Why do people debate this question? This board is full of Paul Johnson fans.
Then in rolled the Geoff Collins disciples. 404, ATL, recruiting, NFL, Big Time football, Elite, Waffle House, dance routines, money down, tweets, cheerleading BS, etc. We've gone 13-31, .295 win percentage, worst ever in 120 years of GT football. Why are we even debating this? We need to get our program back to where it was 4 years ago, then we can try another experiment. We don't need platers quitting during games, before the season finishes, going to other schools because the culture is rotten to the core. We don't need bush league commentators riduculing us, being a laughingstock, being pitied for being that program that used to compete, etc. Another Geoff Collins and more of this BS and there won't be D1 football on The Flats for these fly by night fans people to cry about. Collins & his ilk had their chance, time for the adults to take the program back over. If it's not readily apparant at this point, there's not much more that can be said. The handwriting is on the wall.