CBK press conference (synopsis)


Helluva Engineer
Southeast Tennessee
I LOVE the confidence he shows. He pretty much took a [emoji90] on Bama and made it sound logical. We can do big things and I’m putting full faith in this staff to get us there consistently. Let’s go Jackets!
The loss of Brent Key has hurt Alabama recruiting they lost two players to Georgia and one to Florida


Helluva Engineer
This is the type of energy and belief you need to reach the full potential of any program. I've been saying that part of our issue as a program is the perception our own leaders have had of who we are and that has filtered down through the fan base and has contaminated us from top to bottom. We didn't believe we could recruit with the big boys and thus we didn't. It was nothing more than a self fulfilling prophecy. For the most part you are who you think you are! This program has leadership with a vision for greatness. They believe the pinnacle is attainable and that is so refreshing after nearly 2 decades of excuses why we can't reach for the heights of the sport and our leadership viewing us as a "6 win program." The difference could not be more clear and the results are already being seen on the recruiting trail and the energy around the program. While there is no guarantee this will lead to more W's, for the first time since O'Leary left I feel we are trying to compete at the highest level of the sport. And for this 40 year old tech fan, it feels pretty good.


Helluva Engineer
This is the type of energy and belief you need to reach the full potential of any program. I've been saying that part of our issue as a program is the perception our own leaders have had of who we are and that has filtered down through the fan base and has contaminated us from top to bottom. We didn't believe we could recruit with the big boys and thus we didn't. It was nothing more than a self fulfilling prophecy. For the most part you are who you think you are! This program has leadership with a vision for greatness. They believe the pinnacle is attainable and that is so refreshing after nearly 2 decades of excuses why we can't reach for the heights of the sport and our leadership viewing us as a "6 win program." The difference could not be more clear and the results are already being seen on the recruiting trail and the energy around the program. While there is no guarantee this will lead to more W's, for the first time since O'Leary left I feel we are trying to compete at the highest level of the sport. And for this 40 year old tech fan, it feels pretty good.
"For the most part you are who you think you are!" Ah, if only this were true! I'd like to think I am a wizard with magical powers who's married to … Morgan Fairchild! Yeah, that's the ticket! A real vision of greatness!

Believing that "the pinnacle" (whatever that may be) is attainable has always been part of what we expected at Tech. That you didn't expect it for the last 11 years - and that's been evident in your posts - is part of the reason we didn't reach as high as we could have, despite many successful seasons. (Well … that and some injuries.) But it is early days yet. I hope we continue with the success we had today, but we are about the same place as we were in 2017 in terms of recruiting rank. We have awhile to go and a lot of effort and money to expend to make all that energy you talk about actually work.

I hope it does. If we have an effective recruiting backdrop for the staff, I have no doubt it will. But, as a 72 year old (Jesus, help me) Tech fan, I'd wait for a year or two to feel pretty good.


Helluva Engineer
Maybe. He didn’t deny anything if so. So let’s see him bring in the 5 stars in these negative recruiting wars now. 5 stars or go home. 2 years to get er done.
Assuming this is TIC? 5 stars are hard to come by. If we got 1 a year we'd be recruiting in the top 15. Really good programs like Auburn, and Ohio State got 1 a piece, ND and Penn state got none. I'd be happy if we just started getting 6-8 4 stars and the rest 3. That would put us in the top 30 every year and we should be near the top of the ACC regularly with a good total program. 6-8 4 stars is doable I think. We landed 3-4 a year a couple of times with CPJ, so it isn't too crazy to think we could up that by 3-4 a year.


Helluva Engineer
"For the most part you are who you think you are!" Ah, if only this were true! I'd like to think I am a wizard with magical powers who's married to … Morgan Fairchild! Yeah, that's the ticket! A real vision of greatness!

Believing that "the pinnacle" (whatever that may be) is attainable has always been part of what we expected at Tech. That you didn't expect it for the last 11 years - and that's been evident in your posts - is part of the reason we didn't reach as high as we could have, despite many successful seasons. (Well … that and some injuries.) But it is early days yet. I hope we continue with the success we had today, but we are about the same place as we were in 2017 in terms of recruiting rank. We have awhile to go and a lot of effort and money to expend to make all that energy you talk about actually work.

I hope it does. If we have an effective recruiting backdrop for the staff, I have no doubt it will. But, as a 72 year old (Jesus, help me) Tech fan, I'd wait for a year or two to feel pretty good.

Not looking to argue. You are a fine Tech fan.

Go Jackets!