FWIW, I think the FBI leaked some of the info but not all of it. Here's my current thinking (though like ESPN i reserve the right to change my mind as more info comes out).
First, it was little noticed, but last week the lawyers for three defendants tried to get the charges dismissed on a motion that basically said there were no Federal crimes committed so there is nothing to prosecute. Little bit of a hail mary, but some thought they might be able to win that. The judge shut it down very quickly and was based on the articles I read not at all pleased with some of the defense attys in court. He very quickly dismissed their motion and basically hinted strongly this was headed to trial. That would at then start to change strategy for the defense attys. At that point their best avenue is likely to find a way to cut a deal before it gets to trial. In order to do that, they have to show they have something of value. Once that motion was dismissed the odds of some of the defendants spending time in jail just increased quite a bit. if an atty is trying to keep his client out of jail, the easiest way to do that is to give the Feds someone farther up the chain. That is largely how the Feds work. They are going to start wherever they can get in the door and see how high they can climb.
The items that came out Thur/Fri very well could have come from lawyers for Miller and/or Dawkins. Almost everything released in those articles had to do with documents those 2 would have had. Very well could be their attys saying we have items of value and can help you move farther up the chain. Dawkins atty in particular has been very outspoken that his client should not be a fall guy for people in NCAA basketball.
saturday may have been the FBI's response. Which is largely, what can you really give us that we haven't already collected. Also, given that the articles stated they had over 3,000 hours of wire tap conversations and they picked out one very small piece of that - but one that contained info on a top coach, a top player, and a large money amount. all that would suggest they are saying, we have alot in our hand - you better bring it if you think you have something that would be of value to us.
On one level, whether the FBI has anything that rises to the bar of a federal crime is almost beside the point. Assuming they are going to turn info over to the NCAA at some point there is going to be a ton of NCAA violations to go through - that by itself may force changes.