Georgia State Post Game thread


Get-Bak! Coach
Featured Member
Watch the replay in slow motion. It's easy to see. Like all holding it's a subjective call. Watch our WRs on downfield blocking plays. They are good blockers and they hold a lot that are not called. It's part of the game that is difficult to officiate. I just get tired of hearing the refs were based or called a one sided game. They call what they see. They don't see everything as that in not possible.

Were some calls missed. Of course. Were the refs bad, they looked normal to me. My one concern was the helmet to helmet on King's helmet backside while he was turned backwards to the LOS. That easily could have knocked him out of the game. The next play was run too quickly to know if a booth review was coming and we scored on the play so no harm on that non call as it turned out.

It's ok that we disagree. And I respect your viewpoint.

I had a major issue with the lack of a delay to have that hit on King 'reviewed'. I know they can't officially do that but I recall in other games, refs will see that type of thing happen and will give some grace to the booth to get their ducks in a row.

There was also a moment when GS substituted on offense and we weren't allowed to do the same. Instead, they flagged us for substitution infraction. I feel they compounded their error by penalizing us.


Ramblin' Wreck
It’s both. Holding only gets called a fraction of the time holding actually takes place.
You can’t have it both ways. I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but it seems to me like you’re saying, good blocking involves holding, but holding is a legit penalty call , even when it’s part of normal, good blocking?

Jerry the Jacket

Helluva Engineer
Chapin, SC
One factor that is being overlooked is the heat and humidity the guys had to play in last night. I noticed that Coach Key, who did not play a down, was actually soaking in perspiration in the postgame interviews. Sweat was actually dripping from his hat. This Georgia heat is brutal and has killed many a man. Add to it that these guys are huge and wearing a ton of equipment including a helmet that holds the heat in even more than a person who has no head covering on, and you are talking about an almost unbearable situation. I am always amazed how well these young men bear up under these almost inhumane conditions.

Fatigue makes cowards of us all, so when you see imperfection, penalties and other mistakes, just remember, it's hard to perform when the heat is on. On to the nice, air-conditioned Carrier Dome! To hell with Syracuse.

Go Jackets!

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
My overall thoughts on the game:

1. Refs were bad. Really bad. I’m not really sure what else to say here. I mean, that was some of the most ticks tack calls against GT and nothing against GSU. Literally on the Leo Blackburn “Holding” call, one zebra threw his flag 10 seconds after the others. No clue what he was doing.

2. GSU is a smaller team. Their DL and OL looked much smaller than us. Similar to the CPJ GT years, when you aren’t stronger, just out run the damn guy. And that’s what they did, they just tired us out. Their DL and OL are not a typical P4 line. They used the lateral space of the field much more effectively because they HAD to with the size mismatch. It’s hard to train/prep for a school that doesn’t fit the mold like you’d expect. You have to dedicate specific time for GSU, not just general prep.

3. I hate all the pre snap cutesy stuff. Felt like between that and using hand signs, our boys had no clue what was happening at times. Twice in the second half we almost had delay of game penalties because of it. Maybe Faulkner was just trying out new plays? Idk. Didn’t like it.

4. We are coming off a Ireland game. Prep is gonna be rough. So I’m not surprised guys looked tired. Hopefully that doesn’t last.

Overall it was a good game. Defense bended but never broke. Offense built momentum. Felt closer than it was/should’ve been, but I’ll take covering the spread all day.
Georgia State is who I thought they would be. A tough out for anyone. The officiating can be summed up by the look on a backup offensive tackle when he was called for holding. He kind of rolled his eyes upward like "Please Lord, get me away from these people" It was in the fourth quarter, I think but can't remember the young man's name. The one on Blackburn was ridiculous, so he extended his arms? Mercy that is not the same as grabbing a guy by the jersey in the back.

Heisman's Ghost

Helluva Engineer
Albany Georgia
One factor that is being overlooked is the heat and humidity the guys had to play in last night. I noticed that Coach Key, who did not play a down, was actually soaking in perspiration in the postgame interviews. Sweat was actually dripping from his hat. This Georgia heat is brutal and has killed many a man. Add to it that these guys are huge and wearing a ton of equipment including a helmet that holds the heat in even more than a person who has no head covering on, and you are talking about an almost unbearable situation. I am always amazed how well these young men bear up under these almost inhumane conditions.

Fatigue makes cowards of us all, so when you see imperfection, penalties and other mistakes, just remember, it's hard to perform when the heat is on. On to the nice, air-conditioned Carrier Dome! To hell with Syracuse.

Go Jackets!
I played tennis earlier in the week in south Georgia. At 6:00 it was 93 degrees with a dew point over 70 and the heat index was well into triple digits and we were wearing light, loose clothes. I was soaking wet in less than 30 minutes. But in south Georgia if you want to play tennis, its what you do. Drink lots of fluids, rest on court change overs and take it easy especially at my age near 70.

Northeast Stinger

Helluva Engineer
It's ok that we disagree. And I respect your viewpoint.

I had a major issue with the lack of a delay to have that hit on King 'reviewed'. I know they can't officially do that but I recall in other games, refs will see that type of thing happen and will give some grace to the booth to get their ducks in a row.

