuts. Probably the latter.
I want that to mean something as much as anyone. I really do. But, it's really nothing beyond what he said in the May 12 article when KS asked him about Jabari the last time. CPJ's response, while using different words, was essentially the same. In fact-- if anything today's article gave us less other than the fact that it came 2 mos. further into his effort to regain the eligibility.


Helluva Engineer
PJ did say, "I think he'll be fine." Seems like a positive indicator. To me, that indicates more than just "we don't know." Maybe I'm just &^@$%*& nuts. Probably the latter.
Of course the other way to look at it might be to ponder what might expect the head ball coach to say to that question. It's not loaded, it's just a question a coach has to parse some. "Frankly, Ken, I'm just gonna ignore how hard the kid has worked to get even and back on the field, at his own expense, and throw him under the bus and back over him twice." Fine is a fine noncommittal sidestep and can mean just about anything from fine as just wunnerful to fine compared to what? That's all.


Helluva Engineer
Of course the other way to look at it might be to ponder what might expect the head ball coach to say to that question. It's not loaded, it's just a question a coach has to parse some. "Frankly, Ken, I'm just gonna ignore how hard the kid has worked to get even and back on the field, at his own expense, and throw him under the bus and back over him twice." Fine is a fine noncommittal sidestep and can mean just about anything from fine as just wunnerful to fine compared to what? That's all.
And, I think that is exactly the best way to read CPJ's (non)comment.


Helluva Engineer
I have no idea what his status is. I would however be surprised to see someone put in the effort he has and not be successful in obtaining his goal. I was never the smartest person in a Tech classroom, but I did work harder than folks smarter than me. I made it out, so my view has always been that through hard work difficult things are achievable. In my professional life I also found that the folks that put in the work are rarely unsuccessful in reaching their goals. I think JHD will be back on the field, and this lesson (that he had to learn the hard way) will pay dividends for years to come.


Helluva Engineer
Let's keep our eyes on what we share in common. That soon, this young student-athlete will have some good news. And, that a team we care about deeply will be tuning up for a great season.

On that, I have no doubt we all agree. I'm pulling for him to get it done and have a great year. Maybe even a year that sends him on to a new career and us to another memorable season.

AE 87

Helluva Engineer
Let's keep our eyes on what we share in common. That soon, this young student-athlete will have some good news. And, that a team we care about deeply will be tuning up for a great season.

On that, I have no doubt we all agree. I'm pulling for him to get it done and have a great year. Maybe even a year that sends him on to a new career and us to another memorable season.

Well, we can agree that he's on track to soon have some good news.


Helluva Engineer
What got me upset last spring was we were totally in aware of the JH academicissue. Now I know the player development folks are monitoring. Still up to players to become tech men, but monitoring prevents them from being in a hole that's too deep. JH really helped last year on s out team and when he steps on field this year deserves a standing O.


Helluva Engineer
What got me upset last spring was we were totally in aware of the JH academicissue. Now I know the player development folks are monitoring. Still up to players to become tech men, but monitoring prevents them from being in a hole that's too deep. JH really helped last year on s out team and when he steps on field this year deserves a standing O.
Not sure I get the "we". Are you saying the coaches, tutors, etc., didn't have a clue about it? Or the fan base?


Helluva Engineer
Only briefly know the current manager of player dev. He was added after the former pd guy was dismissed for "expense account errors". At same time team had a rash of dl guys drag up or what ever , also had the custis affair. Things looked kind of discount organized. Not so now. Got to watch part of recruit presentation before clemson game - they discussed monitor but not babysit with emphasis on ask help early.

The past is gone , the new guys seem to be doing great.
At gt It's really hard to get back on curve.
Hope jh makes it.


Helluva Engineer
Gotsis has definitely changed his body type since his freshmen year. Gone is the baby fat, replaced with more muscle.

Gotta think Gotsis is salivating at the thought of lining up next to Jabari. Pick your poison OL...can't double team all of them.
Absolutely. Just a minute ago, it also washed over me just how much lost time Jabari want to make up. The urgency there seems to be now. A lot of frustration to take out. My hope is that he is just as dominating as we think he can be. It'll be those OL's across from him who get the brunt of that, if so.


Helluva Engineer
Gotsis has definitely changed his body type since his freshmen year. Gone is the baby fat, replaced with more muscle.

Gotta think Gotsis is salivating at the thought of lining up next to Jabari. Pick your poison OL...can't double team all of them.
Gotsis looks like JJ Watt. Our athleticism on the defensive front is absolutely disgusting. Gamble moves well for the SDE and we all know about Keshuns feet and ability.