Have Anyone Heard??


Helluva Engineer
There is background. And, that should remain between Jabari and the program. But, I wish Jabari the best and can only hope he will listen to better advice at some point in his life.

I am trying to remember that, though walking around in a 300lb body, he is still a very young, young man.


Ramblin' Wreck
The Character of this locker room is what sold him on GT . No issues there. A few things I learned from playing at this level. You can only control 2 things. Your actions and your attitude. Also do not believe anything you hear and half of what you see . None of us know anything. Just keep pulling for the guys that are continuing to bust their *** to get better and win .
Well said and thank you for posting it!

Leonard Larramore

Jolly Good Fellow
It's unusual timing wise. I wouldn't be surprised if dissatisfaction of some sort was involved. Wish him well going forward regardless.
There is more to this story but it is up to Jabari to share. I think we sometimes rush to judge a kid or call a kid stupid for his mistakes when if we are honest, we have made some bonehead decisions during our teen and young adult years. Well I know I have but I have been blessed enough to learn from them and to teach other young men to avoid making the same mistakes I made. From what I am hearing, the kid has some personal issues and he feels that right now he is making the right decision. Regardless of how we feel personally about the decision, let's just all agree that we hope that he lands on his feet.

B Lifsey

Helluva Engineer
Barnesville, Georgia
There is more to this story but it is up to Jabari to share. I think we sometimes rush to judge a kid or call a kid stupid for his mistakes when if we are honest, we have made some bonehead decisions during our teen and young adult years. Well I know I have but I have been blessed enough to learn from them and to teach other young men to avoid making the same mistakes I made. From what I am hearing, the kid has some personal issues and he feels that right now he is making the right decision. Regardless of how we feel personally about the decision, let's just all agree that we hope that he lands on his feet.
We tend to loose sight of fact that there are things in these young men's lives that are bigger than football. It, unfortunately, sounds like the case here. As you said, let's hope he lands on his feet!


Helluva Engineer
There is more to this story but it is up to Jabari to share. I think we sometimes rush to judge a kid or call a kid stupid for his mistakes when if we are honest, we have made some bonehead decisions during our teen and young adult years. Well I know I have but I have been blessed enough to learn from them and to teach other young men to avoid making the same mistakes I made. From what I am hearing, the kid has some personal issues and he feels that right now he is making the right decision. Regardless of how we feel personally about the decision, let's just all agree that we hope that he lands on his feet.

Going to leave it at what CPJ said instead of trying to figure out "Why?" Jabari personally spoke to CPJ as a young man, geniunely thanked coach for the opportunity and sticking with him through it all, and explained his reasoning on why he chose to do what he did. He could have taken the easy way out and sent a "representative", or emailed him, or whatever. He manned up, talked to coach in person, and made the best decision for himself.

As a fan I hate seeing a young man not complete what he started, but I'm not in his shoes.

Good luck to Jabari. He was a highly rated recruit who had MANY other offeres. He chose GT. For whatever other faults some may view him having, just remember that.


Helluva Engineer
The Character of this locker room is what sold him on GT . No issues there. A few things I learned from playing at this level. You can only control 2 things. Your actions and your attitude. Also do not believe anything you hear and half of what you see . None of us know anything. Just keep pulling for the guys that are continuing to bust their *** to get better and win .

Thanks!! I , for one needed to hear this.
Tell Will we are pulling for them and Together WE Swarm!


Helluva Engineer
@flea77 Will seems to be making the transition to the speed/physicality of the game really well. Hopefully he is enjoying college life too.


Helluva Engineer
A quote from the AJC by CPJ regarding Jabari:

"We have a tendency, not just here, but I think in general, the media and people have a tendency to anoint people before they ever play. And sometimes it’s hard to live up to the hype when you get hyped out the ying yang"

CPJ seems to acknowledge that it was not Jabari's fault that he did not live up to fan's expectation. Part of the role of a NG is to occupy as many blockers as possible so others can make the tackle. This means sacrificing personal stats for the good of the team.
So was he being doubled? If so, then his production numbers are understandable. But then that begs the question why did we still not produce from the other DL positions?

If not, then that explains why we still could not get pressure and tfls.


Helluva Engineer
So was he being doubled? If so, then his production numbers are understandable. But then that begs the question why did we still not produce from the other DL positions?

If not, then that explains why we still could not get pressure and tfls.

