I have it on even higher ground that if we maintain this phony, elitist, whining, holier than thou attitude, do as I say not as I do while stealing from the taxpayers that things will get worse for the entire school.
Simple minds can not comprehend that, for time immemorial, GT like every school has lost S/As for reasons having nothing to do with so called “processing.”
Just an excuse for those not caring about the entire school as they should and embracing an attitude of “I am the coach making millions regardless, why should I recruit as hard as my comp as long as I have sent a letter to a great player when it is easier for me to go after kids committed to vmi?”
This post seems to reflect a "holier than thou" attitude to me.
It is not "elitist" to believe that GT doesn't currently have the football cachet of georgie, bama, lsu, or mich.
When I was at Tech, before the UselessNews started including student satisfaction or whatever in its rankings, Tech didn't really care about student retention. The best students in the South wanting to become engineers would always apply. Those that survived would be well trained.
The schools that traditionally oversign and process can have the same attitude about football.
By processing, we're not talking about natural attrition. There will always be guys that leave, for whatever reason. Processing refers to guys who are academically eligible and planning on returning being told that their scholarship won't be available.