Coronavirus Thread

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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
@stech81, in case you haven't found any TP...



Helluva Engineer
Come to South Carolina. We have a website to tell you what testing site is closest to you and have drive-thru test capabilities.
Pretty glib, # tests still limited, and would have 2 meet your states guidelines for testing. Do you know what those guidelines are?


That was the greater point I was making without saying it. It's just not "you" that's being affected, it's everyone around you.

@jwsavhGT asked about the bartenders/cooks/waiters/etc. who are affected when they shut down restaurants, but what happens if one of them get sick because an idiot who is unknowingly infected comes in to their establishment, infects them...puts them down for 2-3 weeks from the virus? Now not only do they miss on 2 weeks of earnings ability, but now they have medical expenses to pay...and because they got infected, think of the infection they gave customers?

No easy answer to this. Best thing to do is follow the advice of medical experts and self contain ourselves. Unfortunately, you know that's not going to happen because some people think this is all overblown or a hoax, or some people are just selfish.
Agree...The chinese communists just take boards and nail/barracade them in their house. theres lotsa videos out there. Then they use the military to bring food.. There's no info as to whether TP is included.


Helluva Engineer
I think it's simple.

Let people do what they want. For those that want to continue to get together in large crowds at bars and restaurants, and get together in large public gatherings...go for it. If you choose to do so, you need to sign a waiver that if you do indeed catch the virus and need serious medical attention or medical resources, you will be at the mercy of availability of the hospital and resources. You have to wait for space/resources that goes first to the people that followed the rules.

As long as people understand the dangers, acknowledge the treatment or resources that they are giving up to those that follow the rules, hey, let them have fun and live life like they usually do. Something tells me that if you hold people's feet to the carpet they will take this a LOT more seriously.
Or you can just tell them to grow up and quit acting like fools. And if they don't sanction the living Hell out of them.
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