I'm just going to say it since I haven't seen many around here bring it up. But Keshun Freeman's play has been really disappointing this year as well. 2 sacks, 4 TFL all year? I personally thought fans were hyping him up too much with the whole Freshman All-America thing last year - how many freshman got as many snaps at DE as he did? Not saying he didn't have a good freshman year, but I think the accolade had a lot more to do with opportunity than talent. I was expecting him to make a lot more strides physically but haven't seen it. Maybe he should play OLB. If Gotsis had a good year, Jabari was taking up dbl-teams, then what does that mean when we only get 2 sacks from our pass-rushing DE spot?


Helluva Engineer
I'm just going to say it since I haven't seen many around here bring it up. But Keshun Freeman's play has been really disappointing this year as well. 2 sacks, 4 TFL all year? I personally thought fans were hyping him up too much with the whole Freshman All-America thing last year - how many freshman got as many snaps at DE as he did? Not saying he didn't have a good freshman year, but I think the accolade had a lot more to do with opportunity than talent. I was expecting him to make a lot more strides physically but haven't seen it. Maybe he should play OLB. If Gotsis had a good year, Jabari was taking up dbl-teams, then what does that mean when we only get 2 sacks from our pass-rushing DE spot?

The Offense has been carrying team for YEARS--this yr was made for the DEF to step up bigtime when needed--Just flat haven't done it to the degree required


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
I'm just going to say it since I haven't seen many around here bring it up. But Keshun Freeman's play has been really disappointing this year as well. 2 sacks, 4 TFL all year? I personally thought fans were hyping him up too much with the whole Freshman All-America thing last year - how many freshman got as many snaps at DE as he did? Not saying he didn't have a good freshman year, but I think the accolade had a lot more to do with opportunity than talent. I was expecting him to make a lot more strides physically but haven't seen it. Maybe he should play OLB. If Gotsis had a good year, Jabari was taking up dbl-teams, then what does that mean when we only get 2 sacks from our pass-rushing DE spot?

Not to imply anything at all about Mr. Freeman, but in some of the dark days of GT FB, I sometimes questioned if were bad because were young . Or just bad despite being young. These are 2 entirely different things. One of them is far superior to the other.


Georgia Tech Fan
I'm just going to say it since I haven't seen many around here bring it up. But Keshun Freeman's play has been really disappointing this year as well. 2 sacks, 4 TFL all year? I personally thought fans were hyping him up too much with the whole Freshman All-America thing last year - how many freshman got as many snaps at DE as he did? Not saying he didn't have a good freshman year, but I think the accolade had a lot more to do with opportunity than talent. I was expecting him to make a lot more strides physically but haven't seen it. Maybe he should play OLB. If Gotsis had a good year, Jabari was taking up dbl-teams, then what does that mean when we only get 2 sacks from our pass-rushing DE spot?
I'm just going to say it since I haven't seen many around here bring it up. But Keshun Freeman's play has been really disappointing this year as well. 2 sacks, 4 TFL all year? I personally thought fans were hyping him up too much with the whole Freshman All-America thing last year - how many freshman got as many snaps at DE as he did? Not saying he didn't have a good freshman year, but I think the accolade had a lot more to do with opportunity than talent. I was expecting him to make a lot more strides physically but haven't seen it. Maybe he should play OLB. If Gotsis had a good year, Jabari was taking up dbl-teams, then what does that mean when we only get 2 sacks from our pass-rushing DE spot?


Georgia Tech Fan
First maybe you should begin by trying to understand WHY he's not making big plays. To educate you on who he is-#1 he does not perform or do anything on the basis of "hype". #2 He puts in 100% into all he does because of his loyalty and commitment to whatever he's doing #3 He appreciated the Freshman All American but that didn't drive him to do anything he did last year because whether he is mentioned or awarded, it doesn't change his effort, hard work, and dedication. He plays with heart. And last, He Is Coachable and is following thru with his assignments. So when you're on the outside judging in "disappointment" make sure you know what you're disappointed in because as of now you're disappointed in a coachable young man who gives 100% in the classroom and on the field and sacrifices big plays to follow the assignment from his coach even though he understands the public sees what they think is little to no effort and skills. What you saw as "opportunity" last year was drive, dedication, and heart and I'll take that any day when there is loyalty and when he's following thru with his given responsibility. So see it the way you do in the midst of your "disappointment" but those who know him are honored and proud.


