Collins start recruiting Justin Fields.....

I am going to explain this in an easier way for you so that you can comprehend it. Let's assume that this kid's goal is to play QB in the NFL. How does playing here vs. at Uga help him do that? (see our resume for NFL QB's over history vs. theirs). So he may have to sit and only get to start for a year over there. Do you think NFL scouts can't find him? The league is full of second stringers from the likes of Bama, OSU. etc IF they are good enough, the league will find them. This looks like am emotional decision to me.

Now, let's look at engineering schools...we have one and so do they. Which one is recognized as a world wide leader and which one is just getting off the ground? So a kid transferring from Uga to GT would be recognized as making a rational decision in this case.

I remember @JacketFromUGA stating in another post that reading comprehension was not a strong suit for most of us engineering types. I believe that he nailed that call.

Playing in the NFL is about building your "video resume", according to NFL scouts they like to see 20-24 starts (basically 2 seasons) on tape to give them a good foundation to evaluate a player under all types of conditions

If he thinks that GT going to a new offense and needing different types of QBs than we currently have can give him those 20-24 starts, then he's gonna consider GT to try and make his NFL dreams come true

Past history of putting QBs in the NFL means less than nothing in current day P5 CFB, or to current day NFL scouts, they want physical measurables off the field and game tape, real simple

Maybe 10% of our players major in Engr, and at UGA I'd guess that less than 2% of their players major in Engineering

In summary FB players, all FB players, make FB decisions 1st and foremost, and they know they have to stay eligible, so they do that along the way and graduate

When Andrew Luck was coming out of HS, he wanted to play for Texas, Mack Brown thought other QBs were better, once rejected by Texas Andrew Luck wanted to go where he could play in a PRO STYLE OFFENSE 1st, at a school that had an Architecture program 2nd, I think he majored in some sort of Arch Design crap at Stanford

In summary, even guys with great academics generally make the FB decision 1st and then make the academics decision 2nd

The reason:

There are enough "good schools" where the academics is close enough to allow a full ride elite recruit to do that


A player rejects GT FB for whatever reason, that player feels that he can get a similar BS in Business Degree from

Penn St

at any number of schools, so that the differentiating factor becomes the HC , the FB program, the way players are developed and the chances at the NFL

This is why damn near 0% of elite recruits choose a school due to "academics", they have so many great choices academically, that the tie-breaker is always the FB opportunities

So many GT fans don't understand this, they think our BS in Business degree is God's gift to Athletes
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Helluva Engineer
Retired Staff
So many GT fans don't understand this, they think our BS in Business degree is God's gift to Athletes

This is an area where you and I do see eye to eye. I think people falsely project Tech's status as an engineering school onto our business school. I have argued your point for a number of years - for the student choosing a business degree, there are many options (see your list) that are the equivalent (if not better than) than our Business school.


Jolly Good Fellow
Warner Robins
I have no question about fields athletic ability. I would advise extreme caution on him though. Everything I've heard this year was about the division he caused in the locker room vs fromm. Maybe because "not so" Smart misled him, and that's understandable. Or maybe because he's entitled millennial. I'd figure out which before I signed him


Helluva Engineer
Did you see his playing time? He completed 2 or fewer passes in 8 games. He ran the ball 3 or fewer times in 7 games. In 6 games he either didn't complete a pass or only completed 1. He had about 300 yards passing and about 200 yards rushing in the entire year. The only games he really contributed in were UMass and Middle Tennessee State, (and a touch in Austin Peay) because they were blowouts so he had mop up duty.

In SEC play, he had 7 total passes completed for 88 yards and 23 rushes for 86 yards - the entire season. "Smart" only used him enough to burn his eligibility and put him at risk for burning another year if he transferred.

Exactly, used his time to try to trap him into staying and waiting his turn behind Fromm.


Helluva Engineer
I am not impressed with these type of guys (JF and the Clemson kid) who decide to "take their talents" elsewhere...although technically I understand their motives. Seeking the path of least resistance is generally not a wise course of action over the long term. I was really happy for Jalen Hurts in the SEC C'ship game. He stuck with his team and it paid dividends, for him and the team.

Big difference, Kelly Bryant quit his team midseason, Fields did everything the coaches asked him too, he imo has every right to transfer.


Ramblin' Wreck
Our football players aren't picking our Biz major because it's better than most (although it IS highly rated). It is however, easier on a relative basis than AE/EE/ChE etc. when it comes to getting a prized Tech degree, not to mention APR considerations. As I said in the Academics thread, look at this way---if uga's players had to qualify for and survive in uga's Terry School of Biz, which is highly rated, yet not as high as Tech's, they would be Vandy and Wake in football.

Sorry NtTomNtPhilCollins, this is a FACT.


Helluva Engineer
If he does go the hardship waiver way, GT is the closest FBS team to his home. FSU, Oklahoma and Ohio St would require him to sit a year. GT would suite him up for the spring game and then again against Clempson, etc...

I doubt that he can convince the NCAA that kirby lied to him. "Hey man your gonna replace the kid that took us to the championship game and who gave the lead in overtime."