Here's a COVID thread for you

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Deleted member 2897

Actually, I had a very high opinion of the CDC before this pandemic. I actually did. I still think they do good science. No, excellent science. I just think there are horrible CYA Bureaucrats at the top. I would call them politicians at the top, but I am not sure I want to insult them that much.....

100%. The data and science that the people do there is solid. It’s the folks at the top who announce it yet then incredulously ignore and contradict what they just published that are the problem.
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Helluva Engineer
SW Florida
Actually, I had a very high opinion of the CDC before this pandemic. I actually did. I still think they do good science. No, excellent science. I just think there are horrible CYA Bureaucrats at the top. I would call them politicians at the top, but I am not sure I want to insult them that much.....

Need to clean house. Except who’s going to actually to do it?



Helluva Engineer
SW Florida
You may want to sit down for this Super...but pretty much everyone who goes to Georgia Tech has to show proof of a measles (MMR) vaccine along with some others on a form, which could be considered a bigger card.

The measles vaccine isn’t experimental.

Nearly everyone considers measles and polio to be serious diseases. That’s not the case with covid.


Deleted member 2897

Good god almighty to the high heavens. CDC Director Dr Rochelle Walensky was just on PBS News Hour. She was asked about kids being outdoors and at camps outdoors still having to wear masks, yet not anybody else. And vaccinated people don’t have to wear masks indoors. So why the co tradition. She laughed and said they needed to update their guidance. NO **** YOU *** CLOWN.

Just 2 days during official testimony, she angrily pushed back on that contradiction stating community spread (quoting incorrect numbers I might add) was still too high to change that. And yet 2 days later here we are. Good lord.

Shut them down and send them home permanently.


Helluva Engineer
Actually, I had a very high opinion of the CDC before this pandemic. I actually did. I still think they do good science. No, excellent science. I just think there are horrible CYA Bureaucrats at the top. I would call them politicians at the top, but I am not sure I want to insult them that much.....
You had a high opinion of them because their work wasn't being politicized 24/7. They are still doing great work. Many lives have been saved due to their work on COVID and a variety of other things. None of that actually means anything anymore publicly. The entire perception of the CDC is now determined by tv sound bites and politically influenced messaging during a politically charged pandemic.

Deleted member 2897

You had a high opinion of them because their work wasn't being politicized 24/7. They are still doing great work. Many lives have been saved due to their work on COVID and a variety of other things. None of that actually means anything anymore publicly. The entire perception of the CDC is now determined by tv sound bites and politically influenced messaging during a politically charged pandemic.

No, the problem is people like Dr. Rochelle Wollenaky says publicly “Our data says X, but we’re going to recommend Y.” Like when they said not to wear masks, they don’t work. They knew that was false. They knew Covid could be transmitted via droplets in air, but went back and forth several times. They knew nobody caught Covid outside alone but told people to wear masks. They knew vaccinated people don’t transmit the virus and told people that but said wear a mask…even outside…by yourself.

The people doing the work do great work. They’re down in the trenches crunching numbers representing the CDC well. It’s the people at the top who have turned them into a punchline. Why, we may never know. Incompetence? Fear? Who knows. It’s inexplicable.

Deleted member 2897

Recall how the CDC felt an impending sense of doom a couple months ago and how as recently as 2 weeks ago they were predicting a spike in cases.

On the Today Show, they said cases have dropped so strongly since then that the CDC came to the realization of how wrong they were, and the pressure of that forced their hand.

Now having said that, as I type this, Dr Rochelle Wollensky is on live and asked about who to listen to, like if states keep their mask mandates. She said all states are different, and some have much more cases right now than others. So here we go again - if you’re vaccinated, you’re safe whether your state has 1,000 cases or 5,000 cases yesterday. It doesn’t have anything to do with that. LOL.


Helluva Engineer
You had a high opinion of them because their work wasn't being politicized 24/7. They are still doing great work. Many lives have been saved due to their work on COVID and a variety of other things. None of that actually means anything anymore publicly. The entire perception of the CDC is now determined by tv sound bites and politically influenced messaging during a politically charged pandemic.
They are still doing great work, as I said, just not at the top. I agree with the fact that their role has been politicized. (I will quietly remind you that it was the left who politicized them as a tool against Trump with their "#science" and "I believe in science" lawn signs.) The leadership has seemingly embraced the limelight and then the elite bureaucrats they ultimately are....stumbled BADLY in their advice to the American people.