Helluva Engineer
I'm just going to say it since I haven't seen many around here bring it up. But Keshun Freeman's play has been really disappointing this year as well. 2 sacks, 4 TFL all year? I personally thought fans were hyping him up too much with the whole Freshman All-America thing last year - how many freshman got as many snaps at DE as he did? Not saying he didn't have a good freshman year, but I think the accolade had a lot more to do with opportunity than talent. I was expecting him to make a lot more strides physically but haven't seen it. Maybe he should play OLB. If Gotsis had a good year, Jabari was taking up dbl-teams, then what does that mean when we only get 2 sacks from our pass-rushing DE spot?
My only gripe with Freeman is that he seems to be invisible to the refs. He could be drug down from behind and the refs wouldn't call offensive holding.


Helluva Engineer
Nashville, TN
First maybe you should begin by trying to understand WHY he's not making big plays. To educate you on who he is-#1 he does not perform or do anything on the basis of "hype". #2 He puts in 100% into all he does because of his loyalty and commitment to whatever he's doing #3 He appreciated the Freshman All American but that didn't drive him to do anything he did last year because whether he is mentioned or awarded, it doesn't change his effort, hard work, and dedication. He plays with heart. And last, He Is Coachable and is following thru with his assignments. So when you're on the outside judging in "disappointment" make sure you know what you're disappointed in because as of now you're disappointed in a coachable young man who gives 100% in the classroom and on the field and sacrifices big plays to follow the assignment from his coach even though he understands the public sees what they think is little to no effort and skills. What you saw as "opportunity" last year was drive, dedication, and heart and I'll take that any day when there is loyalty and when he's following thru with his given responsibility. So see it the way you do in the midst of your "disappointment" but those who know him are honored and proud.

Well said and should be remembered by all when we tend to get on these young men! Welcome to the SWARM!


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
First maybe you should begin by trying to understand WHY he's not making big plays. To educate you on who he is-#1 he does not perform or do anything on the basis of "hype". #2 He puts in 100% into all he does because of his loyalty and commitment to whatever he's doing #3 He appreciated the Freshman All American but that didn't drive him to do anything he did last year because whether he is mentioned or awarded, it doesn't change his effort, hard work, and dedication. He plays with heart. And last, He Is Coachable and is following thru with his assignments. So when you're on the outside judging in "disappointment" make sure you know what you're disappointed in because as of now you're disappointed in a coachable young man who gives 100% in the classroom and on the field and sacrifices big plays to follow the assignment from his coach even though he understands the public sees what they think is little to no effort and skills. What you saw as "opportunity" last year was drive, dedication, and heart and I'll take that any day when there is loyalty and when he's following thru with his given responsibility. So see it the way you do in the midst of your "disappointment" but those who know him are honored and proud.

I am in my 'autumn years" as they politely say and have been reading things on the internet shortly after Mr. Al Gore invented the thing. This may be the best thing I have ever read. I love passion above all else as it is rare these days. And you have it. Thank you for posting.

highlight 23

Georgia Tech Fan
First maybe you should begin by trying to understand WHY he's not making big plays. To educate you on who he is-#1 he does not perform or do anything on the basis of "hype". #2 He puts in 100% into all he does because of his loyalty and commitment to whatever he's doing #3 He appreciated the Freshman All American but that didn't drive him to do anything he did last year because whether he is mentioned or awarded, it doesn't change his effort, hard work, and dedication. He plays with heart. And last, He Is Coachable and is following thru with his assignments. So when you're on the outside judging in "disappointment" make sure you know what you're disappointed in because as of now you're disappointed in a coachable young man who gives 100% in the classroom and on the field and sacrifices big plays to follow the assignment from his coach even though he understands the public sees what they think is little to no effort and skills. What you saw as "opportunity" last year was drive, dedication, and heart and I'll take that any day when there is loyalty and when he's following thru with his given responsibility. So see it the way you do in the midst of your "disappointment" but those who know him are honored and proud.

Well said! Some of these people on here have no clue what work these boys put in each and every day. They don't realize they are doing what the coach told them to do. And they all know every thing about everything. Don't let it get to you. I am proud of him on and off the field. People need to stop personal attacks on the boys. If you have a problem with play calls or formations fine but personal attacks are not needed. What a fan base where we bash players...