We’re about as different as Miami as a hen is to a rooster.
DNA wise those are as close to eachother as two animals can get.
The three critical similarities:
1. Smaller school with graduates spread nationally. (So smaller attendance and correspondingly smaller budget floor)
2. Located in a major city that has a top tier density of high school football talent. (Thats extremely rare for a P5 school)
3. A focus on having a unique culture and brand. (thats new and its why we can do what Miami did)
Our school brand is very different than Miami, but our team brand is not as different as one might think. Miami was certainly about competition and development. It appeared they were also focused on family and fun, although they seemed to have a gangbanger vibe we dont have whatsoever.
We overemphasize school size. Most of the biggest bulldog fans I know
did not go to Georgia. Everyone knows Miami was a bandwagon of fans that had a high percentage that did not go to school there. If you accept a status quo where we are limited in our fan reach largely to graduates then we might have a ceiling below Bama and Clemson as some are arguing here. I dont accept that status quo. I do not see any reason we cannot achieve, fairly rapidly, a huge casual/sidewalk fanbase, plenty big enough to compete at the top, if we successfully claim the ATL/404.