Now that science is finally winning out, the left is over-reacting....AGAINST the CDC's guidelines.....the main headline on CNN is....

America's unmasking brings liberation but also trepidation as huge questions loom​

These things all go in circles, don't they? Blow up the filibuster to get a few judges past the other party and then they use it against you 5 years later...etc..etc. Politicize the CDC and then when the progressive symbolic flag (aka the mask) is lowered people freak out...LOL. (NB- this happens on both sides of the aisle).

Deleted member 2897

They are still doing great work, as I said, just not at the top. I agree with the fact that their role has been politicized. (I will quietly remind you that it was the left who politicized them as a tool against Trump with their "#science" and "I believe in science" lawn signs.) The leadership has seemingly embraced the limelight and then the elite bureaucrats they ultimately are....stumbled BADLY in their advice to the American people.

Now that science is finally winning out, the left is over-reacting....AGAINST the CDC's guidelines.....the main headline on CNN is....

America's unmasking brings liberation but also trepidation as huge questions loom​

These things all go in circles, don't they? Blow up the filibuster to get a few judges past the other party and then they use it against you 5 years later...etc..etc. Politicize the CDC and then when the progressive symbolic flag (aka the mask) is lowered people freak out...LOL. (NB- this happens on both sides of the aisle).

The CDC politicized themselves. Remember that they are the ones that said to avoid large gatherings because of how incredibly dangerous they are, unless it is a BLM rally. We could give examples of this ridiculous anti-science bull**** all day long.


Helluva Engineer
Recall how the CDC felt an impending sense of doom a couple months ago and how as recently as 2 weeks ago they were predicting a spike in cases.

On the Today Show, they said cases have dropped so strongly since then that the CDC came to the realization of how wrong they were, and the pressure of that forced their hand.

Now having said that, as I type this, Dr Rochelle Wollensky is on live and asked about who to listen to, like if states keep their mask mandates. She said all states are different, and some have much more cases right now than others. So here we go again - if you’re vaccinated, you’re safe whether your state has 1,000 cases or 5,000 cases yesterday. It doesn’t have anything to do with that. LOL.
I highly doubt the case numbers were the reason for the change in guidelines. We are still not at great case numbers. Considering the response from the White House it seems much more likely that this change in guidance was politically pushed as a way to promote vaccinations which were leveling off.


Helluva Engineer
The CDC politicized themselves. Remember that they are the ones that said to avoid large gatherings because of how incredibly dangerous they are, unless it is a BLM rally. We could give examples of this ridiculous anti-science bull**** all day long.
Give me a break. The moment COVID became an us vs them issue the CDC was immediately politicized, along with The WHO, the NIH, and every health expert brave enough to speak publicly.

Deleted member 2897

Give me a break. The moment COVID became an us vs them issue the CDC was immediately politicized, along with The WHO, the NIH, and every health expert brave enough to speak publicly.

You keep saying this, but where is the polarization around here? We are making specific criticisms of them, pointing out the difference between their guidance and the science and data that they publish. There is nothing political about that. Furthermore, you’ll notice that this criticism has been constant across different administrations.

Deleted member 2897

I highly doubt the case numbers were the reason for the change in guidelines. We are still not at great case numbers. Considering the response from the White House it seems much more likely that this change in guidance was politically pushed as a way to promote vaccinations which were leveling off.

I mean ultimately who knows – the data has been clear for several months that vaccinated people were safe, weren’t spreading Covid, and no longer needed to wear a mask. Your guess is as good as mine as to why they only now changed their guidance. We’ve been clamoring, especially around here, for many months that the guidance needs to reflect the science or else (among other things) ultimately what is the point in getting vaccinated. Wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and practicing good hygiene is actually more effective than not doing that but being vaccinated. So 🤷‍♂️

Deleted member 2897


Geraldo is not a stupid guy. Its just proof of how the CDC has completely ruined life in our country. Will Cain was 100% correct. We were allowed to eat in restaurants without masks before the CDCs announcement yesterday. Nothing has changed. Suddenly pivoting and saying now you can only come in if you've been vaccinated? There's no science behind such a demand. If Geraldo is vaccinated and Will is asymptomatic but has covid, Geraldo is safe. That's what the data says. Now if Geraldo is a frail elderly person or immunocompromised, then they probably shouldn't be eating in a restaurant anyway. But absent something like that, he is absolutely paranoid and unreasonable. And he's not a bad person - he's just been fed crap instead of science for the better part of a year.
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