There was also a moment when GS substituted on offense and we weren't allowed to do the same. Instead, they flagged us for substitution infraction. I feel they compounded their error by penalizing us.
The King no call bothered me because first his head whipped around before we went down and usually a ref instantly thinks face mask, which could have been called. Then he’s on the ground and helmet to helmet contact occurs and still not even a concerned look or consultation among the refs. Weird how bad the officiating was.


Helluva Engineer
You can’t have it both ways. I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but it seems to me like you’re saying, good blocking involves holding, but holding is a legit penalty call , even when it’s part of normal, good blocking?
Holding takes place on virtually every play. Holding gets called on a very low percent of plays. Our WRs absolutely grab the opponents shoulder pads or jerseys and tug and twist the defenders. They hold. As long as it isn’t called it’s not holding. Sometimes as in Blackburns case it gets called. Worth doing.

Very much like defensive PI in college. Receivers get mugged all the time and PI is rarely called so good DBs grab and hold / make heavy contact on plays all the time. If the refs don’t call a penalty keep doing it. Smart football.

Now on the outside runs where we got called for several holds them an adjustment needs to be made.

The first King TD called back on his power sweep right TE #86 got called and he let his arms extend while holding the defender. Easy call. Correct call


Ramblin' Wreck
Yep. Commentators kept saying it’s just a triple option, just not in flexbone or wishbone, which is what makes the offense so hard to defend. Those of us who knew this already feel pretty smug right now.

nicole richie hair flip GIF

And what about that rocket toss to Singleton with pulling guards and tight end ? !!!!!
The question is - so what? Why keep dragging CPJ into Key's team? Let it go.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
Watching the replay and just saw the long run by King that got called back on the hold Blackburn got called for. Looked like he just destroyed that guy to me. I didn’t see a hold.
I rewached the game to specifically review the hold calls. All of them were good blocks. All of them. The hands were on the interior jersey when either the defender fell down or turned around, and thr blocker let go and just pushed the defender down. That is completely legal if they engage the block face to face. The first TD that was called back on a "hold" by 86 was completely BS. He did not even grab any jersey. Just horrible officiating


Ramblin' Wreck
The first King TD called back on his power sweep right TE #86 got called and he let his arms extend while holding the defender. Easy call. Correct call
I disagree. I thought that was a ticky tack call that rarely gets called and shouldn’t have been called.


Helluva Engineer
Which is it? Do they block well or do they hold nearly every time?
Blocking involves holding. It is taught - or at least it was when I played football. That’s why you always hear that holding could be called on every play.

The key is that you need to know when to let go. I think the refs called some pretty questionable stuff last night where we had guys held tight to the vest and were manhandling them. That type of stuff is typically ignored. It’s when there are reaches or grasps around shoulder pads that you tend to get flagged.


Helluva Engineer
I rewached the game to specifically review the hold calls. All of them were good blocks. All of them. The hands were on the interior jersey when either the defender fell down or turned around, and thr blocker let go and just pushed the defender down. That is completely legal if they engage the block face to face. The first TD that was called back on a "hold" by 86 was completely BS. He did not even grab any jersey. Just horrible officiating
Not going to get in a long argument but the 1st half calls on our TEs #85 & 85 were good calls as the defender got off our defenders and our TEs arms were fully extended while still holding the defender’s jerseys. That will get called nearly every time.

The good news is we scored TDs after the 2 TE holds and the Blackburn hold which came one play before the hold on #85.


Helluva Engineer
Atlanta, GA
I disagree. I thought that was a ticky tack call that rarely gets called and shouldn’t have been called.
I am not sure what he was watching, but #86 blocks one LB and then blocks the middle LB. At no point does he even grab a jersey. The hold was completely BS. It was also away from the play and had zero impact on the TD.


Helluva Engineer
Watching the replay and just saw the long run by King that got called back on the hold Blackburn got called for. Looked like he just destroyed that guy to me. I didn’t see a hold.
I watched it in real time. Didn’t remotely seem like a hold. He just manhandled the guy. The refs must have seen it out of the corner of their eyes and just been sensitive to holding for some reason.


Helluva Engineer
Tackling was a little sloppy at times but that may have been Georgia State's receivers and backs. The thing that concerns me is the lack of pressure on the quarterback. Must have more pressure and hurried throws.
That's low on my list of concerns.
I'll need to rewatch to be sure but it seemed like the ball was out in about 2 seconds or less for most of his throws. Nearly impossible to get pressure in that amount of time unless you send the house every play.
We got pressure on him for one of his end-zone throws and he overthrew it. On their lone pass for a touchdown, we got pressure and he was backpedaling when he made his throw to an uncovered receiver.


Ramblin' Wreck
I agree, If people would just stop trying to bash CPJ then the counter responses would also stop. But I will defend him every time there is a dumb initial response.

I haven't anyone bashing him here of late.

Feeling "smug" as some sort of CPJ validation because some ex-GT QB, who hates GT, called one or two of Buster's plays a play with 3 options, is sorta silly.

CPJ had his time here, and he was honored for it, but it was awhile ago now.