I've already explained why your website comments are irrelevant.
Try one of the ones linked at bottom if it less offends your sensibilities.
So instead of a fake website, you post links to: two ultra-conservative websites, and one website owned by the Saudi Royal family. It appears that you are looking for information that supports a belief. I could find plenty of links to information that "proves" the Earth is flat, even though we all know it isn't. Like I said before, you have to be careful believing things you find on the internet. Find "proof" that chloroquine is effective on websites of reputable scientific or medical organizations. You won't. You will find that the NIH has a couple of pages that say it is effective. However the context there is that people are stating that it is effective enough to justify conducting clinical trials with it. A far cry from CURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My comments still stand. You are posting from: A troll website, and then when it doesn't stand up, you post to three websites that are more interested in political agendas than science.
I don't give a damn what one politician said or what some news organizations say about what a politician said or what different news organization say about what some news organizations said about what some politician said or ............. I don't care what your political agenda is. I don't care what the opposing political agenda is. I am not attacking the President. I am not attacking Cuomo. I am also not defending either. I don't care about them.
I care about science. Has chloroquine been scientifically or clinically proven to be effective at treating COVID-19? No. Emphatically no. I hope that at least one of the more than sixty drugs that are being investigated work. I hope that at least one of the vaccines that are in testing is effective. However, to this point none of that has happened.