Coronavirus Thread

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2897
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@RonJohn Would be great if the press reported on what was working so we had better information disseminated to the masses.

On the other hand, our country created this media disaster. Maybe we’re getting what we deserve?


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
And as far as the timing of invoking the DPA, hindsight is always 20-20.

And you can make a case, that it would have been wise to overreact sooner to allocate and deliver resources than create a more challenging crisis later.

This would be true regardless of who is in charge.


Nobody today that I’ve read today thinks we need to force companies to make anything. Your guy was against shutting down travel to China, Italy, etc. this manufactured Monday morning political quarterbacking is just so sad.
Manufacturing companies are being ASKED to help, not forced. If you’re a company and you can help and won’t, then for national security I have to force you to do it, we’ll you’re a crappy company. Why doesn’t the media root out the uncooperative and shame them?


Helluva Engineer
Woodstock Georgia
Dumb question but this is me so it's ok coming from me.
If you get this can you get it again like the flu?

Also I'm running out of things to talk about with my wife. Any help here.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Just a general comment to all....please keep anything that is political or related to politics to the politics page please. This thread should be for news concerning the virus. If you are not sure where it goes, err on the side of caution and put it there. No matter where you are on the political spectrum,let's keep the gargabe contained to just one thread please. Thanks for your cooperation in this.
Augusta, GA
Just a general comment to all....please keep anything that is political or related to politics to the politics page please. This thread should be for news concerning the virus. If you are not sure where it goes, err on the side of caution and put it there. No matter where you are on the political spectrum,let's keep the gargabe contained to just one thread please. Thanks for your cooperation in this.
Honest question here: when someone else drags politics into the discussion, should we just ignore their posts (really hard to do that), or respond in kind?

Deleted member 2897

Just a general comment to all....please keep anything that is political or related to politics to the politics page please. This thread should be for news concerning the virus. If you are not sure where it goes, err on the side of caution and put it there. No matter where you are on the political spectrum,let's keep the gargabe contained to just one thread please. Thanks for your cooperation in this.

Memes are okay here too!


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
Every other virus or disease for at least the past 100 years has been name either for the country or community (Lyme, CT) of origin, a river or forest in the country of origin, or, in the case of the Spanish flu, the country that was hit hardest. Why now, is it racist to call it the Chinese or Wuhan virus, since that was where it came from, and perhaps even more significantly because Chinese leaders were not in the least forthcoming or truthful or cooperative in releasing information about the virus?

Based on your logic, could've been called Wuhan virus, rather than broad brush of calling it Chinese virus. Why not call it that? Seems more appropriate.

Also, this strain of coronavirus is what's new, not coronavirus itself. He's intentionally calling it that to be inflammatory, rather than just leading.

@4shotB - some of my recent posts here have geared towards politics, which I usually steer away from. Didn't know there was a political coronavirus thread, so please move any of my political posts there and I'll pick them up. Thanks.
Augusta, GA
I see that most of the purely political posts on this thread have now been moved to the other one, but even so, there are some mildly political ones on here, which just proves that it is virtually impossible to keep politics out of this, or almost any, discussion.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Honest question here: when someone else drags politics into the discussion, should we just ignore their posts (really hard to do that), or respond in kind?

Honestly, you (in the general sense of the word) need to turn the other cheek. Or just report the post and reply after it gets moved. There's about 9 or 10 posts in the last page that will be moved (if not deleted with warnings) to the politics thread and I plan to do that when I get a moment. Because of this virus, my workload (real work, not this stuff) is up substantially and the time I have to spend on the board is much lower than usual.
Augusta, GA
Honestly, you (in the general sense of the word) need to turn the other cheek. Or just report the post and reply after it gets moved. There's about 9 or 10 posts in the last page that will be moved (if not deleted with warnings) to the politics thread and I plan to do that when I get a moment. Because of this virus, my workload (real work, not this stuff) is up substantially and the time I have to spend on the board is much lower than usual.
Thanks for responding. I for one will never report a post, because that would be tantamount to me denying someone free speech. I may not like what someone says, and I may vocally and adamantly tell them so. But I want them to have the freedom to say it, and I want the freedom to criticize them. I don't believe in "free spaces".


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
There is an acknowledgment by the moderators that some politics would naturally fall within the relevant discussions of the thread. What is not acceptable or relevant are the posts that track far left & far right from what would be the central theme of the thread, which is relevant and factual information which would be considered useful to the interested reader.

Please consider this the final warning I'm giving about the unnecessary, spiteful, mean spirited political posts not belonging in this thread. I have & will again use the "WARN" feature to those posters who persist in violating stated terms.


Because of this virus, my workload (real work, not this stuff) is up substantially and the time I have to spend on the board is much lower than usual.
You and I seem to be in the same boat. Safety of the Team, supply chain disruptions, schools suspended, potential shift of operations, cash flow concerns, responses to legislative changes, stock market, customer ability to receive product, etc. It’s a load.


Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
Thanks for responding. I for one will never report a post, because that would be tantamount to me denying someone free speech. I may not like what someone says, and I may vocally and adamantly tell them so. But I want them to have the freedom to say it, and I want the freedom to criticize them. I don't believe in "free spaces".

Supersize, explain "free space' to me. I am not following your last sentence.


Helluva Engineer
Featured Member
You and I seem to be in the same boat. Safety of the Team, supply chain disruptions, schools suspended, potential shift of operations, cash flow concerns, responses to legislative changes, stock market, customer ability to receive product, etc. It’s a load.

I'm not in this boat on the front lines, but as a commercial lender, I'm asking my clients about all of these topics. Their commentary has been surprisingly stable, but we haven't seen the impact of all of the service industry getting furloughed/unemplyed yet.


I'm not in this boat on the front lines, but as a commercial lender, I'm asking my clients about all of these topics. Their commentary has been surprisingly stable, but we haven't seen the impact of all of the service industry getting furloughed/unemplyed yet.
Military people tend to understand the gravity of leadership. It’s different in many cases with my non-military peers. This has been even more eye opening for me as a window into people’s psychology when it comes to operational strategy & commitment to the Team.
Augusta, GA
Supersize, explain "free space' to me. I am not following your last sentence.
The term free space in a real sense, not a cyber sense, is spaces being defined by some colleges as the only places on campus where differing opinions can be expressed. Actually, I was reminded (correctly) that it should have been "safe space". To me that is limiting free speech, regardless of the opinions being offered. Free speech should be allowed and encouraged everywhere. So when I use it in a cyber sense, as I did in my previous post, I just mean that, especially because it is virtually impossible not to inject politics into this particular discussion, I would not mind it at all if anybody can say anything (not personal attacks, of course) on any thread. If I don't like what I am reading from a particular user, then I can just stiffen up and take it, "argue" with that person, or put him or her on "ignore". Not to open up old wounds, but I was warned a few days ago for making a totally satirical post drawn from my local newspaper. As a result I was placed in Swarm "purgatory" for several days. I have yet to get an explanation on how that satirical post was "inappropriate" and deserving a warning, much less a suspension.
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